“Blast from the Past” – VI

Today’s “blast from the past” is from 10/12/20.

Pure insanity!


“Is It Insanity . . . ?” 

At the present time in the Boston area there are towns where not only is in-person schooling prohibited, but also youth sports are prohibited. As many of you may or may not realize New Hampshire and Vermont are very close to the Boston area. People who had lived in the Boston area have now relocated to Vermont because Vermont has in-person schooling and, just as important to some, a modified variety of youth sports. Boys in Vermont can play seven-man competitive touch football and other outdoor sports, whereas most, if not all, sports are prohibited in Massachusetts. “Is it insanity to believe that the coronavirus cannot or does not cross over the Massachusetts-Vermont state border?”

Similarly just over the New Hampshire-Massachusetts state border playing youth basketball games is allowed, whereas in the Boston area it is “prohibito!” So of course what happens? Multiple,multiple, multiple  carloads of youth basketball players and parents drive over the border into New Hampshire to play basketball. “Is it insanity to believe that a state border somehow prevents the coronavirus from crossing over?”

I have known about this Massachusetts lunacy for a while, but figured that it was just an East Coast thing. However today I read an article in my local newspaper which showed me how wrong I was to attribute this unusual way of thinking about youth sports to the East Coast. (“Come on, man!” . . . We in California can out liberal-think you anytime.) 

In California, youth soccer teams are now renting fields in Arizona in order to host league games. The major difference here is that the distance is much further that from Boston across the state lines to where it is “safe” to play sports. (From San Diego to Phoenix is 355 miles … to Tucson 407 miles … to Yuma, a mere 172 miles.) Youth soccer teams that practice a few miles from one another in San Diego now have to travel hundreds of miles to play each other. “Is it insanity to think that the California-Arizona border is impervious to the coronavirus?”

However youth soccer is not alone. AAU basketball tournaments (LA & Las Vegas) have moved across the border to St. George, Utah. “Is it insanity to think … etc?”

The top youth lacrosse players are now playing in Salt Lake City. “Is it insanity to think … etc?”

“Freak Show Wrestling” with 3500 entrants has moved from Las Vegas to Idaho. “Is it insanity to think … etc?”

Interesting, but not surprising: the states that are clamping down on youth sports are blue states. 


If Biden is elected, look for nationwide clampdowns on just about everything from youth sports to pre-schools. The only ones likely to benefit if Sleepy Joe crawls across the finish line first are contractors . . . specifically those that are into designing basements.



An Almost “Dear Don” Letter

Dear President Trump,

To start, let’s be clear, I am one of your biggest fans … a real Trump guy. You did a helluva job as President, as you accomplished a myriad of good things. Yes, you do have a big mouth, and occasionally you manage to put one of your size 11s into it. However, I have been able to overlook that flaw, because you get results.

But, come on, Donald! Going after Desantis after he was the shining red star in an otherwise disappointing “red wave,” was very disappointing to me. In addition to referring to him as “Ron DeSanctimonious,” you have  threatened to dish unflattering information about DeSantis if the governor runs for president. “I think if he runs he could hurt himself very badly,” you said, according to the Wall Street Journal. “I think the base would not like it.” 

Well, Donald, the base doesn’t like it when you do a stupid thing like going after DeSantis, basically out of the blue! If you are the Republican nominee in 2024, you are going going to need all of the conservatives to vote for you. Going out of your way to now throw stones at DeSantis  is  … is … just plain “dumb.” 

Hopefully the static you are getting because of your foolish remarks about DeSantis will cause you to stop and think a bit. You are still my guy, but brighten up!




A Coast Guard Oxymoron

I just read an article from the Epoch Times that seems antithetical to the spirit that should rightly accompany Veteran’s Day.

Newly published images show the digital tool that the U.S. Coast Guard has been utilizing to swiftly deny requests for exemptions from its COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

The digital tool, known as the Religious Accommodations Appeal Generator (RAAG), enables Coast Guard officials to select from a pre-populated list of 25 reasons a request is submitted and quickly produce a document denying a request.

