King Charles

Just today I read a story about Judge Charles Gilchrist in Harnett County, North Carolina. It appears to me that Judge Charles Gilchrist has a King Charles complex. This North Carolina judge apparently thinks in a ‘my-way-or-the-highway’ vindictive manner with no possible room for discussion or compromise. 

Judge Gilchrist jailed Gregory Hahn, 47, for contempt of court after he refused to wear a face mask in Judge Charles Gilchrist’s courtroom. Gilchrist is reportedly the only judge in the county who has implemented a mask mandate. Furthermore, according to Superior Court clerk Renee Whittenton, “You can go in any district courtroom without a mask, you can come into superior court without a mask and the [district attorney’s] office without a mask, but with Judge Gilchrist he has a mandate that you must wear a mask.”

Hahn said potential jurors were not told about the mask requirements. There was no notice on his summons. And there is not signage at the courthouse indicating masks are required.

“I said, ‘I’m not going to wear a mask.’ He said, ‘I understand you don’t want to wear a mask,’ and I said, ‘That is correct, sir,’ and he says, ‘Why?’”

Hahn said the judge asked him again if he would refuse to wear a mask in the courtroom. He told Gilchrist that was correct.

“[Gilchrist] said ‘24 hours in the Harnett County jail,’” Hahn told WRAL.

Hahn was then handcuffed, booked, and taken to jail under no bond for contempt of court.

Harnett and Lee Counties issued a joint order on March 10, 2022, permitting the presiding judge in each courtroom to decide, at their discretion, whether masks are required, WRAL reported. Masks are optional in hallways, foyers, restrooms, meeting rooms, and other areas elsewhere in the courthouse. 

Hahn said he asked the judge if he could be excused since it was one day in jail.

He recounted that Gilchrist said, “I could, but I’m not going to.”

There are so many things wrong here with ‘King Charles’ that do not know where to start! Masks were in vogue six months ago, but no longer … get with the program, King Charles!

The most reasonable thing would have been a compromise … e.g. King Charles might have said, ‘if you do not wish to wear a mask in my courtroom, perhaps the court can arrange for you to serve with another judge.’ However, not so with King Charles!

Hahn said he asked the judge “if he was going to do this without giving me any due process? The judge told me that was correct,” Hahn said. “I explained I was a single parent and needed to contact my son, the judge refused.”

A single father not being able to call his son to update him on the situation is outrageous. Could it be that King Charles has no children, and is not aware that a father might actually need to be home at night.

Handcuffed!! No bond!! OMG!

Not surprising to me … King Charles is a Democrat.

However, the topper is that when King Charles was admonishing Gregory Hahn, King Charles was not wearing a mask!


A Blast From the Past II

I found one of my pieces from over two years ago, and it only goes to demonstrate how two-faced “those in the know” were.

An Interesting Dichotomy

Another episode in the “mask, no mask” story is evolving under our very noses (or perhaps when discussing masks, we should rather say, “over our very noses!”). As background we have been told by “those in the know” that the wearing of face masks is very important from a public health perspective, as this is the way to prevent further spread of Covid-19. Last week, before the rioting (for those more P.C. . . . protesting), the headlines and the news were all about Covid-19. One preaching letter to the editor went so far as to castigate anyone not wearing a mask while outside; as that should be viewed as acting detrimental to the good of society. (As it was only a letter, without an accompanying picture, I could not see how high her pulpit was! Perhaps she was the son  daughter of a preacher man!)

Now the leading news story is the protests throughout the country. BTW: I have no problem with peaceful protests. I would go so far as to encourage  peaceful protests, with the exception of those protests that block traffic, especially those that block highways. (“You have a right and are free to protest as long as you do not restrict my freedom.” – I just made that up! . . . sounds pretty good, heh?)

As far as protesting and masks, I have no trouble agreeing with the silent protestors not wearing masks, as with no speaking, the potential virus cannot travel very far. However, the shouting protestors without masks should be a big no-no, because, as we all should now be aware, shouting significantly expels more virus and for a longer distance. . . . e.g. meatpacking plants.   [BTW: I have been looking for a letter from “Mrs. Preacher” concerning protesters not wearing masks … but I have yet to anything from her or anybody else for that manner.]

In today’s paper, the region’s public health officer. Dr. Wilma Wooten,  commented that there is no public health crystal ball that shows a clear picture of whether or not protests will cause a Covid surge. 

