
Right on schedule two bombshells right before the midterm elections. The difference this year is that one is a conservative report and one is from a notorious liberal source.

First from Fox News:

“House Republicans released a new report on 11/4/22 detailing whistleblower allegations of FBI misconduct and politicization at the highest levels of the Department of Justice.

‘The Federal Bureau of Investigation, under the stewardship of Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland, is broken,’ the GOP report states. ‘The problem lies not with the majority of front-line agents who serve our country, but with the FBI’s politicized bureaucracy.’”

Anyone who has been paying attention or reading my blogs have  been aware that targeting of conservative everyday Americans has been occurring. To me the shocking part is the amount of the behind the scenes corruption, as this Republican report is upwards to 1,000 pages! …  not ten pages … not one hundred pages, but one thousand pages! Think of how many whistleblowers must have been interviewed. Consider how many more whistleblowers are out there – let the avalanche begin.

Still from Fox News:

“Some allegations suggest that the FBI is actively seeking to “purge” employees with conservative views and those who dissent from “woke” diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. 

Additionally, whistleblowers say the FBI’s ‘political meddling’ ‘is dragging the criminal side [of the Bureau] down’ as resources are ‘pulled away’ from investigating crimes.”

This is headline stuff! Will my local liberal “newspaper” even mention this on page twenty-two?

The second pre-midterm bombshell comes from the Washington Post.

Again from Fox News:

“Washington Post columnist George Will called on both President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris to not seek the White House in 2024 in a scathing piece on 11/2/22, calling them unfit for office.

Will, a conservative known for his staunch opposition to Donald Trump, was unsparing, writing that Biden is not just past his prime, but ‘even adequacy is in his past.’ Of Harris, he wrote her ‘style betrays a self-satisfied exaggeration of her aptitudes. Lacking natural talent, she needs to prepare, but evidently doesn’t.’ Will voted for Biden in 2020, the first time he had ever supported a Democrat, but he wants a new candidate.”

I lost a lot of respect for George Will in 2020 when he announced that he voted for Biden/Harris. What was he thinking? To me, back then his Trump-Derangement-Syndrome had affected his ability to consider what would be best for the country.

My local “newspaper” often reprints opinion pieces from the Washington Post. My prediction is that this piece by George Will will not make the cut in my local “newspaper.”


Submerged … Coming Up For Air ?

During the day our landline phone rings again and again. These days it rings every few hours throughout the day. Who’s calling? To be honest, I have to say that I do not know, as we do not answer unless we recognize who is calling. However, with area codes that I am not familiar with and with the locations that these calls were placed from, I suspect that many of these calls are from pollsters. I used to occasionally respond to these telephone polls, but no longer. They take too long, and over the last few elections, they have been inaccurate. Think about it for a second … for the most part, who is responding to these pollsters? Those who are working are not responding. A lot of those who still have landlines are not home during the day, and so the call goes unanswered. This entire group that the pollsters cannot actually poll, now have a name … “the submerged voter.”

From The Loop:

“Submerged voters don’t publicly share who they’re voting for. They don’t put bumper stickers on their cars… they don’t put up yard signs… and sometimes they don’t even tell their friends or family how they’re planning to vote.

And they certainly don’t reveal anything to random pollsters.

10 professional pollsters recently told the New York Times that they don’t know how to accurately predict who will vote in 2022. Worse, they know they’re undercounting Republican-leaning voters… but they have no idea how far off their numbers are.”

Bottom line … do not be dismayed if the polls show that the Democratic candidate is ahead. He/she may not really be ahead. He/she may not actually win, especially if submerged voters come up for air, and vote on or before Election Day.

I am a submerged voter, and proud of it. I live in California, and I will be unsubmerging on November 8. Even in California, you never know!

Mis-truth or Dare

A lot of Dems do not dare to have Joe Biden come to their state to campaign for them because his public speaking often just brings out how incompetent he and the Dems are. On 11/1/22 for whatever reason President Biden spoke down in Florida. Predictably there were Biden mis-truths … err, rather more than the expected number of Biden mis-truths in just this one speech.

From Townhall:

Biden said, “Inflation is a worldwide problem right now because of the war in Iraq…excuse me, the war in Ukraine.” (As even NPR acknowledged, inflation was a problem even before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.)

Later in his remarks, Biden mentioned Beau, claiming “I think of Iraq because that’s where my son died.” (In reality, Beau, who did serve, died from brain cancer in 2015.)

Further mis-truths in that speech included the following:

 -He said that Debbie Wasserman Schultz worked in the senate

– He forgot what FEMA stands for

– He forgot the name of Hurricane Ian

– He claimed that he met the man who discovered insulin

– He busted out the southern accent

On the evening of 11/2/22 the Dems are daring to let J.B. speak again.

