Compromise ?

In view of the recent shootings in El Paso and in Dayton, imagine the horror next week if CNN or MSNBC reported: “120 Killed in the Last Hour Across the U.S.A.!” The liberals, assuming that this was referring to assault gun violence would be apoplectic, and of course Trump would be blamed. Actually as many of you are perhaps aware this is a U.S. abortion statistic . . . 120 abortions every hour; 2899 abortions each day; 1.058 million each year in the U.S. Those on the right are probably shocked at these numbers, while those on the left are applauding a “woman’s right to choose.From my perspective, a woman does have “the right to choose,” until the embryo, at some point, deserves “the right to live.” Although I do not agree with abortion in general, I can appreciate the argument on the other side . . . up to a point, and that point is when the embryo becomes a “living thing,” and by this, I mean, when there is a heartbeat. If the fetus has its own heartbeat, it is now a living thing and deserves its own right to life.

There is no segue here!

Let’s now consider the recent mass shootings in Gilroy, in El Paso, and in Dayton. These involved semi-automatic weapons and high capacity magazines. Ohio and Texas allow these  guns and the magazines to be sold. California bans the sale of magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, but the Gilroy shooter legally bought his gun in Nevada. In Dayton, Ohio, police said Sunday afternoon the shooter legally purchased his .223-caliber weapon online and then had it transferred to a local arms dealer. Police said he affixed the rifle with a 100-round drum magazine and was carrying 250 rounds with him. Now let’s think rationally for a second. Is there any situation that a hunter would require a 100-round magazine? Likewise would someone who owns a gun for personal protection ever need a semi-automatic weapon with even a 30-round magazine? The reasonable answer to each of these questions is “no!”
My suggestion to both the liberals and the conservatives, both the left and the right, especially those in Congress is a version of “Let’s Make a Deal.” “Compromise” is a term that used to be actually practiced in Washington. Now is the time to resurrect “compromise.”                                

Follow me with this:No abortions once a fetal heartbeat is heard. Outlaw all semi-automatic guns and high capacity gun magazines.Both of these are non-negotiable, and together both will make both the left and the right extremely unhappy! . . . and this, my friends, is essential to the art of compromise!

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