Really, Wilma! Would it not have been better to say something like, “although we have no studies on the effects of loud protests and the spread of Covid, it is highly likely that we will see an increase in Covid cases over the next few weeks. From a public health standpoint, I would strongly suggest that all protesters wear masks.”

If we do not see an increase, then perhaps Dr. Wooten could suggest that based on this “protest experiment,” all businesses should open up, and no further masks should be required when outside.”


“ … Or Else!”

Back in May, Joe Biden threatened to take away school lunch programs from those schools that didn’t allow boys in girls bathrooms. If you recall, the U.S. Department of Agriculture officially embraced President Joe Biden’s transgender agenda and was taking steps to ensure schools comply. If schools didn’t adopt transgender bathroom policies, the Biden administration planned to withhold food funds intended for needy children. In other words, “do it my way or else!”

Lately those on the left have adopted this “or else” threat more and more.

The Department of Justice on 10/5/22 charged eleven pro-life protesters with violating federal law against blocking abortion clinics. If convicted, those charged with conspiracy could face up to eleven years in prison and fines up to $250,000, the DOJ confirmed.

These alleged offense occurred back in March 2021, and one must ask why it took so long to charge these individuals. As I have pointed out before, it is now all about intimidation! 

What the DOJ is now saying, “Do it my way, or else!”

However, this “or else” way of acting is not limited to Biden’s Department of Agriculture and Biden’s DOJ. Google has recently lowered the boom on conservative Issues and Insights 

To Google’s content police, Ramirez’s cartoons are “shocking content” and it is restricting ads on a page where a catalog of them appears. FYI,

political cartoonist Michael Ramirez has won two Pulitzer Prizes . 

In addition, Google has said that many of the printed articles on Issues and Insights violate its rules. Here’s a partial list of the recent content that Google says violate its rules, and the reason given. Judge for yourself whether Google is being reasonable or is just trying to censor content that doesn’t fit the leftist agenda.

In other words … “think like us , or else!”

Recognize that this “or else” philosophy seems to be seeping into the 

modus operandi of RINOS, specifically Sen.Lindsey Graham (R-SC). He targeted Elon Musk over recent Twitter posts and warned that senators could take away Tesla’s tax breaks, after Musk urged for de-escalation of the Russia–Ukraine war. Musk had written, “I still very much support Ukraine, but am convinced that massive escalation of the war will cause great harm to Ukraine and possibly the world,”

That prompted a critical comment and warning from Graham who suggested that lawmakers “should revisit the electric vehicle tax credit boondoggle.”

(FYI: During the early part of the Ukraine–Russia conflict, Musk announced that he would use his Starlink Internet service to aid Ukraine’s government as well as its military efforts against Russia. This week, Musk confirmed that SpaceX spent $80 million on Starlink in the Eastern European country.) 

Basically, what Sen. Graham was saying was, “either think like me …or else!” Shame on you, Sen Graham!


Sounds Very Scary To Me!

When someone says something that is demonstrably false there are a few possibilities:

  1. Perhaps that individual is intentionally lying or, giving the benefit of the doubt to him/her, merely “stretching the truth.”
  2. The second possibility is that the individual is innocently passing along something that someone had told him. Saying something is true without making sure about its veracity is a fault of a different color … but it is not lying.
  3. Thirdly, it is possible that the falsehood happened a very long time ago and was something minor to boot. If an eighty year old   individual said that so-and-so was at his fiftieth birthday, and he wasn’t … thirty years is a long time and in the scheme of things, a fiftieth birthday party is pretty inconsequential.
  4. Said individual is losing it. Saying X is true when it is not, is worrisome, especially if X is something that a normal person would never forget. For example, if a loved one of that individual died a horrific death with much suffering, surely that would be something a normal person would never forget. If that individual were to say that his son died in a traffic accident when in fact his son died a very painful and unforgettable death with much suffering from cancer would not only be unlikely, but impossible. … Impossible if said individual was playing with a full deck. 

        If you were going on vacation, would you trust that individual with the 

        responsibility of safeguarding your house while you were away?  … 

        No way! To entrust him with taking care of your house sounds very 

       scary to me.

        God only knows what might happen to your house it was  under his 


Unfortunately, we have a similar situation here in the U.S. The person who is ultimately responsible for the safety of all of our houses appears to be losing it!

Here I am talking about President Joe Biden who inaccurately said during remarks in Colorado on 10/12/22 that he had a son who died in Iraq. Biden appeared to be referring to his late son Beau Biden when he described himself as the “father of a man who won the bronze star, the conspicuous service medal, and lost his life in Iraq.”