Biden will speak at the Columbus Club in Union Station. The speech, hosted by the Democratic National Committee (DNC), will focus on the threat of election deniers and “those who seek to undermine faith in voting and democracy.”

In other words Joe Biden will read a speech from a teleprompter which will only serve to further divide the country. It’s a daring move by the DNC, as it is unlikely to change anybody’s vote, and depending on how much he insults conservatives with additional mis-truths, it may only further encourage them to vote straight red.


What Is She Thinking ?

What is spacey Stacy thinking?

From National Review: 

Stacey Abrams, the Democratic nominee for governor in Georgia, declared during a debate with Kemp 10/30/22 that 107 sheriffs had endorsed her opponent, incumbent Republican Brian Kemp, because they “want to be able to take black people off the streets.” The governor has characterized calls for defunding the police as “simply an insane idea.” 

A poll commissioned by the Grio and the Kaiser Family Foundation discovered that two years of “Defund the Police” activism by progressive Democrats has had a profound impact on the voter demographic this policy intended to motivate.

Only 17% of black voters support the idea of defunding the police, with twice as many demanding more funding for law enforcement and another 48% wanting the status quo ante. Nationwide Democrats embraced the Black Lives Matter-driven “Defund the Police” movement in cities and states, along with the “criminal justice reform” that has eliminated bail and turned arrests into momentary annoyances for violent criminals.

Back to spacey Stacy Abrams  who has denied that she supports defunding law enforcement, but, according to National Review, she serves as a leader in multiple organizations that do.

Hopefully, in Georgia enough black voters will recognize the folly of Abrams’ position on the police … enough to carry Herschel Walker to victory in his Senate race.


Diesel? … White House, “Huh?”

Last week the White House spokesperson was asked a question about the diesel oil shortage. Although he responded by talking, when he responded, his answer actually had nothing to do with the question. Why would a White House spokesperson blatantly avoid answering a simple question about our diesel oil supply?

-Could it be that the White House (WH) is not aware of the diesel problem?  … Extremely unlikely, as the major news affiliates are well aware of this potentially disastrous situation.

On Oct 27 (Reuters) – U.S. diesel supplies are becoming critically low with shortages and price spikes likely to occur in the next six months unless and until the economy and fuel consumption slow.

From Fox News:

“Mansfield Energy issued the alert Friday, 10/28, stating there was a developing diesel fuel shortage in the southeastern region of the United States. The company speculated that the shortage could be generated from “poor pipeline shipping economies” and a historically low supply of diesel reserves.

“Poor pipeline shipping economics and historically low diesel inventories are combining to cause shortages in various markets throughout the Southeast,” the company said. “These have been occurring sporadically, with areas like Tennessee seeing particularly acute challenges.”

States that are expected to experience serious effects of the shortage include Maryland, Virginia, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina and South Carolina.

-Could it be that the WH is purposely not even mentioning this issue until the midterm elections are water over the dam. This could certainly be possible as another major issue before the midterms could sink the Bismarck, so to speak.

-Could it be that the WH is both well aware of the problem and understandably wants to keep it quiet right now for political reasons, but … has no idea how to remedy the problem? This is the scariest possibility of all because running out of diesel fuel would be an economic disaster for the country. Just about everything that moves around the country does so because of diesel. This includes trucks, trains, airplanes, and something that is very close to the heart of VP Harris, … school buses.

Sources are estimating that our diesel supply may run out on November 21 of this year. This is not the same as the country running out of baby formula. Because this is a huge deal, can anyone explain to me why the WH is avoiding the issue and subtly gaslighting us?


Kyle Seraphin

As is my modus operandi on Sunday, I am writing about someone who deserves our praise for his courage.

Kyle Seraphin has worked for the FBI for six years. He is an FBI agent … err, he is an FBI agent in limbo as he has been suspended without pay and cannot obtain new employment until he quits his current job or asks for permission. Hmmm! That seems harsh. Why has he been suspended?

Kyle Seraphin has basically been suspended because he is a whistleblower.

From Liberate America:

“On one occasion, Seraphin said he was compelled to divulge information in 2021 when Attorney General Merrick Garland said to elected officials that the Department of Justice was not singling out parents who were protesting at school boards. Seraphin provided a member of Congress an email that the FBI was circulating among its ranks. The email said that Garland ordered the activation of the PATRIOT Act to single out parents with a tag titled ‘EDUOFFICIALS.’

“Many of these parents were at school board protests concerning mask and vaccine mandates along with woke education curricula. This angered the political establishment greatly, which prompted Garland to use the security state to harass otherwise peaceful parents. 

‘That’s when you become part of political hatchet jobs, and I didn’t sign up for that, and nobody I know signed up for that either,’ Seraphin said to Dan Bongino, on his talk show, ‘That’s not what people want to get involved in.’

