Jack Del Rio … Shameful!

In order to be a good commander that individual must have the respect of the men under him. If he doesn’t have that respect then when push comes to shove, who knows what might happen. To me the same logic applies to the head coach of the NFL’s Washington Commanders. As some of you may recall the “Commanders” is the new woke name for the team that had been known as the Washington Redskins for about a gazillion years.

Recently the Defensive Coordinator of the Commanders, Jack Del Rio, made a major faux pas … he vocalized something that he felt! In other words he expressed his opinion. In years past this now audacious act was called “free speech.” The head coach of the Commanders, Ron Rivera, disagreed with what Del Rio said, and fined him … are you ready for this? … fined him $100,000! 

What sort of foolhardy thing did Del Rio say?  He called the January 6 riot a dust-up compared to the 2020 riots that burned down half the country. Wow! What an egregious thing to say! Didn’t Del Rio understand that these days it is very dangerous to express an opinion … especially an opinion that could possibly offend someone. These days various things are being countermanded because they have offended a single individual, and what Del Rio said must have offended at least two people. Shameful! 

Personally, I thought that this whole megillah was shameful … shameful that someone could be fined for expressing his opinion. Shameful that Ron Rivera and the team thought that it was necessary to poke their noses in where it didn’t belong. Since I was a kid, I always thought that free speech implied that any American could say what he/she believed, but that was before the woke commanders of the Commanders.

Interestingly Bill Maher agreed with me. (I used to always disagree with Bill Maher, but now occasionally he says something that makes sense.)

From Townhall:

“On Friday’s episode of HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher, the host defended Washington Commanders (formerly the Washington Redskins) defensive coordinator Jack Del Rio’s right to his ‘s—ty take’ about the January 6 Capitol riot.

Maher started the topic, explaining what Del Rio said, and mentioned that although he doesn’t agree with it, ‘this is a very common view that he has.’


‘They fined him, the team fined him, $100,000 for this opinion. Fining people for an opinion. I am not down with that,’ Maher declared.


‘To have a s—ty take is not a crime.’”

Bravo Bill Maher. I usually disagree with him. However, he, like Jack Del Rio, does have a right to have some s—-ty opinions. All Americans should have the right to voice their own opinions.

Bravo Jack Del Rio for not being afraid to speak his mind.

Bravo free speech … hope you come back soon!



Elizabeth Bonker

As per my usual Sunday protocol today’s piece is about someone we can all look up to and admire. Ms. Bonker was chosen to be the class valedictorian at Rollins College in Florida. Obviously anyone who is chosen as valedictorian is special, and typically someone that we can admire and look up to. However, Elizabeth Bonker is in a category that is a quantum above special. A combination of determination, and stick-to-it-ive-ness only just begin to describe Elizabeth Bonker.

From Epoch News,Bright:

“Elizabeth Bonker lost her ability to speak at 15 months of age, and is profoundly affected by autism. For her commencement address that was delivered to her graduating class of 529 students on May 8, she used text-to-speech computer software, typing independently with one finger as a communication partner held a keyboard.

While Elizabeth’s neuromotor issues prevent her from tying her shoes or buttoning a shirt without help, technology has allowed her to share her message.”

(So far, pretty inspirational … but it gets better!)

Still from the Epoch Times, Bright:

“I am one of the lucky few nonspeaking autistics who have been taught to type,” Elizabeth, who earned a degree in social innovation, told the gathered crowd. “That one critical intervention unlocked my mind from its silent cage, enabling me to communicate and to be educated, like my hero Helen Keller.”

“God gave you a voice. Use it,” she urged the crowd, quipping, “and no, the irony of a nonspeaking autistic encouraging you to use your voice is not lost on me.”

In her speech, Elizabeth recalled how, during her freshman year, she heard a story about the famous Rollins alum “Mister” Fred Rogers, and a handwritten note found in his wallet after he died, which read, “Life is for Service.” She called upon her classmates to write the same message on a corner of their commencement program, take a photo and post it on social media, or tear it off and keep it in a safe place.

