Global Warming … Campbell 4

Now in its fourth week, I am continuing to address the topic of “global warming.” As was the case in the past three weeks all of the following is taken from a long treatise on this topic, written by Terry M. Campbell and posted on 10/28/22 in Rip’s Newsletter:

“All of the doomsday weather predictions are from faulty computer simulations with faulty input data, real facts were ignored.   Professor Phil Jones generated his infamous “hockey stick graph” back in the mid-eighties when he was the director of the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit.  The raw data he used to produce this fraudulent graph has never been produced for peer review (now has been deemed lost or nonexistent).  After East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit released the results of their multimillion-dollar research grant in 1984, I requested a copy of the raw data through the United Nations (UN) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) they used to generate their “Relative Forcing Formula” (∆F = 5.35 x in C/Co Wm-2).  They informed me that the data was not available to do a peer review and that East Anglia had moved their archive storage to a new facility and the data could not be located.  Now we find out that it may never have existed (2009 e-mail releases). Their “Relative Forcing Formula” with the infamous ‘hockey stick’ graph it generated is what all the environmentalists religiously have used to forward their cause is not supported by current temperature readings.  The formula has been proven to be bogus.  The UN’s political non-scientific IPCC has based its global warming doomsday predictions on this graph and its faulty non-science.  They cannot predict accurately the weather next week much less hundreds of years in the future.   All of these simulation programs use statistical analysis as their basic or root algorithm. Their warming “science” is based on the supposition that Earth can absorb only so much CO2.  The fact is, over the past 160 years the Earth’s absorption of CO2 has remained unchanged, only 45% of all CO2 remains in the atmosphere as opposed to 100% that the warmers claim.  The East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit “Relative Forcing Formula” that all of the doomsday climate procrastinators use does not take this into account. More dissenters, who were silenced for years by the media, and ostracized by colleagues, are stepping forward.  Earth’s ecosystems are more complex and robust, meaning that the pseudo-scientists crying humans contribute to climate change, were limited in their comprehension.”

Well, well, none of the original data from “research” published in 1984 is available for review! Isn’t that just a bit too convenient! Hmmm!


Past the Tipping Point

After serious reflection could it be that I have been too harsh on the Covid vaccine, it’s side-effects, and it’s effectiveness? While the mRNA vaccines do have side-effects, and lose their effectiveness, perhaps, I should be more “fair and balanced!” I say this because of the latest news out of China, which as most are aware had its own vaccine, which was not the Moderna or the Pfizer mRNA vaccines. It now appears that China has possibly passed a Covid tipping point, as their medical resources are being thoroughly overwhelmed.

From the Epoch Times:

“As many as 37 million people are contracting COVID-19 in a single day in China, according to leaked minutes from a meeting of the country’s top health body confirmed by multiple news outlets.

In the first 20 days of December, 248 million people—accounting for about 18 percent of the population—were likely to have been infected with the disease, officials said during the National Health Commission’s internal meeting on Dec. 21. The figure is exponentially higher than the regime’s official virus tally, and if accurate, would mean that China’s outbreak is the largest in the world.”

Could this recent overwhelming number of Covid cases in China be a consequence of the less effective vaccine used in China? Certainly this is a possibility. Nonetheless, the other possibility is that the present explosion of cases is a consequence of their prior stringent isolation policies.

Again from the Epoch Times:

“Nearly three years under the regime’s stringent zero-COVID policy has left the Chinese public with little natural immunity against COVID-19’s highly contagious Omicron variant, which appears to be spinning out of control in the country.

The virus surge has overloaded morgues and hospitals across China. Beijing Tongzhou Civil Affairs Bureau told state-owned Beijing Youth Daily that the funeral home in its district is cremating 140 to 150 bodies each day as of Dec. 22, a stark contrast with the 40-per-day workload in the past. More than half a dozen funeral homes have confirmed a similar situation with The Epoch Times in recent days.

“A Beijing resident told The Epoch Times that he lost five family members over 10 days, at least two of which were COVID-positive. All of them had been vaccinated with homegrown vaccines from Sinovac, which has received heavy scrutiny in the past for alleged side effects from diabetes to leukemia.