“In a recent Washington Times interview, Seraphin said that the bureau’s cases dealing with domestic extremists, right-wing extremists, and white nationalists are largely entrapment operations with dubious moral and ethical aspects to them.

Seraphin continued, ‘The FBI‘s playbook when it comes to counterterrorism investigations is always and unequivocally morally equivalent to entrapment, even if there’s a legal definition that allows them to skirt that.’”

So, let’s see if I understand … Kyle Seraphin has been suspended without pay apparently because he is a whistleblower. He had the guts to standup and say the equivalent of “what’s going on in the DOJ is not right.” He said what many Americans now realize, namely that the DOJ/FBI have become political, and consequently he is living day to day without a paycheck.

Hopefully the Republicans will gain control of both the House and Senate in the upcoming midterms, and thus be in a position to un-politicize the DOJ/FBI.


Radio’s Greatest of All Time!

In a video posted on the Project Veritas YouTube channel this week, Democratic Arizona gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs’ twin sister, Becky Hobbs, can be heard explaining how the Democrat Party “across the country” donated to certain Republican candidates they saw as “extremist” in an effort to give Democrat candidates a better chance of winning.

At this point we do not know whether this was a good strategy or not. After the midterms we will be able to determine if this was indeed money well spent by the Democratic Party. Nonetheless, it reminded me that Rush Limbaugh proposed a similar type of strategy but without money. My mind is fuzzy on this, but as I recall, in the presidential primaries, he encouraged all of his listeners to vote for the Democratic candidate that he felt had less of a chance to eat the Republican nominee.

Coincidentally, this morning for the first time in a long time I came across two stories concerning Rush Limbaugh. For those non-Rush aficionados out there, this was unusual because Rush Limbaugh has been dead for over a year and a half. Because of his radio time slot on the West coast was 9am-12 noon, I was not able to listen to Rush when I was working, but would occasionally catch Rush’s week-in-review on Saturday.

Last week James Golden, a black kid from Queens, was on Tucker Carlson promoting his new book. For those of you not familiar with the name, James Golden, perhaps his radio pseudonym, Bo Snerdley will ring a bell. Bo Snerdley,  a longtime producer for Rush Limbaugh’s radio show! appeared on “Tucker Carlson Today” to promote his new book “Rush on the Radio: A Tribute from His Sidekick for 30 Years”

During the interview Golden emphasized what a truly caring and thoughtful person Rush Limbaugh was. He described an incident back in the eighties, where Rush became aware of Golden’s dire financial situation, and gave Golden $5000? 

A choked-up Golden divulged, “What Rush said to me was, ‘I don’t want you to tell anybody about this, this is between you and me; this is not a loan, this is a gift, because good things need to happen to good people once in awhile.'” Golden exclaimed, “That’s who he was. That’s who this man was. There were tens of thousands of those stories.”

Also in the interview, Golden revealed what happened the day that Limbaugh told the staff that he was stricken with lung cancer.

Golden — who became an executive producer of the nationally syndicated “Rush Limbaugh Radio Show” in 1992 — said that the first thing Limbaugh did was apologize for his illness to the staff because he felt like he was letting down his colleagues.

“Still breaks my heart,” Golden said. “That’s who he was. He cared about his staff. He cared about all of us.”

Golden closed with, “Tucker, he was one of the most exceptional human beings you could ever meet.”

Also last week

Kathryn Adams Limbaugh, widow of Rush Limbaugh, joined Glenn Beck on the radio program, to reflect on her husband’s life and legacy, saying she believes one of his greatest attributes was that “he was so humble. He had the biggest heart. He was so sincere, [and] he never forgot the little guy.”

When asked if rumors that Rush’s death certificate lists his occupation as “Radio’s Greatest of All Time” are true, Kathryn laughed and answered, “Yes, it was a way to tweak the media as a final goodbye from Rush, which we know he certainly would have loved.”


A Blast From the Past IV

I found this piece from July, 21 2020 especially interesting because just this week the Mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot,  proposed giving herself a raise!

“Karen!”. . .  A Response to a Mess ?

Anyone who has been paying any attention knows that Chicago is a mess . . . Actually even those who are not paying attention know that Chicago is a mess! Furthermore anyone who has been paying attention knows that the Mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot, is out of her league . . . Again I am not even sure that you have to be paying attention to realize that Chicago’s Mayor is a Double A baseball player masquerading as a Major League player. 

 Last week Brian Bennett, a Time magazine White House correspondent reported, 

“White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany just called Lori Lightfoot ‘the derelict mayor of Chicago’ and said she should request federal help to secure the city.”

To those of us who are paying attention actually agree with Ms. McEnany’s words, as ‘derelict’ means ‘neglectful of duty.’ Isn’t it part of the duty of any mayor in any city or town to keep his/her citizens safe? The citizens of Chicago are far from safe . . . ergo Mayor Lightfoot is derelict.