However, despite what President Biden said on 10/12, Beau Biden passed away in 2015 after suffering from brain cancer.

“”It is with broken hearts that Hallie, Hunter, Ashley, Jill and I announce the passing of our husband, brother and son, Beau, after he battled brain cancer with the same integrity, courage and strength he demonstrated every day of his life,” Biden said in a statement at the time.

Like I said above, when someone says something that is demonstrably false there are a few possibilities, and I will now address these possibilities sequentially:

Do I think the President Biden was willfully lying when he said that his son, Beau, lost his life in Iraq. No, I do not think that he was purposely lying.

Likewise this is not a case of someone innocently passing along something someone had told him. As noted in the above 2015 Biden statement, he was fully cognizant that his son had died from a brain tumor.

In addition, this falsehood is not about something that happened a very long time ago and was not about something minor.The death of his son happened a mere seven years ago, and Beau’s death was far, far from being something minor.

Finally, we are left with the possibility that Joe Biden is losing it. A few weeks ago at an awards type presentation, President Biden repeatedly called for a woman to come up to the stage. Unfortunately, this Congresswoman was dead! I guess one could weakly alibi that the President had not heard about her death in a traffic accident … notice that I said “weakly!” Or that he had forgotten that she had died. However, how could anyone forget how his son had died? The fact that Joe Biden stated that his son had died in Iraq is indeed very scary to me. In his present state of mind would you trust him to look after your house ? …  No, me neither!


All In One Day!

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is 50 times more potent than heroin and 100 times more potent than morphine. Just two milligrams of the drug, equivalent to 10-15 grains of table salt, is enough to kill an adult.

Illegally made fentanyl, usually mixed with heroin or cocaine, is the leading cause of overdoses and deaths in the United States. Provisional data from CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics indicate that there were an estimated 100,306 drug overdose deaths in the United States during 12-month period ending in April 2021, an increase of 28.5% from the 78,056 deaths during the same period the year before.

To get a better feel for the scope of the problem, I read about the following all in the same day.

-Tarrant County Sheriff Bill Waybourn is all too familiar with the destruction that is fentanyl -in the Dallas/Fort Worth area alone, the narcotics teams have seized enough of the drug to give almost 800,000 people fatal doses, he says, while on the Texas border, DPS has seized enough fentanyl to kill every man, woman and child in America. These seizures are roughly estimated as being only a third of what gets to the border, with two-thirds of the drug actually making it across the border.

-In one startling incident from February, five adults were found dead from overdosing on fentanyl in an apartment in Denver, Colorado. The only survivor was a 4-month-old baby whose parents perished in the harrowing case. “Drug distributors and drug cartels are lacing everything with fentanyl right now. No drug is safe right now,” said district attorney Brian Mason. “This scene last night looked like a mass homicide scene.”

-Arizona police found a baby in a locked room with dangerous illicit drugs after a traffic stop. A search warrant was then obtained, and subsequently Partners Against Narcotics Trafficking personnel knocked at the home and announced their entrance into the house. Once inside, they said they discovered an 18-month-old child sleeping in a locked room with 500 pills of fentanyl and a pound of methamphetamine.

-In North Carolina two women have been indicted by a grand jury after a child in their care died of a fentanyl overdose. According to the timeline of events, the two women smoked meth together, then picked up Kingston, an 18 month old toddler. When the baby fell asleep, one of the women gave her friend some fentanyl. Both women used the drug and then fell asleep. When they awoke, the toddler was unresponsive and was later pronounced dead at the hospital. The cause of death was a lethal dose of fentanyl.

-Authorities in New York City arrested one person and seized nearly 15,000 “rainbow fentanyl” pills that were disguised and hidden in a LEGO box in what was the largest drug bust of its kind to date in the city.

The investigation traced the origins of those pills to Mexico and the Sinaloa Cartel and Jalisco New Generation Cartel.

-Deaths from fentanyl overdoses have soared in California among 15 to 19-year-olds since 2012, according to the California Overdose Surveillance Dashboard. California recorded 4,009 fentanyl-related deaths in 2020. According to the CDC, this was a 140.5% increase from 2019, when the state recorded 1,675 deaths. In 2020, 250 California teens ages 15 to 19 died from fentanyl overdoses. 2021 saw a slight decline to 224.