As of Sept. 23, the Coast Guard has approved just 12 religious exemption requests and denied another 1,231.

Plaintiffs in the case said the only approvals that have been given were to members set to leave the service.

These startling accusations are from a court case lodged by more than 130 Coast Guard members that alleges the vaccine mandate violates the U.S. Constitution and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), which prohibits the government from “substantially burden[ing] a person’s exercise of religion” by imposing pressure on a person to “modify his behavior and to violate his beliefs.”

It is alleged that those who knew best in the Coast Guard used a preprinted set of responses with set phrases that they then used to deny individual exemption requests. 

Denial letters used the same “magic words” without the individualized treatment required by the RFRA, according to the complaint.

It is also alleged that the Coast Guard has also created a guide for chaplains who interview members seeking religious accommodation that instructs the chaplains to ask questions that are designed “to manipulate the service member seeking an accommodation into discussing politics rather than religion and then using that prompted discussion as an excuse to find the request for an accommodation was not sincere.”

To me, it seems like an oxymoron that “those who knew best” in the Coast Guard did their best to apply the motto of the U.S. Coast Guard: “Semper Paratus” – “Always Ready” (to screw anyone who disagrees!)


Different Opinion … “Dummkopfs!”

President Biden is basically forbidding anyone to challenge the concept of Global Warming/Climate Change. Likewise the Main Stream Media follows along and there is no challenging of this concept. To Biden, MSM, and all on the left, this is a done deal as they exclaim, “Fall in line, you dummkopfs! Toe the line!”

However, as I recently pointed out, in a new poll conducted by Fairleigh Dickinson University, four hundred scientists are not buying that what the left is selling as far as attributing climate change/global warming solely to human activity.

I find this approach of “we are right, you are wrong … shut-up” that has been mandated here by the left is strikingly similar to the approach that was taken with Covid. Anyone who had different thoughts on Covid was basically told, “Fall in line, you dummkofts! Toe the line. We are right, you are wrong … shut-up.”

A recent study pointed out how “dissenters from the Covid gospel” were treated.

The study, “Censorship and Suppression of Covid-19 Heterodoxy: Tactics and Counter-Tactics,” found well-known scientists and doctors were forced to find ways to circumvent this censorship.

Together the five researchers behind the study said there were attempts to silence prominent medical experts on issues such as the origins of SARS-CoV-2, mask mandates, the efficacy of drugs such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, the usefulness of lockdowns and restrictions, the effectiveness of vaccines, and whether vaccine mandates and passports were appropriate.

This censorship targeted “well-credentialed, highly accomplished mainstream” doctors and scientists, not fringe figures.

“Many of them leading experts working in prestigious universities and/or hospitals, some of whom have authored books and published dozens or even hundreds of papers and whose studies have been widely cited,” the paper said.

The study involved long-form interviews with 13 doctors from different countries worldwide.

This heavy censorship was done with the encouragement of governments, which cooperated with tech companies such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google,” the study said. In March 2022, U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy called on the tech giants to report “health misinformation” and step up efforts to remove it.

It’s interesting that some of those who mandated Covid nonsense want to now be forgiven. How long will it take for those dummkopfs who are adamantly pushing this man made global warming lunacy to realize the error of their ways, and ask to be forgiven?


Like Europe?

Will the U.S. follow Europe? Will the demonstrations that are occurring in Europe start to occur in the U.S.? Although I hate to say it, I believe that they are a definite possibility … if we have a tough cold winter.  Keep in mind that the severity of this coming winter will effect those mainly above the Mason-Dixon Line, but from personal experience, let me tell you that in traditionally warmer parts of the country, when the temperature only goes down into the forties the thin measly insulated walls of the typical houses will not be very protective.

What’s happening in Europe?

From The Epoch Times:

At the beginning of September, approximately 70,000 people took to the streets of the Czech Republic’s capital city of Prague calling for the government to do more about spiraling energy prices.

During that same time in Germany, the far-left and the far-right put aside their differences to threaten weekly protests against the rising cost of food, gas, and energy.