Now since Mayor Lightfoot is not only a lawyer, but also a graduate of the University of Michigan one could reasonably expect an intelligent response.

Mayor Lightfoot’s response – “Hey Karen, watch your mouth!” 

A classy response? Not quite!

A typical Democrat response . . . yes; attack the speaker, not what was said!

To me, this sounds like the sort of a weak defensive response that was said in anger . . .perhaps said in anger because she is realizing that she is not adept at playing in the big leagues.

(Err, at this point I should probably apologize to the University of Michigan for mentioning that she is a graduate.)

For those of you that have not been paying attention:

“Karen” is a pejorative term that has come to prominence to label a demanding, middle-aged white woman who displays a sense of overbearing entitlement in various societal confrontations.

(Err, at this point, I should probably apologize to all lawyers also!)

So what are some facts? 

Every weekend is a mess  in Chicago, especially for the poor people who happen to live in certain regions of the city, like my old neighborhood, Austin.

This last weekend in Lightfoot’s city … 68 shot, 14 dead! And last weekend was not out the ordinary for Chicago. This is typical! What a mess!

So far between January 1 and July 12, 182 children have been shot in the city. 34 of those kids died.

What does  Mayor Lightfoot say to the parents of those children that have been killed? Considering her “derelict response,”  my guess . . . Nothing, as I don’t Care(n)!


Now I Get It !

For a while I didn’t get it. “Why would some candidates for office refuse to debate their opponent?” Recently there has been three separate instances which, in essence, encompass three different potential answers to that question.

In the Arizona Governor’s race, the Democratic candidate (Katie Hobbs) refuses to debate her Republican opponent (Kari Lake). Lake has criticized Hobbs’ refusal to face her, suggesting that it comes from Hobbs’ inability to properly debate. This may actually be the case here as Hobbs also refused to debate her opponents before the Democratic primary.

In New York’s Governor’s race, there was one debate and it demonstrated  why incumbent Hochul does not want to do it again … her policies are terrible. During the debate Hochul, the incumbent Democrat stunningly said she couldn’t understand why it’s “so important” to lock up criminals. Wow!

However, the main reason for a candidate not debating is because the candidate is amazingly incompetent. This was brought out in spades in the Pennsylvania Senate Race debate between John Fetterman and Dr. Mehmet Oz.

As I watched multiple snippets of this debate, I stared to feel sorry for John Fetterman.

When asked about the federal minimum wage, Fetterman struggled to get through his answer that sought to invoke a “living wage,” calling it a “willing wage” and generally fumbling the answer.

When talking about abortion, Fetterman said, “that the choice beleans women and their doctors.”

The debate moderators also asked Fetterman why his position on fracking had changed, displaying a 2018 quote in which Fetterman said he didn’t support fracking. Unbelievably, moments after being read his own quote saying “I don’t support fracking at all,” John Fetterman says “I’ve always supported fracking.”

Now everyone is probably rightly assuming that Fetterman’s inability to speak and think coherently is due to his recent stroke. I am not familiar with the John Fetterman persona before his stroke … perhaps it’s different or perhaps it’s not. However, it doesn’t really matter, as a U.S. Senator must be able to think logically and speak, using normal English words, because the responsibility of a Senator is too important.

Now I get it. In retrospect, John Fetterman should have stuck with his “no-debate” stance as over 80% felt that Dr. Oz won their debate.


“I’m Taking Rodney For a Walk”

 During the pandemic and it’s associated lockdowns, I remember commenting that, in general, dogs were going to be in the best shape ever. Why? … because walking one’s dog was a “legal” way to get out of the house. Of course the walking of dogs in parks was prohibited because “those that knew best” ascertained that it was dangerous to be out in the fresh air of a park where someone might be within ten or so yards from another person, and besides masks were required in parks, and dogs could not and would not wear masks.

Well those same morons who roped off public parks with yellow crime scene tape and who proclaimed that beaches on the ocean were verboten are still around, and after reading something this morning, I wonder if these same loonies have gravitated to CNN.

Late last month, CNN published an article titled: “Our pets are part of the climate problem. These tips can help you minimize their carbon pawprints.” The article went largely unnoticed until CNN promoted the article on social media. 

From BlazeMedia:

According to CNN, pets are a negative impact in regards to climate change. CNN gave green advice on how to reduce your pets’ “carbon pawprint,” including feeding your canine companion “insect-based food” and adopting small rodents instead of dogs. (“I’ll be back in a little while, honey. I am going to take Rodney, our rat, out for a walk.”) 

Call me crazy, but I doubt that during the next pandemic, you will see a lot of turtles, birds or rodents on leaches out for neighborhood strolls. However, if you do, the ones holding the other end of the leaches will be wearing masks, and working at CNN from home.