“These fake vaccines really haven’t provided any protection,” he said in an interview on 12/21/22, requesting his name be withheld for safety reasons. “The commoners who contract COVID have nothing but their own immunity as a defense.”

The combination of an ineffective vaccine, crowded conditions, no herd immunity, prior strict isolation policies which have recently been loosened, and the highly contagious Omicron variant have combined to cause a humanitarian disaster in China. While I have contempt for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), I feel very bad for the commoners who are now paying the price for the CCP’s poor judgement and fallacious policies.


Haley Bridges

In accordance with my regular Sunday habit, Haley Bridges is someone we can all look up to and admire, especially on Christmas Day. Why ? Because  she did something above and beyond what was expected.

According to Today, 17-year-old Haley Bridges of Appleton, Wisconsin, gifted a vehicle to her 19-year-old friend and co-worker, Hokule’a Taniguchi, who had been commuting to and from work on a bicycle all fall and winter long.

As many of you probably know, it gets quite cold in Appleton, Wisconsin in the winter. Furthermore riding a bike anywhere on icy streets and sidewalks is not only a challenge, but also miserable.

From BlazeNews:

The background is that Bridges was in attendance at the 2020 Christmas banquet hosted by Chick-Fil-A, where she works. At that party, she received five raffle tickets to win the grand prize — a car. Bridges said that she couldn’t believe her ears when she heard her name announced as winner of the new vehicle. Bridges then promptly gifted the new car to her friend, Hokule’a Taniguchi.

Taniguchi told WLUK-TV that she feels incredibly blessed to be a part of the Chick-fil-A family.

“I really just started crying, because I was so happy, and I was like, ‘Oh my gosh! I can’t believe this is real!'” Taniguchi recalled of the moment she realized she would have a new car. “Now I can go grocery shopping. I can, like, go to work, like, five minutes before now instead of, like, two hours earlier just to get here on time. There’s a million more opportunities and possibilities for me now!”

All of this was made possible by the initial generosity of Chick-Fil-A, but also by the mind-boggling generosity of Haley Bridges.


Present Stats; Vac vs. No-Vac

A lot of us have become dubious of Covid stats from the CDC, including cardiologist, Dr. McCullough, who said, “The CDC death data has to be interpreted with caution, because they’re not adjudicated as dying of COVID. They can actually die with COVID.”

Apparently in the U.S. CDC’s website currently estimates that only 10 percent of COVID-19 deaths have COVID as the contributor of deaths. Therefore, there may be cases counted as a COVID mortality even if COVID was not the primary driver for the death.

Perhaps it might be elucidating to look at Covid stats from other English speaking countries. (It is not that I have anything against non-English speaking countries, but I have an easier time looking at stats in my own language.)

The following is from the Epoch Times:

“As of early January, 2022, hospitalization data coming out from the state of New South Wales (NSW) in Australia showed that a greater proportion of hospitalized patients were vaccinated. The vaccinated contributed to 50.3 percent of ICU presentations as compared to the 49.1 percent who were unvaccinated.”

Basically 50/50 in Australia almost one year ago.

Again from the Epoch Times:

“The most recent weekly data from NSW continued to show that the vaccinated make up the majority of COVID hospitalizations, ICU admission, and deaths. The most recent report, dated to Nov. 12, showed that unvaccinated patients contributed to 21 percent of COVID deaths, and less than 1 percent of hospitalizations and ICU admissions.

However, it should be noted that there was only 24 cases of COVID deaths reported in the report, with 440 hospitalizations and 40 ICU admissions, suggestive of a decline in disease severity.”

The following is from a second English speaking country:

Mortality data from Manitoba in Canada in the week July 31 to Aug. 6, 2022 also showed that while the boosted population made up 70 percent of all COVID mortalities, the unvaccinated contributed to less than 10 percent of deaths. This is with 43 percent of the population boosted.

(Here, in Canada, it seems that being unvaccinated is a big advantage.)

Likewise, again from the Epoch Times:

“Reports out of the UK also showed similar findings. A report (pdf) published on March 31, 2022 showed that almost 73 percent of COVID mortalities were in boosted individuals while 10 percent were attributed to unvaccinated people. At the time, over 57 percent of the population received a booster shot and 73 percent received their primary doses.”

