Coming Soon . . .

This will be a preview of coming attractions, or perhaps not.

Very shortly we will all know what Joe Biden really knows about the fraudulent election. He will not come right and say something, but rather thought and logical thinking will be required. (In other words the Dems will not be able to follow what I am about to say.)

Basically there are only three possibilities as he continues to deny that his election was fraudulent.

One – He was not aware of the fraud, and still doesn’t know what occurred, because no body had told him.

Two – He knows full well what actually occurred, and in fact was all-in  with it from the beginning.

Three – He is telling the truth when he says that no fraud occurred,  because no fraud did occur.

Stop laughing and follow along with the upcoming logic. 

I am discounting #3, because fraud did occur … the only question is how much? Enough to swing the election? Unfortunately because of the reticence and the cowardice of SCOTUS, we may never know the answer.

Certainly #1 is a possibility because the safest way to assure that Biden would not spill the beans, would be to keep him in his basement and never clue him in as to what was going to happen on election night. This way he could continue plausible deniability because he actually was not involved.

That leaves #2. . . . He was in the thick of it. 

From Reuters:

Shortly after the election, fifty-two percent of Republicans said that Trump “rightfully won,” while only 29% said that Biden had rightfully won.

Asked why, Republicans were much more concerned than others that state vote counters had tipped the result toward Biden: 68% of Republicans(R) said they were concerned that the election was “rigged,” while only 16% of Democrats(D),and one-third of independents (I) were similarly worried. Assuming an equal amount of R,D, and I, this translates into about 38.8% of Americans who feel that the election was rigged.

Now let’s assume that Joe Biden is an honest man. If he was really interested in the well being of future America, could he possibly allow almost forty percent of Americans to continue to believe that they were living in a Banana Republic with fraudulent rigged elections? No, he couldn’t. 

If he were striving to be an honest, uniting President and if both he and the recent election were on the up-and-up, he would certainly need to investigate to see if any fraud did occur, as only a thorough investigation could possibly bring these 40% back into the fold of believing Americans.

Follow my logic:

If Joe Biden launches an investigation into voter fraud, then #3 is the most likely possibly for what happened, and the investigation will not reveal anything.

If #1 is what happened, his “advisers” would never allow him to even mention an investigation into voter fraud. 

Therefore, if he does not launch an investigation, it mostly likely means that he was intimately involved(#2).

If I were a betting man, I would bet the farm on “no investigation,” which of course means that the right answer is behind door #2! 

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