After the unprecedented raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence there has been a backlash against both the FBI and the DOJ, since it appears that both of these government agencies are acting like they are pawns of the Biden administration.
While we are all anxiously waiting for the outcome of that Mår-a-Lago raid to come out, all of us, both liberals and conservatives, should pay attention to the resignation letter from Brandon Garcia.
Who?? … Who is Brandon M. Garcia?
Brandon M. Garcia is a career Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives special agent. In his six page letter he suggests that most of his fellow agents are indeed patriots. My question is “where the hell are all these patriots?”
Recently there are reports of multiple whistleblowers from within these organizations, supposedly essentially corroborating that there has been political skullduggery at the higher levels of these organizations. One can only hope!
“I have just reached the point where I cannot, in good faith, support the direction this government is taking our country; specifically, the direction it is taking law enforcement,” began Garcia’s letter, which was provided to AmmoLand News. Garcia goes on to describe the phenomenon of anarcho-tyranny, in which law enforcement agencies are standing down in confronting the greatest threats to society while at the same time targeting political enemies of the Biden regime.
Garcia notes that like other cops, ATF agents “never did this job because it was ‘fun.’” Their goal was to lock up violent criminals. “I have always said that I do this job for the mission, not the money. That mission used to be locking up violent criminals. I don’t know what the mission really is anymore, but I don’t like it.”
Specifically, he notes that the ATF has begun to focus on the gun and not the criminal. “Over the last couple of years, ATF has been spending a significant amount of time talking about and changing the course of this agency to focus on ‘the gun’. Frankly, I don’t really care about investigating the gun, I care about investigating the criminal, and then plucking that criminal out of society.”
Garcia also detects the hypocrisy between targeting political gun crimes and violent gun felons in blue cities.
Granted you will not read about Brandon Garcia in the Main Stream Media, but the fact that he as well as other whistleblowers are speaking out, gives me hope.