
Honest, I did not do it on purpose! 

There were three options on three different TVs in front of the three open ellipticals at my gym:

-Duke vs. Notre Dame basketball with Duke ahead by 30 points

-weather with the five day forecast alternating with movie ads

-a commercial

Fox News was on the TV in front of the exercise bicycles, but unfortunately all of the upright bikes were being used. (Is it the upright and the supine bikes or is it Fox News that is the big draw here?)

What to do?

Unfortunately, I made the wrong decision . . . but, honest, I did not opt to watch CNN on purpose. (As many of you are aware, for some reason, my TV at home does not get CNN.) 

[My usual elliptical workout is fifteen minutes.]

After I had begun my elliptical workout [0:00] the commercial ended [1:11], and the first “news story” had to do with some schmuck physician who has been accused of molesting many of his female patients. After about ten seconds i was no longer interested in that dirt-bag . . . cut off his you know whats, stop showing his picture repeatedly, giving the disgraceful p.o.s.the notoriety he doesn’t deserve, and throw him in jail. (If he knows the Clintons, he could just maybe commit “suicide!”)

After another commercial [5:55] there was a “physician’s update on the corona virus.” I thought that this might be interesting, and so I paid attention. The update was being given by an attractive very young black female physician. I thought, “She seems a bit young to be an infectious disease specialist” . . . that’s because she wasn’t an infectious disease specialist, but rather a Family Physician, who subsequently commented that she saw patients in her office three days a week. (Now do get me wrong. Some of my good friends are Family Physicians, and I used to work in a general practice office setting in my earlier life. Take my word for it – it is far from easy.) But come on . . . even though I am sure that she is a nice person, a part time Family Physician is no expert on the corona virus. Why did CNN think it was a good idea to try to pass her off as an expert? Simple answer . . . err, is there a nice word for prostitution? CNN was obviously trying to sell its services to its young, its black, and its female viewers . . . that is if they have any viewers on a Saturday afternoon! She is probably a good physician, however she did not give any info on the corona virus that was not in the morning paper [10:10].

After another commercial the next story was a rerun of an interview with failed DNC hopeful, Eric Swalwell (D,CA) on the Jake Tapper show. Representative Swalwell was basically saying  that impeachment is still an option! [13:13] 

At this point I looked over and an upright bike spot had opened up. So because of an unusual combination of nausea and laughter, I just could not make it to my planned 15 minutes, and I bailed on the elliptical. 

Hopefully, I learned something and will not ever make the same mistake of starting to exercise in front of a TV showing a commercial!

FYI: On the following day my choices in front of the treadmills were basically the same – a lame sports event, the five day weather forecast combined witH some movie ads, and you know what. After about thirty minutes on the treadmill, I now know the five day weather forecast and the upcoming movies by heart, as I wasn’t going to get fooled into watching CN-Again!

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