Those of you who are familiar with my Sunday modus-operandi realize that the individual written about is someone who is to be admired for having principles and standing up for and acting on these principles. The honoree today is Lauren Handy, who tried to stop the abortions of unborn babies at an abortion clinic in 2019. Now she’s spending 45 days in jail.
A Michigan judge sentenced Handy [and three other pro-life activists with the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU)] in mid November for impeding abortions from taking place at a Michigan abortion clinic (PAAU has described such blockades as “nonviolent direct action”).
Handy was also charged with obstructing a police officer for going “limp” during her arrest. PAAU says this “ is a decision often made by nonviolent social justice activists who refuse to assist in their own unjust arrest.”
(Parenthetically, as similar activist tactics are also employed by groups like ShutDownDC as they block traffic over climate protests or RiseUp4AbortionRights activists who chained themselves to the Supreme Court fencing over the summer, I wonder why “going limp” is the equivalent of “resisting arrest” in Handy’s case.)
From The Daily Signal:
“My time in jail has been used to further the mission of loving and serving others wherever I am placed,” Handy said in a message to The Daily Signal from the Flint, Michigan jail. “I have created friendships that will last beyond bars. Many girls have shared their stories of pregnancy loss and abortion and I have in turn shared the message of hope and healing.”
“I am right where I need to be during this Christmas season,” Handy added. “I am at peace and thankful for this opportunity to reach the abandoned of the abandoned.”
Now whether you agree or disagree with Lauren Handy’s position on abortion, she certainly is one who is to be admired for standing up for her principles.