So in these three English speaking countries, being unvaccinated appears to be advantageous at the present time with respect to Covid. Why am I not seeing this data in our mainstream media ?


A Blast From the Past – XI

This is my blog from 12/23/20

Not Essential ? 

During the pandemic, the arbitrary regulations and lockdowns that have forced small businesses to close and kids to remain out of school have had serious consequences. Pandemic-induced depression and suicide is a serious problem that seems to have been overlooked by many of the leaders imposing lockdowns.

From CBS Philadelphia:

Pandemic depression is a new disorder linked to COVID-19 and it’s growing. Research shows people in major metropolitan areas, like Philadelphia, are being hit harder by mental health challenges.

It’s not just physical ailments as emergency departments are also being bombarded with the emotional fallout from the pandemic. Over a six-week period this summer in Montgomery County in Pennsylvania, 400 people went to hospitals because of self-injury or suicidal thoughts.

A new study in Britain shows school lockdowns are having a big impact on children. “We found quite a substantial increase in ratings of depressive symptoms during lockdown,” said Duncan Astle, a developmental psychologist for the University of Cambridge.

The research tracked about 200 elementary students before and after the lockdown and found a 70% chance that depression increased with isolation.

From PJ Media:

Meanwhile, religious worship was deemed nonessential by some Democrat leaders during the pandemic. And houses of worship were forced to remain closed, allegedly out of health concerns. According to some Democrats, you could social distance in a Walmart, a restaurant, or even an airplane, but not a church or a synagogue—so they ordered them closed.

But a recently released Gallup Poll suggests that churches and synagogues should never have been deemed nonessential, and may have been the most essential thing Americans needed to get through the pandemic.

Gallup has been polling Americans annually, as part of its November Health and Healthcare survey, to assess whether their mental health is excellent, good, fair, or poor. While Americans’ mental health overall declined in 2020, frequent churchgoers (weekly) did not experience a mental health decline at all, and were the only group in the U.S. not to experience a decline. In fact, they saw a slight increase, with 46 percent rating their mental health as excellent in 2020, a 4 point increase over 2019. This compared to:

Monthly churchgoers = -12

Seldom or never churchgoers = -13

For comparison, some other groups in the Gallup poll – 2020 vs.2019:

White = -10

Non-white = -8

Married = -8

Non-married =-10

All different age groups = -8 to-10

Democrat =-1   (polled  in November after the election)

Republican =-15    (     “.        “.           “.             “.  )

Independent =-11.  (.  “.       “.      “.             “.        “. )

Jenna Ellis, who is also an attorney for the Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, Calif., which is suing Governor Gavin Newsom, Attorney General Xavier Becerra and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti for their unconstitutional COVID-19 restrictions, has argued that restricting religious worship has nothing to do with protecting Americans. “Church is essential, and the government has no power to arbitrate whether religious organizations are essential. This is not about health and safety, it is about targeting churches.”

At this moment in time, it appears that the Supreme Court agrees. 

State tuned.



“We Don’t Know!”

Granted in general there are a lot of things we do not know and we pay them little mind. For instance, “Is it going to rain tomorrow? … “We don’t know.” Okay, whether it rains or not tomorrow is not a big deal.

Whereas, if you needed surgery and asked, “Has the surgeon ever done this surgery before?”, an answer from the nurses of, “We don’t know,” would not inspire confidence. In this situation perhaps you might not sign the consent form until you had been reassured that indeed, the surgeon had done this type of surgery many times before.

What about, “Is the blood I might receive during my surgery tainted?” Think about this personally. If you are unvaccinated and never had Covid would,  “We don’t know.” inspire confidence. Would you just say, “que sera, sera,” cross your fingers and proceed?” Before you answer that question, remember what happened back in the 1980’s with AIDA and blood transfusions.

From the Epoch Times:

“in January 1983, after the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revealed evidence strongly suggesting blood and blood products transmitted AIDS and the disease was sexually transmitted, it recommended blood banks directly question donors about their sexual behavior and run blood donations through a series of screening tests.

