If Al Queda or any other militant group were responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans, then I would anticipate a harsh reaction from the U.S. citizenry. A precisely placed drone attack here and another there could go a long way to convincing those killers of U.S. citizens to reformulate their plan.
So far, so good!
Now consider another entity that is responsible for killing tens of thousands of Americans this year. Here I am referring to the Mexican drug cartels who are responsible for the fentanyl coming across our southern border, and it is this fentanyl which is killing Americans. No one is disputing this! … and no one is doing anything about this. Here I am specifically referring to our “ denying there is a problem” President and Vice President.
To me, the Mexican drug cartels are truly terrorists in a real sense that they are wantonly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans … and since they are terrorists, they should be eliminated.
Eliminated … How?
Follow my thinking here: After one week of warning the cartels, if fentanyl continues to be smuggled across our southern border, then using drones, bomb the crap out of them! Kill as many Mexican drug cartel members as is possible, and continue to do so until the fentanyl smuggling stops.
Will this be considered cruel and unusual punishment by those that know best? … Undoubtedly, but someone has to step up and do something!
However, on Oct. 7, President Joe Biden signed a long-awaited policy tightening the rules for the CIA and Pentagon to conduct drone strikes outside of traditional war zones. The new policy requires the president’s approval before a lethal drone strike or commando raid can be launched.
The policy focuses on countries that are not conventional war zones, including Somalia, Yemen and Afghanistan, but where the United States continues to carry out counterterrorism strikes. It signals that the U.S. will limit drone strikes, which have been criticized for killing civilians. However, it allows the president to waive certain requirements of the new policy at his discretion.
So far, no longer so good, as this puts the onus of decision making in the hands of Joe Biden, who has been notoriously wrong in the past when it has come to foreign policy. Either he is unaware of the deaths due to the fentanyl being smuggled across our southern border, or he doesn’t care!