More Important Things

As many of you are already aware I do not like Joe Biden, and I hope that I have said anything which would lead anyone to think otherwise. Without going through the litany of his many poor decisions, suffice it to say that many times he has demonstrated that he is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Often I have thought that he could not say or do anything more tawdry, and many times I have been wrong, as he consistently just sinks lower and lower. However, his latest non-action may be the most reprehensible and shameful yet.

On 12/6/22, Biden flew to Arizona to celebrate the CHIPS and Science Act. Before his departure, he was asked why his trip to Arizona would exclude visiting the border, where a migrant crisis remains ongoing. Note that he was in Phoenix which is only about one-hundred miles from the border.

“There are more important things going on,” Biden responded. … OMG! (Perhaps he was referring to another plan to forgive more student loans, or figuring out another non-Catholic way for a catholic to promote abortion!)

From Issues & Insights:

“‘More important things’ than millions of undocumented people, including some affiliated with terror groups, crossing our border? More important than the hundreds of migrants who died on the journey, or were sold into virtual slavery by human traffickers?

More important than the thousands of Americans who will die from overdoses of fentanyl that had been carried across the border by members of Mexico’s vicious drug cartels, which now also control the illegal immigration business, pocketing billions of dollars?

More important than the decimated communities on the border that Biden didn’t deign to visit, which are now suffering from soaring crime and other costs due to the gush of illegals, now at record levels?”

But in order to make this insult complete, when a Border Patrol agent was killed less than twenty-four hours later, Joe Biden did not even acknowledge his passing. 

What or Who is diametrically opposed to a “class act?” If you answered ‘Joe Biden’, you’d win the grand prize!


“Bags … Free,” but Not Speech!

I fly Southwest Airlines (SWA) a fair amount mainly because they fly where I mostly want to go, and, in addition, their prices have always been reasonable. Also their policy of “bags fly free” is a major benefit for those of us who have a difficult time lifting luggage up into the storage compartments above the seats. For the most part when I fly on SWA, there are few, if any, empty seats … so I ask, “why is it that the SWA stock is significantly down?”

This morning I read a piece from BlazeMedia on how they treated Charlene Carter, and thought that perhaps this could partly explain the stock price dilemma. In general if the modus operandi of SWA is to treat their employees like they treated Charlene Carter, well “Houston, we have a problem!”

Briefly, Southwest Airlines fired former flight attendant Charlene Carter from her “dream job” for expressing pro-life views. Carter fought the airline and Transport Workers Union Local 556 for nearly six years and won in July.

From the Epoch Times:

“A Texas federal judge has ordered Southwest Airlines to reinstate Charlene Carter, the flight attendant who made headlines after a jury ruled that she was unlawfully fired for expressing pro-life views and for criticizing her union.

Judge Brantley Starr granted Carter $300,000 in compensatory and punitive damages from Southwest; $300,000 in compensatory and punitive damages from the flight attendants’ union, Transport Workers Union of America Local 556; $150,000 in back pay, and $60,180.82 in prejudgment interest.

In a decision filed on Dec. 5, five months after a jury decided in Carter’s favor, Judge Starr remarked, “Bags fly free with Southwest. But free speech didn’t fly at all with Southwest in this case.”


Coincidence ?

I try not to pay any attention to the “he said, she said” accusations that are typically made against politicians for things that supposedly occurred many years back. I did not spend one iota of my time with the Kavanaugh accusations. Likewise, back in 2020, I did not spend any time or energy on the accusations leveled by Tara Reade against Joe Biden for something he purportedly did back in 2013. 

Que sera, sera … no me importa.

However the Tara Reade story took an unusual twist. … Coincidence ?

From the Daily Wire::

Several months after former Senate staffer Tara Reade accused Joe Biden of sexual assault, the Department of Justice (DOJ) issued a subpoena to Twitter demanding personal information on her accounts, including credit card or bank account numbers.

The subpoena was only recently revealed by the Daily Caller, which obtained emails and documents relating to the incident showing the DOJ asked Twitter to testify in front of a grand jury on December 16, 2020, to provide “all subscriber information” for Reade’s accounts. The information was requested of the two accounts belonging to Reade, including @ReadeAlexandra and @TaraMcCabe.

The DOJ requested the following information from the accounts, according to the Daily Caller:

  • Subscriber name;
  • Address;
  • Records of session times and durations, to include attempted/failed/unauthenticated logins;
  • Length of service (including start date) and types of service utilized;
  • Telephone or instrument number or other subscriber number or identity, including any temporarily assigned network address; and
  • Means and source of payment for such service (including any credit card or bank account number)”

Again, I have to ask, “Coincidence?” Why credit card and bank account numbers?