In Naples, Italy, citizens set fire to the expensive energy bills in the streets. And in Sweden, Norway, and the United Kingdom, unrest reached a fever pitch.

The citizens of these countries were far from alone in their discontent.

On Sep. 1, risk consultancy Verisk Maplecroft released a report that found over the past quarter, civil unrest rose in 101 out of 198 countries.

“The data, covering seven years, shows that the last quarter saw more countries witness an increase in risks from civil unrest than at any time since the index was released.”

It added, “the worst is undoubtedly yet to come,” as more than 80 percent of countries around the world experience inflation above six percent.

If this coming winter is colder than average, I predict that there will be protests, mass protests, starting first in the larger cities and then spreading to smaller cities. The cost of heating one’s home is going to increase significantly, and that will be very bad news for those who need to heat their homes. When the choice becomes … either I feed my children or I try to keep them warm, and it becomes impossible to do either well, the throngs will go to the streets. 

Who will be the ones who will suffer the most? Keep in mind that Joe Biden and his elite cronies will not go hungry and will not be having their home thermostat set at sixty degrees. Obviously, it will be those in the lower economic classes that will suffer the most.

Pray that this winter will be warmer and less severe than usual, or … “God help us!”


Caused or Produced By Humans

Another big word has caught my attention. Granted it’s probably not a word that can easily be often interjected into everyday conversation, but it is an important concept word that is influencing our everyday lives. The word is “anthropogenic” which means caused or produced by humans: e.g. anthropogenic air pollution.

“Anthropogenic” has now become part of my vernacular because of an article written by Chris Talgo (ctalgo@heartland.org) who is a senior editor at The Heartland Institute. Most of the following is from that article.

According to a new poll conducted by Fairleigh Dickinson University and sponsored by The Heartland Institute, the percentage of earth scientists who believe that anthropogenic climate change will “significantly harm” standard of living in our lifetimes is far lower than previously reported. The poll found that only 59 percent of earth scientists hold this view, a far cry from the fallacious 97 percent figure frequently cited in the mainstream media and academia, and other estimates that range up to 100 percent.

The poll of 400 meteorologists, climatologists, geologists, and other scientists uncovered new ground by asking what percentage of climate change is attributable to human activity, as well as its impact on standard of living and recent changes in severe weather events. Its findings destroy the assertion that scientists uniformly believe government intervention is needed to prevent a climate change catastrophe.

The poll also found that the scientists who do believe in significant anthropogenic climate change harm are much more likely to hold demonstrably false beliefs about the frequency and severity of severe weather events during recent years.

In reality, objective data show hurricanes have become less frequent in recent years, wildfires have become less frequent in recent years, droughts have become less frequent in recent years, and tornadoes have become less frequent in recent years.

The poll also revealed significant discrepancies in climate change beliefs based on age and other factors. Among respondents with the most experience observing weather events and climate – those aged over 50 years old – only 44 percent believe that climate change would significantly harm standard of living in our lifetimes. Respondents over 50 years old also were the least likely to falsely believe that severe weather events have significantly increased, at 38 percent. These age-dependent results bring into question how much young scientists are being taught climate science via speculative climate models versus verifiable climate observations.

To me, after digesting the results of this new poll conducted by Fairleigh Dickinson University, I think that it is safe to assume that the prior opinions on climate change are anthropogenic … produced by humans with little or no knowledge of factual data!


The Glorious American

For the past few weeks, I have read and have written about the midterm elections ad nauseam. Since they are occurring tomorrow, 11/8/22, I thought that it would be nice to write about something that has zippo to do with politics per se.

This morning I happened upon a satirical site called the 

The Glorious American, and just for fun, I am going to list a bunch of the previous titles from this site. From the titles, I assume that the accompanying pieces go back many many months … No, I did not read all of the satirical pieces, but rather a select few.

Sit back and smile!