-A high school student overdosed on fentanyl and died on the floor of her high school bathroom, according to police. Another student overdosed but survived. The incident unfolded on evening of 10/4/22 at the Bernstein High School in Hollywood at about 9 p.m. A high school student overdosed on fentanyl and died on the floor of her high school bathroom, according to police. Another student overdosed but survived. Investigators said the girls had purchased pills at Lexington Park they believed wto be Percocet, or oxycodone, but they were laced with fentanyl.

-Just after 9 a.m. local time on 9/30/22, Bakersfield police were called to Chipman Junior High Schoolwhere a school supervisor had suffered an accidental fentanyl overdose after breaking up an altercation between two students. During the incident, the school employee conducted a search on one of the students involved and found nearly 150 fentanyl pills disguised as Percocet (oxycodone) pills, police said. It is unclear whether the other student had been searched as well.

Though the supervisor did not ingest any of the pills, the act of opening the pill bottle itself exposed the employee to an “inhalation hazard,” according to reports.

DEA analysis has found that 42% of counterfeit pills tested for fentanyl contained at least 2 mg of the drug, considered a potentially lethal dose. Drug traffickers typically distribute fentanyl by the kilogram. One kilogram of fentanyl, roughly two pounds, can kill 500,000 people. The amount of fentanyl reportedly seized this year alone could kill more than one billion people. 

Note that l read about all of these tragedies on the same day last week.

How many more similar stories are occurring every week that we do not hear about? 

Where is all of this fentanyl coming from? We know that most of it is coming across our southern border. So the obvious common sense question is: “Why are our borders open?” … Perhaps someone whose teenage child was killed from a fentanyl overdose should be allowed to ask our President and our Vice-President this question!


A Disturbing Pattern

If you have seven children and are getting ready to take them to school at shortly after seven in the morning, you had better beware because the Gestspo could well be coming for you! Last week I wrote twice about what happened to Mark Houck in Pennsylvania … a father of seven … armed FBI agents banging on his door at about 7 a.m. … no warning … children crying … handcuffed … whisked away for something that occurred over a year prior. In Mark Houck’s case, to me, it certainly sounded reminiscent of the Gestapo.

Well sport’s fans – it’s happened again! This episode is eerily similar to what happened to Houck, but this time in Tennessee to Paul Vaughn. A father of seven … armed  FBI agents loudly banging on his front door at around 7 a.m. … no warning … children crying … handcuffed … whisked away for something that supposedly occurred over a year prior. Again, with the risk of being repetitive, this also sounds reminiscent of the Gestapo. Is referring to this sort of FBI strong armed tactics as “Gestapo-like a bit harsh? No, I don’t think so as the definition of Gestspo is …

“a secret-police organization employing underhanded and terrorist methods against persons suspected of disloyalty.”

There are a few differences with the Paul Vaughn situation compared to that of Mark Houck … only four armed FBI agents for Vaughn’s abduction compared to about twenty-plus agents for Houck’s. Likewise only two vehicles for Vaughn’s “legal kidnapping,” compared to reportedly about ten-plus vehicles for Houck’s. 

Can anybody explain to me the need to have the flamboyant use of force in either situation? Why 7 a.m when it is guaranteed that the children will be home? Why the loud staccato pounding on the door at 7 a.m.? Why were the FBI agents brandishing weapons? Why handcuffs? In both situations, none of these brash actions by the FBI were necessary! Let me say this again … NONE!

Now you may be thinking that since you do not have seven children, you are safe. Think again! Likewise you may be thinking that because you do not protest at abortion clinics that you are safe from the Gestapo … think again! Be very very wary because if the FBI is allowed to use these strongman tactics for one possible offense, what’s to stop them from using these same tactics on you? … nothing!

I do not know if either Paul Vaughn or Mark Houck is guilty of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act. In America that is why we have trials. In America, one is innocent till proven guilty, and even if proven guilty, American citizens do not deserve to  be treated like Mark Houck or Paul Vaughn were treated. All of these strong-armed tactics were unnecessary. All were done purely for intimidation purposes! Shame on the FBI!!

As an aside, perhaps we should be asking what rational person in the DOJ could possibly think that the way these two gentlemen were taken into custody is a good thing for the either the DOJ or the FBI? Even without the video being allowed on Facebook or Twitter, eventually much of the country will either see the video or read how the FBI bullied these two fathers of seven. Is some nefarious individual or individuals purposefully trying to make the FBI look bad? If so, this disturbing pattern is a success!