I do not recall reading that the DOJ subpoenaed Twitter for similar info on the Brett Kavanaugh accuser. Is this an example of the accuser of a conservative being treated differently than the accuser of a liberal by the DOJ? … or is this merely a coincidence!



“Global Warming” … Campbell 1

I recently read a long article on Rip’s Newsletter about global warming written by Terry M. Campbell. “Who’s he?” You might ask. Like you, I had never heard of him, but his background is uber impressive, with “multiple engineering, science, and legal University degrees.  He has spent 30 years designing computers for International Business Machines (IBM), therefore knows a lot about computer simulation, having designed the hardware on which these simulations run. He has designed, programmed, implemented, and run thousands of simulations of many kinds.”

He notes that he wrote this original white paper in October of 2009 to vent and let off steam from the UN IPCC claiming to be scientists and giving all real scientists a bad name by association. He has updated this paper several times as “politics changed, but the science has remained constant.” (His last revision of this paper was on 10/24/22.)

I do not profess to be a global warming or anti-global warming guru, however his piece had more factual information than I have ever seen on the subject of global warming, and I plan to repeat this info piecemeal over the course of a few weeks.

From Campbell’s most recent update:

“Below all of the lower-numbered weather cycles are embedded in each of the higher-numbered weather cycles.1st cycle – 24-hour or one-day cycle – rotation cycle2nd cycle – 365¼ day or one-year cycle – orbital cycle3rd cycle – 11-year cycle with sliding variable beginning–sunspot cycle4th cycle – 26,000-year cycle – axis wobble cycle5th cycle – 100,000-year cycle – expanding/contracting orbit cycle We are slightly past the middle of the 100,000-year 5th cycle (about the mean average distance from the sun). We are currently leaving the warming trend and entering into the cooling phase of the predictable 4th cycle (26,000-year cycle–axis wobble). The current tilt on the earth’s axis is causing the warmer summers and cooler winters in the northern hemisphere.  This is all normal, we humans have absolutely nothing to do with the climate. The ice in Antarctica, a continent larger than North America, is getting thicker and the summer ice in Artic is decreasing, thereby maintaining the balance of nature keeping the global sea levels constant.
“Global Warming” was a convenient and real misnomer.  Plus, the earth has been cooling for the past thirty years, not warming.  Now the uninformed environmentalists have changed their mantra to “Climate Change”, but should be referred to as “Weather Cycles”.  The temperature of the earth’s atmosphere is continuously changing. It is never stagnating, and is a naturally occurring weather phenomenon.  That is why most intelligent people referred to the everchanging climate as weather cycles.  Simple thermodynamics of the Sun’s energy output, the earth’s distance from the sun, and the earth’s direct or indirect exposure to the Sun’s energy easily explain the temperature variances on the surface of our planet.  There are cycles within cycles within cycles.  Each longer cycle includes all the shorter cycles within it. The shorter weather cycles are nested within all of the longer cycles.  All major temperature variances are caused by the following physical cycles, each cycle containing all of the previous cycles

Enough for one week. Next week I plan to go into more detail about these various “weather cycles.”



Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk did as he promised and revealed on 12/2/22 a trove of emails detailing the internal debate at Twitter over the censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop story ahead of the 2020 election.

Musk tweeted an announcement about the emails, and after a delay, the “Twitter files” were released in a lengthy tweet thread by journalist Matt Taibbi.

“The ‘Twitter Files’ tell an incredible story from inside one of the world’s largest and most influential social media platforms. It is a Frankensteinian tale of a human-built mechanism grown out the control of its designer,” Taibbi wrote, summarizing the documents.

One email showed that members of the Biden administration were reaching out to the Twitter team and asking them to “review” tweets which were later deleted by the company.

One of the many things Taibbi tweeted:

“By 2020, requests from connected actors to delete tweets were routine. One executive would write to another:  ‘More to review from the Biden team.’ The reply would come back: ‘Handled.’”

One of the insights Musk shared via investigative reporter Matt Taibbi was that the Democratic National Committee demanded that Twitter censor 75-year-old conservative actor James Woods, among others.

With his suspicions confirmed and the truth finally brought to light, Woods announced on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” that he would be “suing the Democratic National Committee no matter what.”

If what Taibbi is tweeting is true, it confirms my feeling that the DNC is truly demonic and evil.


Bianca Palomera

As is usual on Sunday, I present someone who we can and should look up to. This week’s hero is Bianca Palomera, was working her job as an assistant manager of a Habit Burger in Antioch, California. On the afternoon of 11/12/22, she noticed a man in the restaurant bullying a special-needs teen, and she spoke up.


“I hear the threats going, him having a problem, saying ‘who are you looking at, stop looking that way,'” Palomera recounted.

