Concerned Catherine

The other day I saw an editorial by Catherine Rampell, an uber liberal who writes for the Washington Post. In the past my reading of anything by Ms. Rampell has led to something akin to nausea, but her title (“Debt bomb looms”) intrigued me. For a long time I have been concerned with the National debt of the U.S.A., and in fact have asked the following question to those who I figured would know the answer, “Where should I put my savings or at least a portion of my savings that will be safe when the sh** hits the fan with our National debt?” The answer from those that should know was typically, “I don’t know!”
Ms. Rampell actually made some good points in spelling out her concerns about the increasing National debt. However, in lockstep with her liberal tendencies, she wasted no time in criticizing the Republicans about the recent “tax-cuts for the rich.”
“Catherine, did I miss the part about the National debt increasing from $10.6 trillion to $19.7 trillion while Barack Obama was in office?” Of course, this was not mentioned in her article . . . but I digress.
She cited some source as forecasting that within a decade our debt-to-GDP ratio will be at its highest level since 1946, and commented that International Monetary Fund expected that the debt burden of the U.S.A. will get worse over the next five years. Of course, she railed against the Trump administration officials who have expressed interest in further tax cuts.
“Catherine, did I miss the part about the National debt increasing almost as much during the presidency of Barack Obama as it had during the time off all previous presidents?” Of course, this was not mentioned in her article . . . but I digress.

I agree with Ms. Rampell that the debt bomb is looming. Make no mistake about it, I was disgusted with the Republican’s recent capitulation to Schumer and Pelosi which added significantly to the deficit. When you have a liberal like Catherine Rampell truly concerned about the National debt, then I am really worried, and I wonder if economic disaster can be that far down the road?
Finally, if anyone knows of a safe place to put my savings when economic disaster strikes, please let me know – perhaps, the sooner, the better!
“Catherine, that includes you!”

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