More Misinformation About “Misinformation”

Way back in the day, I used to prescribe Quinine tablets for leg cramps. I had learned that Quinine would not really be effective unless it was used for a month or so. If the patients followed my advice on persistence, often they said that it worked well pretty well. Some nice things about Quinine were that it was inexpensive and it was safe. However those in the ivory towers who thought that they knew best, said that it could be potentially dangerous, and that it did not work, and consequently Quinine was no longer available as it was pulled from the market. As those who were in the trenches were aware, any med could be potentially dangerous if one did not follow the prescription instructions. Obviously they had not spoken to any of my satisfied patients, who were left in a lurch when they could no longer get their beloved Quinine tablets. At that point, the best I could do for them was to advise that they could try tonic water, which contains quinine. In this day and age I suppose that my off-label use of tonic water would have been verboten, and I could have been brought before my State Medical Board for spreading “misinformation.”

I was reminded of my past experience with Quinine tablets when I read about the saga of Dr. Meryl Nass in Maine. Dr. Nass had been in practice for 40 years and never had a malpractice case or a prior board action taken against her. However, between October and December 2021, the medical board in Maine received four complaints against her.

Two of the complaints came from strangers who cited “misinformation” they saw on the internet, one came from a physician who accused Nass of prescribing “deworming medication” (ivermectin) and one came from a midwife regarding Nass’ prescribing hydroxychloroquine.

Anybody with a lick of common sense, would have ignored these spurious complaints, and at least talked to Dr. Ness.

However, without a hearing, the board ordered her license immediately suspended, demanded a neuropsychological evaluation and implied that she was mentally impaired or a substance abuser and incompetent to practice medicine. To me it is pretty obvious the actions of the Medical Board was intended to silence Nass and like-minded physicians who used effective early treatments for COVID-19 instead of advising their patients to do nothing until or unless they became ill enough to require hospitalization.

The Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine next week will hold a hearing related to the board’s Jan. 12 suspension of Dr. Meryl Nass’s medical license.Nass’s original suspension order included accusations of spreading “misinformation.” However, the board on Sept. 26 withdrew six of those accusations and, on Sept. 30, withdrew more of its factual allegations related to “misinformation.”

Next week’s hearing will focus on Nass’s prescribing of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin to treat COVID-19 and on record-keeping issues. 

According to her opening statement, Dr. Nass will introduce 286 pages of e-mails and letters from her patients and others, attesting to her competency, care and responsiveness to patient needs.

There are no patient complaints for the board to review!!! Zero! Zilch! Nada! 

One wonders how many lives would have saved nationwide if either or both Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were prescribed early to treat Covid patients.

And BTW, I still use tonic water to combat leg cramps, and I doubt that I can be censured by those who know best for spreading misinformation.


Josip Markus

As per usual on Sunday, Josip Markus, is truly someone we can all admire and look up to.

From Epoch Bright:

In 2006, Josip Markus, the only son of his father, Alojz Markus, was in graduate school when he received a phone call from his dad in tears. Alojz had fallen at work when the left side of his body gave out. Josip rushed home and accompanied his father to numerous doctor’s visits over several months before they received the diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease.

Alojz was placed on a medication regimen that helped stabilize his symptoms. He was independent, even driving himself, for several years after that. During this time, Josip visited his father whenever he could.

However, in 2019, Josip—a globetrotting conscious living and leadership coach—realized that his father suddenly had difficulty being by himself. During their conversations, Alojz told his son that he never wanted to be put away in a nursing home. … the father said, ‘I would rather go to a funeral home than a nursing home.’”

When his father, who has advanced Parkinson’s disease, lost the ability to live by himself, Josip, a California man returned to his childhood home in Ohio, pledging to take care of his father until the end.

Josip Markus, 48, told The Epoch Times: “It was clear that he needed my support.”

Following a retreat early that year, Josip felt an intuitive calling to return to Willowick, Ohio, to be with his father, who’s now 78. He sold his California home and most of his possessions and braced himself for a new way of life.

“He was my rock my whole life,” Josip said. “Our roles were just beginning to reverse for the first time. He’s slowly declining, and I gradually have to do more and more to support him.”

Josip’s role as his father’s caregiver intensified in February 2022, when Alojz fell in his bedroom and broke his right humerus.  He had surgery a couple of weeks later and was fitted with a metal plate and 12 screws to hold the bone together. Without his independence, while his arm healed, the 78-year-old grew yet frailer.