“When we see each other at our reunions, we can talk about how our commencement notes reminded us to serve others,” she implored.

(Wow, very INSPIRATIONAL! … but to her, graduating college is just the beginning.)

After graduating, Elizabeth plans to use her experience to help the world’s 31 million nonspeakers with autism locked in their own “silent cage.” To help her with her mission, she has already set up her own nonprofit, Communication 4 ALL, through which she plans to promote access to communication tools for everyone.

Elizabeth Bonker = Admirable plus! Her future plan truly exemplifies “Life is for Service.”



The Biggest Mistake ?

The other day while out to lunch with friends, the topic of Covid came up … as it always does. This time the question was “what was the biggest mistake that that Dr. Fauci, the CDC, state politicians, etc made?” John mentioned school closings and the subsequent year of basic non-education for most children. For me that was a very big mistake, but I think that the biggest mistake was not addressing the issue of natural immunity (NI). Not recognizing natural immunity has cost the jobs and the careers of many innocent bystanders, especially in the military, but also in medicine. 

Interestingly, those who had SARS 1, still have antibodies to SARS 1, now twenty years later. [As many of you know, Sars1 (Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 1) is a strain of coronavirus that caused severe acute respiratory syndrome, the respiratory illness responsible for the 2002–2004 SARS outbreak.] 

Granted while it is always easier to look at things like NI through a retrospective scope, wouldn’t it have been logical to assume that the same would occur with SARS 2 as occurred with Sars1? At least right from the beginning, the all-knowing Dr. Fauci should have encouraged that natural immunity be studied asap.

A new study published by the New England Journal of Medicine on June 9 found that protection from COVID-19 via natural immunity was superior to that of two doses of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine after the same amount of time elapsed among uninfected people.

“Infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) provides natural immunity against reinfection,” the study states at the outset, adding that recent studies have shown “waning of the immunity provided by” the Pfizer shot.

The article uses the database of the Israeli Ministry of Health from 2021 at a time when the Delta variant was predominant, among people who were previously infected with covid or who had taken the 2019 vaccine.

The following from Dr. Sanjay Verma sums up my feelings on “the biggest mistake”:

“Throughout the pandemic, public health experts have ignored and even disparaged immunity after natural infection, exclusively emphasizing immunity from COVID vaccines. Many people have been unethically forced into unemployment from vaccine mandates that did not accommodate immunity from natural infection. Repeated studies have shown that immunity after COVID infection is comparable or even better than immunity after COVID vaccination.”

Amen !!

With the omicron variant and it’s sub-variants it appears that reinfections are more common, and thus NI from these latest variants may not be as good as it was with the past variants … but also the severity of the illness caused by these new variants is less.



“I Cannot Answer That …”

This morning I saw a video of Ted Cruz asking questions of a top person in the FBI, Jill Sanborn, concerning the events of January 6, 2021.  This interview before a Senate Committee occurred on March 3, 2021. Why have I not heard about it until now?

Granted that while I have had suspicious that that the whole megillah could have been planned and staged, the purposeful non-answers to basically simple questions by Sen. Cruz only heightens my suspicions.

To all of the following questions Ms Sandborn basically gave non-answers (NA) … I cannot answer that … ongoing investigation, yada, yada, yada, etc.

Here are Senator Cruz’s simple questions:

“How many FBI Agents or confidential informants actively participated in the events of January sixth?” … NA

“Did any FBI Agents or confidential informants actively participate in the events of January sixth …yes or no ?” … NA

“Did any FBI Agents or confidential informants commit crimes of violence on January sixth?” … NA

“Did any FBI Agents or confidential informants actively encourage crimes of violence on January sixth? … NA

“Did Federal Agents or those in service of Federal Agents actively encourage criminal conduct on January sixth?” … NA

If the FBI was not involved, it seems to me that the answers would be quite simple … “No.”