-Report: High Turnout Of Dog-Faced Pony Soldiers Could Spell Trouble For Dems In Midterms

-Donald Trump In Hot Water After Paul Pelosi And Gay Lover Get In Hammer Fight

-New Biden Tweet So Puzzling Musk Forced To Revisit Free Speech Stance


-Delta Flight Makes Emergency Landing After Conservative Found On Board

WNBA Players Issue Ultimatum To American People: ‘It’s Either Us Or The Flag’

LeBron: ‘We’re At The Point Where A Girl Can’t Even Stab Her Friends Anymore’

LeBron James Demands NBA Investigate What All These ‘FLJ’ Signs Mean

Sports On Hold Until LeBron James Teaches Police How To Do Their Job

-LeBron: ‘Now We Need To Worry About Getting Shot Every Time We Try To Kill Someone?’

-Local Man Devoured By Mostly Peaceful Shark California Officials Say

-Chris Cuomo: ‘Show Me The Law That Says Protesters Can’t Commit Assault’

-Don Lemon Remains In Critical Condition After Someone Calls Him ‘Donald’

California Store Owner Prices All Items At $951 So Thieves Can Be Prosecuted

Lightfoot Enters Solitary Confinement After Vowing To Only Talk To People Who Look Like Her

-Bombshell: Blazing Saddles DVD Found In NASCAR Garage

-AOC Recounts Surviving Titanic On Instagram Live



Brendon Birt

According to my Sunday tradition, the following is about a true hero, an Iowa man by the name of Brendon Birt.

From BlazeNews:

After making a wrong turn while on his way to drop off a friend, Brendon Birt drove past an Iowa house fire. Birt rushed into action, taking desperate measures to warn those inside, ultimately saving four siblings.

“I just remember driving by the house and looking to my left,” said Birt. “I just see flames on the porch. I just knew it was going to get real bad real quick.”

Birt told KETV he was convinced people were inside. He stated, “I just felt like somebody was in there because it was so late at night, you know? I just knew that I had to act quick.”

Birt was right as three  kids, ages 8, 14, and 17, and their older brother, age 22, were asleep inside the home, where smoke alarms hadn’t gone off.

In one version of the Ring doorbell camera footage, which documented the harrowing incident, Birt’s car can be seen reversing after initially passing by the house. Upon seeing the inferno, he dashed out of the vehicle with phone in hand, calling emergency services.

While he had notified the authorities, Birt indicated that he was not content to sit idly by and wait.

Birt said, “I took a step back. The heat was just so crazy, so I went to the side of the house. I couldn’t see nothing, it was so dark.”

Birt pounded windows and doors, shouting out that there was a fire and imploring those inside to get out.

Fourteen-year-old Spirit Lehman told NBC News that she woke up after hearing Birt’s “banging and the screaming outside of the house.”

Spirit Lehman acted quickly, waking up both her younger brother Christopher and her older sister Kindred. The kids’ older brother, Bryce Harrison, soon followed suit, barreling out the front door and onto the porch, which by then was fully engulfed in flame.

The Lehmans’ house was rendered a write-off, having been devoured by the fire. Christopher Lehman said that “everything was just black in the living room. … There was nothing left of it.”

Tender Lehman, the kids’ mother, had been away in Montana for a family emergency over the weekend. Lehman said she was “incredibly grateful” for what Birt had done, noting her “kids wouldn’t have made it, man.”

Birt is “family now,” said Lehman.

Brendon Birt is a true hero. He saved the lives of four individuals because he stopped his car and acted immediately. The irony here is that Brendon  Birt only found himself in front of the burning house because he had made a wrong turn after taking s friend home.


Qualifications ? … Hmmm!

Everyone is anticipating 11/822, Election Day … err, everybody except those who live in California where Gavin Newsom presently is and will continue to be our governor.

The “eminently qualified” Gavin Newsom just signed AB 2098 into law. For those of you who are not familiar with AB 2098, this new cockamamie law basically prevents any physician in California from speaking out against the party line on Covid. Because he signed AB 2098, one would expect Governor Newsom to have some expertise in medicine. I guess he feels that he can restrict what physicians can discuss with their patients in the confines of the physician’s office. However doctor Newsom is no doctor … in fact he is not even a “doctor” like Jill Biden is a “doctor.”