What to do? What would you do? What did Bianca do?

So she stood up for the boy and confronted his tormenter.

“‘Hey, you know, what you’re doing is wrong. It’s not right at all. He’s special needs. He doesn’t know what he’s doing,'” Palomera recalled telling him.

Her confrontation didn’t back the man down; instead he escalated things.

Surveillance video shows the much larger man getting right in Palomera’s face. He yelled slurs at her. She was seen jawing back at him.

Then he landed a brutal punch to her left cheek.

“I didn’t expect him to punch me at all,” Palomera recalled.

She briefly slumped on a chair then stood up and went after the attacker — but he swung harder and hit her apparently in the head.

Palomera believes that second punch is the one that destroyed her eye!

“I just remember grabbing my eye. I thought I was crying at first, but then after I saw that I had blood dripping down my shirt, you know, down my cheek.”

Doctors performed emergency surgery on her eye but couldn’t save it.

“Sometimes I think it’s all like a nightmare and try to open my eye, but regardless, I can’t see anything,” 

Even after getting punched in the head and losing her right eye, Bianca Palomera told KTVU-TV she wouldn’t undo standing up against a man she saw bullying a special-needs boy that weekend.

“Deep down, there will always be a little regret, but I wouldn’t take it back,” the 19 year old added. “At the end of the day, if you won’t do it, nobody else will. I felt like I had to step in.”

A true hero! Sticking up for a special needs teen, and paying a severe price. Again I ask, “What would you do?”


Blast From the Past – VIII

An oldie and a goodie from 12/13/20

If Not This, Then What? 

Thus far the Supreme Court has deftly and almost defiantly excused itself in perhaps the critical decision as of the yet early 21st century. The question is whether or not this past presidential election was fraudulent. Personally, I believe that it was stolen, but “I do not have standing!” (In this situation, a convenient SCOTUS avoidance technique.)

I understand the practical dilemma which is, (again as I understand it) if the electoral college does not demonstrate a clear winner by a certain date, then according to the Constitution, the election goes to the House of Representatives. One might think that this would be of benefit to the Dems as they hold a clear majority in the House, but in this situation each state gets the same vote as every other state … in other words, for example, Wyoming would get the same say as California. The problem for the Dems here is that there are more states that are Republican in the U.S., and since each state has the same number of votes as every other state, the likelihood is that the Republican nominee would win.

Well can you imagine the whoopla if that were to occur. As I see it, it would not really matter if SCOTUS took up the case and decided that the election was on the up-and-up, because the drop-dead due date for the Electoral College would have passed.

Ergo, in this situation,one might think that the Supreme Court is forced to turn a blind eye to a potential stolen and unlawful election. . . . But if the Supreme Court cannot judge whether a presidential election was fraudulent, then what good is it? 

In essence what this chicken-sh** move by SCOTUS means is that it is okay to cheat and make up rules in just about anything. To me this has John Roberts’ (it’s a tax . . . it’s not a tax!) fingerprints all over it.


Does This Make Any Sense ?

Right now, somewhere in the world someone is dying from starvation.

“The number of people affected by hunger has more than doubled in the past three years”, according to the United Nations, as “almost a million people are living in famine conditions, with starvation and death a daily reality.”

Based on this reality, what would be the common sense thing to do? Throughout the western world, if you are on the left politically, the obvious “common sense” thing to do is … drum roll, please! …  to decrease food production. If you do not believe me, consider the following.

From Issues & Insights ( 12/1/22):

Most by now have seen reports that Dutch officials are closing as many as 3,000 farms in the Netherlands, the world’s second-largest exporter of agricultural products by value even though it’s only slightly larger than Maryland, to comply with crackpot European Union carbon dioxide emissions rules. It’s possible that eventually more than 11,000 farms will be shut down, and 17,600 forced to sharply cut their livestock numbers.”

Hmmm! Does this make any sense?

“On our side of the Atlantic, the malefactors are also busy. Just the News is reporting that the Environmental Protection Agency is quietly quadrupling the regulatory cost of carbon emissions in a new war on fossil fuels, which is, of course, also a war on the food supply.

‘If you think about the fact that they would impose this damage factor, let’s say on farmers, because it applies to fertilizer,’ Louisiana Solicitor General Liz Murill said on the John Solomon Reports podcast. ‘Fertilizer emits nitrous oxide. So fertilizer is a big contributor. If every family farmer now is going to have to pay more to obtain fertilizer to fertilize crops that feed us, well, what’s that going to do to the price of food?’”

Hmmm! Does this make any sense?

So let me get this straight! A million people are living in famine and are dying of starvation, so “those that know best” are going to decrease the supply of food and thus make food more expensive and consequently less available to those who are already living in famine conditions. 