The blood bank community issued a statement soon after, stating ‘direct or indirect questions about a donor’s sexual preference are inappropriate’ and not recommending any laboratory screening tests. As noted by

‘In fact, in the early years of the disease, many of the people who contracted AIDS were infected through blood transfusions. Because it took more than five years to develop a test to check for AIDS in blood before it was used in a transfusion, many people got the disease in hospitals.’”

So back in the eighties “We don’t know,” was clearly not adequate for those who developed AIDS from a blood transfusion. 

According to Steve Kirsch, executive director of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, “If there were a safety signal from using vaccinated blood for transfusions, it would have surfaced by now.” 

Kirsch added,

“If they agree to use unvaccinated blood, it could be interpreted as an admission that vaccinated blood is not safe and could lead to everyone requesting unvaccinated blood which would then create severe blood shortages for a dubious benefit.”

Does this argument sound similar to what happened with AIDS and blood transfusions back in the 1980’s? When considering the safety of blood transfusions is “We don’t know” adequate?

For what it’s worth, Dr. Peter McCullough, who is usually not one who typically agrees with the mainstream on Covid, vaccines, masks, etc. thinks that segregating unvaccinated blood donors into a separate group is practically impossible.


Dem Disconnected Dems !

I am still seeing young children wearing masks … in church, in Costco, and even in cars. Whereas nearly all of  these young masked children are riding with their parents, one must wonder if these young children are also forced to wear a face-mask at home. Be that as it may, most likely who are the parents of these young children? 

A recent poll from Issues&Insights suggests that these parents are college graduates that identify as Democrats and make  more than $75,000 per year. (Another hint might be that they drive a Prius with a crooked bumper sticker advocating that we all must get along.”) The group least likely to be punishing their young children by forcing them to wear masks are Republican or Independent high school graduates making less than $30,000 a year.

Why are these liberal Democrat parents still forcing their children to wear a mask? The easiest answer is that they have been misled by the Main Stream Media.

From I&I:

In the last three years 3.3 million children under 5 have contracted COVID, and 643 have died. That translates into a death rate of 0.02%.

Those numbers might not matter, since the loss of any child is a tragedy. But the fact is that life is full of risks, and almost anything you can think of poses a greater risk to children than COVID.

Over the same three years, for example, more than 6,000 children in this age group died from preventable injuries — poisoning, falls, choking, drowning, fires, or suffocation. Parental negligence, it turns out, is 10 times deadlier than COVID.

Drowning alone claimed 2,700 children, making water almost five times deadlier than COVID.

Other health problems that most parents would never think about are deadlier than COVID. Nearly three times as many children died of cancer over the past three years. More than twice as many died of cardiovascular disease. Pneumonia and the flu claim twice as many young lives each year. More children die each year from homicides than perished from COVID.

Masks, in other words, target a risk that is minuscule compared with other risks that parents would view as exceedingly rare.

Downsides to masking young children?

Here’s what NPR reported earlier this year:

Numerous scientific papers have established that it can be harder to hear and understand speech and identify facial expressions and emotions when people are wearing masks. These are critical developmental tasks, particularly for children in the first three years of life.

The United States is an outlier in recommending masks from the age of 2 years old. The World Health Organization does not recommend masks for children under age 5, while the European equivalent of the CDC doesn’t recommend them for children under age 12.

That was NPR, for Pete’s sake! It goes on to quote Manfred Spitzer, a psychiatrist and a cognitive neuroscientist in Germany, who said:

“When speech no longer happens, when communication is interfered with, I think if that happens for a week, that’s OK. But if that happens for half a year, that’s eternity when it comes to brain development, at a very young age.”

Now I would think that a lot of dem Democrat parents who are forcing their young children to wear masks also listen to NPR. Why the disconnect?


Safe? … Not So Much !

“… this vaccine is not completely safe, and has unprecedented harms.”

This was said by British cardiologist, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, who initially encouraged the widespread use of COVID-19 vaccines until his father passed away suddenly of cardiac arrest after receiving the jab. 

His father’s death prompted Malhotra to begin researching the safety profile of the vaccines. Based on his findings, he no longer believes the theoretical benefits of COVID-19 vaccination outweigh the very real risks. 

Dr. Malhotra is not alone.

