Now in its fourth week, I am continuing to address the topic of “global warming.” As was the case in the past three weeks all of the following is taken from a long treatise on this topic, written by Terry M. Campbell and posted on 10/28/22 in Rip’s Newsletter:
“All of the doomsday weather predictions are from faulty computer simulations with faulty input data, real facts were ignored. Professor Phil Jones generated his infamous “hockey stick graph” back in the mid-eighties when he was the director of the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit. The raw data he used to produce this fraudulent graph has never been produced for peer review (now has been deemed lost or nonexistent). After East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit released the results of their multimillion-dollar research grant in 1984, I requested a copy of the raw data through the United Nations (UN) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) they used to generate their “Relative Forcing Formula” (∆F = 5.35 x in C/Co Wm-2). They informed me that the data was not available to do a peer review and that East Anglia had moved their archive storage to a new facility and the data could not be located. Now we find out that it may never have existed (2009 e-mail releases). Their “Relative Forcing Formula” with the infamous ‘hockey stick’ graph it generated is what all the environmentalists religiously have used to forward their cause is not supported by current temperature readings. The formula has been proven to be bogus. The UN’s political non-scientific IPCC has based its global warming doomsday predictions on this graph and its faulty non-science. They cannot predict accurately the weather next week much less hundreds of years in the future. All of these simulation programs use statistical analysis as their basic or root algorithm. Their warming “science” is based on the supposition that Earth can absorb only so much CO2. The fact is, over the past 160 years the Earth’s absorption of CO2 has remained unchanged, only 45% of all CO2 remains in the atmosphere as opposed to 100% that the warmers claim. The East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit “Relative Forcing Formula” that all of the doomsday climate procrastinators use does not take this into account. More dissenters, who were silenced for years by the media, and ostracized by colleagues, are stepping forward. Earth’s ecosystems are more complex and robust, meaning that the pseudo-scientists crying humans contribute to climate change, were limited in their comprehension.” |
Well, well, none of the original data from “research” published in 1984 is available for review! Isn’t that just a bit too convenient! Hmmm!