The fact that the Assistant Director of Counterterrorism Division of the FBI cannot answer these yes-or-no questions is very disturbing and very suspicious. 

In addition, Senator Cruz then proceeded to ask questions about Ray Epps, who was filmed loudly shouting to the group outside, basically telling them to go inside. The response of the crowd … “Fed, Fed, Fed, Fed, Fed, Fed” (Either the crowd knew or were very suspicious that Mr. Epps was in cahoots with ????) It is very interesting that Mr. Epps has not been charged, and in fact his name and picture have been removed from posters that are searching out individuals in the crowd. Why is that? Hmmm!

If you are skeptical of my version, this series of Cruz’s questions are available on You Tube, and are worth viewing.



Long Hot Summer

One of my favorite Paul Newman movies is the 1958 film, Long Hot Summer. I am constantly being reminded of this movie, because of the projections that I have been seeing, forecasting blackouts that are projected to occur during this coming long hot summer. Even though Biden’s presidency has been inundated by one crisis after another, … most of his own doing … it is projected that the upcoming “rolling blackout” crisis could be a doozie!

From Townhall:

It turns out another Biden crisis is already brewing, and it’s set to hit the U.S. this summer in the form of rolling blackouts, the kind of thing that’s more usual in Venezuela or supposedly “green” California. According to a spring report from the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), vast swaths of the heartland are in danger of losing power due to summer heat waves. 

By the numbers, consumers in the high risk zone stretching from the midwest to the Gulf of Mexico, are heading for a summer in which peak demand will be up 1.7 percent since last summer, but generation capacity is down 3,200 MW — hence the concerns for rolling blackouts there even in normal conditions. 

As with other crises that developed on Biden’s watch, many have seen and warned of the threat. Still, the Biden administration has done basically nothing to address the threat of blackouts across the country. Like California’s failed Democratic leaders, the Biden administration continues to allow risks to go unmitigated and warnings remain unheeded. 

Biden’s modus operandi  is to continue down his leftist-inspired “transition” away from reliable fossil fuels to falsely named “green” energy. The North America Electrical Reliability Corporation’s report contains warnings that such policies and energy sources have already jeopardized America’s electrical grid and led to the foreboding predictions for this summer.

 When it hits, who will J.B. blame for this crisis? Since God will ultimately be responsible for the upcoming long hot summer weather, will Biden blame Him? Errr … he better be careful as he has already pissed off the Big Guy with his repeated pro-abortion statements!



Not a Coincidence !

For a while I have been thinking, “What a coincidence! All of these bizarre leftist things and woke etiology all happening at the same time.” I thought like that until I recently read “Laying Siege to the Institutions” on Imprimis by Christopher Rufo. ( For those of you not acquainted with Imprimis, 

it is a monthly conservative publication on a variety of topics from Hillsdale College.)

Mr. Rufo states that none of what is happening today is coincidence. He thinks that what is happening today is because of what has happened to our institutions since the 1960s. The 1960s saw the rise of new and radical etiologies in America that now seem commonplace. The leftist dreamers did not succeed in the 60s, but they settled on a more sophisticated strategy – waging a revolution not of the proletariat but of the elites, specifically of the knowledge elites by taking control of education and culture. For the last 50+ years the focus has been on “capturing the culture” via infiltration of schools, universities, churches, and the media.

In other words, you what we see happening today is a culmination of 50+ years of effort by those on the left. The deas of the 1960s have been repackaged and injected into American life at the institutional level. Young children being subjected to CRT with the backing of elitist left -leaning school boards … all planned, not a coincidence!

In his article, Mr. Rufo devotes a lot of time to the Walt Disney Company. He contends and has been reporting for more than a year that Disney has been pushing CRT on their employees, and that certain Disney producers have been inserting “a not so secret gay agenda” into children’s programming, targeting kids as young as two years old. A production coordinator at Disney has also created a tracking program to make sure that the company was including enough transgender, non-binary, and sexual characters. And a diversity and inclusion manager at Disney has talked about doing away with terms such as “ladies and gentlemen” and “boys and girls” at Disney theme parks.

