Coincidence? … or Conspiracy?

This morning I read about two different news stories. Although on the surface these stories are seemingly unrelated, a columnist of the New YorkPost, Miranda Devine, is not so sure. …Hmmm!

First from Townhall:

“Just days after Hunter Biden reached a sweetheart plea deal with his father’s Justice Department to avoid jail time for tax and gun crimes, the House Ways and Means Committee unveiled new testimony from IRS whistleblowers alleging roadblocks were set before them to ensure preferential treatment to President Joe Biden’s son. What’s more, whistleblower testimony claims that the U.S. attorney overseeing the probe of Hunter’s alleged tax crimes had his attempts to charge hunter in 2022 denied.

“Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO) confirmed on Thursday that his committee had ‘credible whistleblower testimony alleging misconduct and government abuse that is resulting in preferential treatment’ for the president’s son, Hunter Biden. 

“The multiple whistleblowers with whom transcribed interviews were conducted revealed three key “areas of focus,” according to Smith:

  1. The federal government is not treating taxpayers equally when enforcing tax laws.
  2. The Biden Department of Justice is intervening and overstepping when it comes to the investigation of the president’s son.
  3. Whistleblowers report they have faced almost immediate retaliation.”

To me this seems like significant real news, and so I looked in my local “newspaper” on 6/23/23, and found the story buried on the bottom of page 4.

Second, from Townhall:

“The US Navy revealed that they knew the Titan submersible, which was diving to see the remains of the Titanic wreck, imploded on Sunday, 6/18/23. We have sonar detection and acoustic networks for our national defense, and this classified system picked up the moment when this craft and the five people inside it perished. So, why did we waste an inordinate amount of time rushing to rescue people some in the government knew to be dead?”

This from 6/22/23 Miranda Devine (NY Post) on Twitter:

The Biden administration knew the Titan submarine imploded Sunday, 6/18/23. But waited until today (6/22/23) to make it public. Convenient smokescreen for today’s House Ways & Means release of IRS whistleblower testimony of DOJ sabotage of the Hunter Biden investigation.”

Lo and behold on 6/23/23 in my local “newspaper”, the Titan submersible story was at the top of page 1. 

Typically, I am not a fan of conspiracy theories, but perhaps Miranda Devine is on to something. Hmmm!



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