Does  this make any sense?

The motivation of leftists for this apparent conundrum all has to do with “global warming,” and its “disastrous” consequences. Perhaps their thinking goes something like this … “Since global warming will kill off many, many people, we might as well kill off those who are living in famine now. They are poorer and will most likely die anyway. So the end result in terms of deaths will be essentially the same, as deaths will occur either now or later. Furthermore if more die sooner, think of all the expired CO2 that will not be expired! In addition, we will no longer have to worry about the potential flooding in the more affluent areas of the world, like Nantucket.”

Liberals apparently think, “this makes sense to us!”


A Southerner’s Neologism

As background,  a ‘neologism’ is a new word, meaning, usage, or phrase.

The Senator from Louisiana, John Kennedy, often has a unique way with words. He makes statements that are true and often simultaneously amusing. In fact just recently he appears to have coined a new word to describe President Biden’s energy policy. He quipped that Biden and his party’s energy policy is a “moronathon!”

Sen. Kennedy continued,

“President Biden has embraced the woke or berserk wing of the Democrat Party, and woke ideology says we need to get rid of oil and gas in the United States.

“So President Biden has developed a new energy policy and it is this: Instead of producing at a cheaper cost our own oil and gas in America, we’re going to buy oil from foreign countries that hate us — in this case Venezuela — so those foreign countries will have more money to buy weapons to try to kill us. 

Sen. Kennedy added! “It also adds to inflation. This new policy of the president’s results in an increase in the price of oil and natural gas so, when a honeybun costs you $20, you can thank President Biden for that too.”

But let’s be clear, moronathonic-like actions are not limited to Washington.

From Townhall:

JetBlue is coming under fire over the airline’s refusal to hire unvaccinated pilots even as it takes a violent, convicted felon, John Perrys, under its wings. Perrys, a former Air Force captain, remains on felony probation until 2044. 

Daily Wire’s @LukeRosiak tells @TuckerCarlson about his investigation into @JetBlue‘s hiring of a violent felon: “They won’t hire you if you haven’t had the vax. But they did hire John Perrys…The crime he was convicted of was assault with a deadly weapon while wearing a mask.”

“It’s the epitome of woke logic here,” Rosiak said. “Violent criminals are not a safety threat…but what’s a safety threat is not wanting to get a vaccine that doesn’t reliably prevent you from getting or transmitting a disease that pretty much everyone has gotten now anyway.” 

Have “those who know best” at Jet Blue recently visited Washington? … if so, perhaps  moronathonic thinking is contagious!


American Injustice, Personified

I just read an article on Issues & Insights by Armando Simon, an author and retired psychologist. I do not think that I have ever recommended a book that I have not read, but after reading Simon’s op-ed about ‘American Injustice’ by J.P. MacIsaac, I feel that I can echo the sentiments of Simon’s full title … ‘American Injustice’ – Buy It, Read It, Give It As A Christmas Gift.

First of all who is J.P. MacIsaac?

From Issues & Insights:

“He is the computer repairman who received a laptop from an intoxicated crackhead scumbag that turned out to be Hunter Biden and who later neglected to pick it up. The book details what transpired after that.

In his op-ed article Simon stated, ‘You’ve heard the hackneyed phrase, ‘I couldn’t put it down.’ I’m sorry, but I couldn’t put it down, even though I had a long list of chores to do that weekend. Well, actually, I did put it down. That is, for five minutes to start one of the tasks only to go back and pick up reading where I left off.’

MacIsaac realized early on that the information that he had accidentally acquired was so explosive, with so much at stake, and the players so ruthless that the danger of being “suicided” was not as outlandish as one might think.

Nonetheless, for many months thereafter, MacIsaac was consumed with frustration as he continued to do right by his country and bring the evidence out into the public after he finally realized the FBI was going to do nothing, but it seemed no one was interested. 

Although he had repeatedly asked for anonymity, predictably the young author’s identity was revealed, and he began to immediately receive hundreds of insults and threats from people who instantly swallowed the party line. He had tried to remain anonymous throughout. All he wanted to do is maintain his business and build a life and home in Wilmington. But Delaware is a liberal state. At his restaurant and watering hole, strangers would come up to him and ask him how much Putin had paid him for what he had done. His liberal girlfriend dumped him. His tolerant and inclusive friends turned against him. He was called a fascist. His customers abandoned him. Ultimately, he closed his dying business and left Delaware, broke.

This book would make a good Christmas gift.”

Personally I plan to ask for MacIsaac’s book for “Jolabokaflod” which translates into “Christmas Book Flood.” This Icelandic tradition is to give and receive new books on Christmas Eve. 