All of these things and much more are part of a preplanned agenda, and are not occurring by coincidence. Watch out, America!



9-0 !

It’s not clear when the Supreme Court will issue its final ruling on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. That’s the decision that may overturn Roe v. Wade. So far there has been lots of threats of violence, including one psycho near Justice Kavanaugh’s home in Maryland. In addition, there has been destruction and vandalism at pregnancy care centers and against pro-life groups.

As the court generally releases the majority of its cases by the middle of June, the final decision will soon be forthcoming. The FBI has warned that it will not tolerate violence. … we’ll see. Whatever happens, violence and threats, especially against the Supreme Court Justices should not be the new normal. 

I have three suggestions so that threats against the Justices and their families will no longer be business as usual.

First: Very simply, the Democrat members of Congress as well as our Democratic President need to come out visibly and energetically condemning any threats against the Justices and their families. They need to do it now, before the final ruling is handed down. Will they do that? … probably not.

Second: Groups such as “Ruth sent us” need to be prosecuted for publishing the addresses of the Justices, as well as the online threats to those that pro-life. Certainly computer gurus should be able to ferret out from which computers these came from. Find them out and make an example of them.

Third: A unique way of announcing the final vote tally could spare some of the Justices the wrath of those who are extremely unhappy with the final verdict. My suggestion would be either to just report the final verdict without numbers, or, with the okay of all the Justices, to report all verdicts as 9-0.

(My book, The Keneally Chronicles,has some eerie similarities to the present situation. The case in question is an abortion case, and Justice Keneally, is the deciding vote in an otherwise 4-4 Court. After the initial case presentation, Justice Keneally’s house is vandalized and then he disappears. Granted the timing of the final decision is not months as it is in real life, but the fictional Chief Justice, Robert Johnson, comes up with an unusual way to announce the verdict. He announces both verdicts in these abortion cases as 9-0.)



Who Cares ?

On Thursday, 6/9/22, I did something that I usually do not do … I watched The Tucker Carlson Show (TCS) on Fox. I actually like Tucker Carlson and years ago I used to record his show so that I could fast-forward through the commercials. However, for whatever reason, I no longer record his show. So why did I watch on 6/9? As you might recall that was the night that all of the other major news channels were broadcasting the “1/6 hearings” extravaganza, which even had an ABC producer involved. While there was no way that I was going to watch the soap-opera-like hearing, I felt duty bound to watch the only news channel show that did not succumb to the leftist pressure – and that was the TCS. It was quite interesting that on 6/9, the entire one hour TCS had no commercials. Apparently I was not the only one who chose to not watch the made for TV garbage that was on ABC, NBC, and CBS, as the ratings for these major three networks were in the tank even though the hearings were in prime time.

From Townhall:

“Ratings for the liberal media’s prime time January 6 commission hearing took a nose dive … During the evening’s most popular time slots, ABC, NBC and CBC took major hits, as very few people tuned in for the night’s propaganda theater. 

According to Cable News Watch, only 4.5 million people watched the hearing on ABC, while NBC and CBC only got roughly three million viewers. 

The Hill’s Joe Concha said that on an average night the networks normally get about 20 millions viewers combined, Thursday night’s fiasco reeled in only 11 million.”

Could it be that the ratings debacle occurred because Americans don’t really care about the left’s continued hysteria of the 1/6 event? I guess time will tell.

To close two things:

-The Tucker Carlson Show was quite good, and so I am going to start watching it again on a regular basis.

-Although I do not consider myself to be a conspiracy theorist, could it be that the 1/6 affair was anticipated and perhaps encouraged by those on the left? Silly, you say! However, before you shrug off my concerns, please answer the following questions.