“He was 100 percent dependent on me for everything,” Josip said. “Every time he needed something, I came right away. That really, I believe, showed him that I would do anything for him. We saw how deep and strong the love and the bond between us is.”

Could I do what Josip has done? … Could you?


A Blast From the Past – I

While scrolling through some of my past blogs, I found this from 2020. I found this to be interesting as it points out the ludicrous decision making by Gavin Newsom, the Governor of California. Oh what might have been!

Hmmm . . . Back in March! 

In March Congressman Devin Nunes (R,CA) said the following, “Look, the schools were just canceled out here in California, which is way overkill. It’s possible kids could have went back to school in two weeks to four weeks, but they just canceled the rest of the schools.”

Our governor’s response:

“I don’t want to give him much air,” Newsom said during a remote appearance on The View. “I’ve not sourced him for advice on pretty much any issue . . . “

Looking through a  retro-spectroscope, what Nunes’s advice back in March had been followed? Would there have been more Covid infections in California? Yes, probably, but Covid is entirely different in children. Only rarely do get significant symptoms, and the mortality rate in kids is as near to zero as one can get.

But! . . . We wouldn’t be in the mess that we are in now about children going back to school, err . . . or of not going back to school, or when? . . . or how? . . . or where? . . . or how many days a week? . . . etcetera!

The latest info about the plans for the upcoming school year are  . . . the best way to answer that is a visual. Imagine a group of frenzied people with electric-shocked looking hair, hands raised above their heads, running aimlessly in circles, screaming!!

Does that image exude confidence that they will come up with a workable plan? What is the governor’s plan? Perhaps now he could seek the counsel of Devin Nunes!?

Shame on me for being so harsh with those who are going to make these education decisions! However, when I look at some of the their names, I get weak. One has a hybrid last name (Konigar-Macklin), and I have strong doubts, in general, about the thought processes of those who have hybrid last names.( Maybe a topic for another day.) Another person involved as a county schools spokeswoman has a first name of “Music” . . . you can’t make this stuff up!  OMG!

I wonder if “hyphenated-last-name” and Music will be asking Congressman Nunes for advice? Duh!


DOJ/FBI Intimidation – Part II

Back on 9/26/22 I wrote about the incredible FBI raid on the house of Mark Houck in Pennsylvania. To me the whole episode was ludicrous and at the same time frightening. Most everyone seemed to agree with me that the whole purpose of having 20+ FBI armed agents arrest and take away a handcuffed father of seven, Mark Houck, was an example of pure and simple overkill in order to intimidate anyone who dares to have a different opinion than the Biden regime.

However, lo-and-behold one person who will remain unidentified, objected to my conclusion, and basically said that the FBI can never be too careful. How can they possibly know how many armed terrorists will be waiting to attack them as soon as they knock on someone’s door! 

As a general policy I do not argue with those who disagree with my positions, however to help this misguided individual, I did think that some important issues needed to be clarified.

When there had been a rumor that Mark Houck might be arrested, his lawyer contacted the DOJ and said if he was to be indicted, he would voluntarily turn himself in.

However, voluntarily turning oneself in does not generate the intimidation and the fear that twenty armed FBI agents do. In addition, if Houck turned himself in, his seven children would not be able to witness their father being led away in handcuffs. Classy!!! 

One also wonders why eleven months elapsed after the October, 2021 incident. Why did a DOJ official approve a Grand Jury indictment against Houck after a similar state criminal complaint had been dismissed?

In addition from the Epoch Times:

In light of Mr. Houck’s alleged cooperation with federal authorities, why did the Justice Department and FBI execute an arrest warrant against him instead of using less aggressive tactics, including a summons to appear? 


How did the execution of the search warrant by armed FBI agents comply with Attorney General Garland’s use of force memorandum? 

FYI – below are details about Garland’s use of force memorandum  … still from Epoch News.

“On May 20, 2022, Garland sent a memo to Justice Department employees about its use of force policy. The memo, titled “De-escalation,” said officers must be trained in de-escalation tactics designed to gain voluntary compliance from a subject before using force, and such tactics should be used if feasible and if they would not increase the danger to the officer or others.”

The actions taken by the FBI call into question whether they complied with DOJ’s use of force policy.

To me what is increasingly interesting is that the more one actually learns about this case, the scarier it becomes. Once it becomes okay for the DOJ/FBI to routinely resort to intimidation tactics against those who merely disagree with them, the less our country resembles the America I grew up in!