Today I bring up the unequaled lack of Newsom’s medical qualifications, because a group of real MDs have just filed suit to block the implementation of AB 2098. The plaintiffs want the court to enter a preliminary injunction against the law. That would block enforcement until the case is resolved.

The law’s definition of misinformation as “false information that is contradicted by contemporary scientific consensus,” a clear violation of the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment, Dr. Tracy Høeg, a California physician, and the four other doctors said.

If the law is not blocked, “physicians will find themselves in a very difficult position of needing to choose between saying what they truly believe, saying what they think the medical board wants them to say, or simply staying silent,” Høeg added.

Not surprising the wusses who sit on the California Medical Board declined to comment.

To me AB 2098 is clearly unconstitutional, and will be overturned. I wonder why Governor Newsom did not recognize that. Certainly one would expect him to have some expertise in law …but, NO! Governor Newsom also has zero expertise in the law. He is not a lawyer.

One might ask, “what qualifications or expertise does Mr. Newsom actually have?”

Is it his college B.S. degree in political science… Hmmm!

Could it be that he has no real qualifications, other than he knows those in high places? (After graduation, he founded the PlumpJack wine store with a family friend, Gordon Getty, as an investor.) Newsom began his political career in 1996, when San Francisco mayor Willie Brown appointed him to the city’s Parking and Traffic Commission. Qualified ?  … Hmmm!

Could it be that Newsom’s aunt was married to Ron Pelosi, the brother-in-law of Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi? … Hmmm!


Blast From the Past – V

I am having an increasingly difficult time choosing just one “blast from the past” article to put out each Saturday. Today’s gem is from 6/27/20.


Yesterday I read four different newspaper articles on how bad the present situation is with the coronavirus . . . two in my local newspaper and two in the Wall Street Journal.

 “Virus Spread Accelerates  Across U.S.”

“Colleges Spend Millions to Keep Campuses Safe”

“As Virus Surges, No Need for New State Shutdown”

“CDC: 24 Million in U.S. Possibly Infected”

To me, two things were amazing in this compilation of these four articles:

First: No where was the temporal relation between the recent protests, riots, and civil unrest mentioned or even considered as a potential reason for the recent “surge” in infections. Now, granted I am not sure if the protests, etc. are the only cause of the consequent increase in infections, but, come on, at least mention it as a possibility! I have yet to see a protest/civil unrest picture in a newspaper where all of the protesters had face masks . . . worn properly. At this point just about everyone is aware that shouting increases the viral load coming from a person’s mouth, and in just about all of the riots/civil disturbances there are multiple loudmouths with open mouths . . . very likely shouting . . . although I suppose that it is possible that these “protesters” have widely open mouths without any sound coming out! (If you believe this, I have a bridge I want to sell you!)

The other interesting observation is that the recent increases in Covid cases are predominately in young people, and, oh yeah, almost all of the protesters/rioters were mainly young people. Coincidence ? Possibly, but possibly a lot more than serendipity. 

Personally, I would think that the fact that infections are now in predominately younger people is a good thing. However, it seems that one of the present coronavirus commandments is, “Do not print anything that could possibly be interpreted as a positive thing.” Oops, I’m sorry!

Second: it is a mere coincidence that a lot of the recent “surge” is in those states that share a border with Mexico. . . . California, Arizona, Texas, for example. Again is this just coincidence, or is the increase related to infected individuals seeping north across the border. At present, Mexico is getting slammed by the virus. Here in California, Tijuana is just across the border from Chula Vista. The hospitals in Chula Vista are getting inundated with Covid cases, by far the largest numbers in San Diego County. Likewise further east, the hospital in El Centro, Ca.is constantly transferring Covid patients to hospitals in Los Angeles, San Diego, and Las Vegas. El Centro is on the U.S. side, just across the border from Mexicali, Mexico. Does anyone actually believe that the surge of Covid in Mexico is unrelated to a similar surge on the U.S. side of the border.

Since, I cannot read anymore about the “worsening situation,” if anyone in the press mentions the protests or Mexico, as causes for the the recent increase in cases, let me know.