Why was Trump’s request for the National Guard turned down? Why have I seen multiple videos of Capitol police officers holding doors open so as to facilitate the entry of protesters into the Capitol? Why haven’t all of the videos from the inside cameras been made public? How many FBI agents were infiltrated into the crowd, and why? And finally, why were the Republican reps, nominated by the House Minority Leader, denied membership on the supposedly bipartisan committee … could it be that their presence would actually involve asking real questions?

The answers to these questions might actually be something Americans care about.



Julie Hartman

According to my pattern Sunday is a day that I write about someone who is deserving of our praise. This Sunday I have chosen Julie Hartman. She gave a speech on May 3, 2022 at Harvard. I have assumed for a long time that Harvard University is a bastion of liberalism, and that is why I was surprised and impressed by Julie Hartman who had been chosen to give the commencement speech for her House.

(FYI: A House is essentially one big dorm complex. About 300-500 students live in each of these “Houses.” Each of the Houses has their own dining halls, their own gyms, their own libraries, their own mascots and colors, and their own lil’ quirks and traditions.)

To begin with Julie Hartman began her speech with a quote from Ronald  Reagan … “If we lose freedom in America, there is no place no escape to.”

“Wow,” I thought, “quoting Ronald Reagan in a Harvard commencement speech. This woman has guts.” 

She continued full speed ahead as she basically described young Americans as a bunch of spoiled brats with no appreciation for the freedoms that they have, and no appreciation for why they have them. She emphasized how shallow and self-centered we, as a country, have become. She emphasized how we Americans have shirked our responsibilities. She elucidated examples of woke nonsense that have been met by silence … “xxxx, and we have remained silent.” She then pointed out the dichotomy that “many are using privilege to undermine the system that gave them that privilege.”

To finish her short six minute speech, she closed with another quote from Ronald Reagan … “if not us, then who? If not now, then when?”

Kudos to Julie Hartman for giving a speech like this.

Kudos to her headmaster for choosing her to give the speech.

But back to reality at Harvard … when she finished, she received no applause from her fellow classmates.(I guess Harvard is just as liberal I have have always thought!) I assume that Julie Hartman knew that her speech would not be well received by her classmates, but she went ahead and spoke about what she believed.

I would strongly recommend that all listen to her short speech and then forward it to all on your mailing list, and especially to the young. 

Click on the link below to hear her address in its entirety.

It is well worth it.

A Hack !

Back in March, 2020 I wrote something about Chuck Schumer, but did not publish it, as it didn’t make the interest cut. Chucky was a hack then, and the clown has not changed his stripes.

Here, in quotes, is what I wrote back then:

“However the most laughable critic of Mr. Trump’s foreign policy is Chucky Schumer (D,NY), who appears to jump in front of any camera to predictably criticize the president. This despite the fact that he has never done anything other than politics since his graduation from Harvard Law School in 1974. He never even practiced law. He has never conducted any foreign policy. He has never sat across a negotiating table, other than one with other politicians. But none of this stops him from opening his mouth opposing our president any time he can.

President Trump is aggressive. President Trump is confident. President Trump is a gambler. Whereas in my opinion, Senator Schumer is worse than a plain old hack as he is a hack with a big mouth!”

Back in that same month, Chucky said a truly despicable thing – basically threatening a Supreme Court Justices. Proving again what a hack he is.

From the Epoch Times:

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said in March 2020 that Kavanaugh and Justice Neil Gorsuch, both Trump appointees, “have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions,” Schumer added, speaking to a crowd outside the Supreme Court building in Washington.

Now in 2022 the Senate’s top Democrat is under pressure to retract his remarks promising Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh would “pay the price” after an armed man, Nicholas John Roske, was arrested near Kavanaugh’s home with a gun and a knife.

Of course, Chucky Schumer did not address the arrest of Roske on the Senate floor on Wednesday or Thursday, nor has he issued a statement about the threat … but then again what should anybody expect from a hack!