In June 2022, the FDA’s Tom Shimabukuro, M.D., M.P.H., M.B.A., identified as part of the CDC COVID-19 Vaccine Coordination Unit, reported that: “Current evidence supports a causal association between mRNA COVID-19 vaccination and myocarditis and pericarditis.”

Six months later, as of Dec. 2, 2022, there have been a total of 35,718 cases of myocarditis/pericarditisreported to the government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System.

This skepticism is not confined to Britain and the U.S.

After witnessing as many as 70 cases of vaccine-related heart conditions, Australian Cardiologist Dr. Ross Walker is now saying publicly that he believes there should be a ban on the use of mRNA booster vaccines.

According to Walker, the mRNA vaccines are “very pro-inflammatory,” he told Daily Mail Australia. “ He contended that The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunization should never have mandated mRNA vaccines.

Even the politicians are jumping onto the bandwagon.

On Dec. 7, 2022, Senator Ron Johnson led a roundtable discussion called Covid-19 Vaccines: What They Are, How They Work, and Possible Causes of Injuries.  

The next day, the House voted for an $858 Billion Defense Bill that included a repeal of the vaccine mandate for the military.

Among the doctors who have called for the COVID-19 vaccination campaigns to be halted is Japanese cardiovascular surgeon Dr. Kenji Yamamoto. In a letter published in the peer-reviewed journal Virology, Yamamoto argued that the COVID-19 booster shots are not safe.

How many more educated voices do we need to hear before the brakes are applied?


Global Warming … Campbell 3

This is the third part of a scientific treatise about the different facets of “global warming,” taken from a long piece on Rip’s Newsletter, written by Terry M. Campbell, an actual expert in this field.

Campbell continues:

“Our atmosphere (air) is made up of five major gases (nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, and water vapor) plus 12 measurable trace gases.  Not all of these gases are greenhouse gases. There are four major greenhouse gases, they are water vapor, methane, nitrous oxide, and carbon dioxide.  The fact that greenhouse gases exist is a good thing.   Without greenhouse gasses to lock in the energy from the sun, the global temperature would be -459% F, and we would all freeze and die or would have never existed. The following is the make-up of the naturally occurring greenhouse gases:95% of it is water vapor and 4.964% is methane, nitrous oxide, and other trace gases; .036% is the naturally occurring trace gas carbon dioxide, with 97% produced by nature and only 3% attributed to man, which is less than 0.001% of the carbon dioxide in the total atmosphere is attributed to man’s use of fossil fuels. All Trace gasses are measured by parts per million (ppm).  Currently, the average global carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration in the atmosphere is slightly over 400 ppm with a minuscule amount attributed to man (<.004 ppm).  The figures of the UN’s political non-scientific “Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change” (IPPC) are different and very wrong.  In Europe, they have been using heavy sulfur coal for heat and to cook for thousands of years and to produce electricity for the past hundred years.  This has contaminated the entire continent with high carbon and sulfur ash.  Any readings taken in Europe are not representative of the rest of the globe.  I tend to believe NOAA and NASA. They are not political organizations (yet) and have far more accurate equipment and much better-trained engineers and technicians than any political global organization. In short, we know a lot about the earth’s atmosphere and climate.  We also know a lot about long-term predictive climate models.  And we know they don’t work. They haven’t worked in the past.  They don’t work now.  And it’s hard to imagine when, if ever, they’ll work in the foreseeable future. There’s a common-sense reason for this.  Aside from the human brain, the climate is the most complex thing on the planet. The number of factors that influence climate; the sun, the earth’s orbital properties, oceans, clouds, and, yes, industrial man; are huge and enormously variable.  Climate change and air pollution are two different subjects with very little relation to each other and should be treated separately.  Air pollution is from emissions of Sulfur Dioxide, Nitric Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide (CO), Ozone (O3), Methane, etc. located in very localized-industrialized areas, not globally.  We can and should work on air pollution.  CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) IS NOT A POLLUTANT.”

That last phrase in boldface is worth repeating … “CO2 Is not a pollutant.”

If this is indeed the case, then the entire postulate of the global warming religion goes out the window!


The Biggest Ever !

“Potentially, the biggest financial crisis ever!” 

This was not tweeted by some ignoramus, but by someone who is a pretty smart guy … Elon Musk. But to what is he referring to? 

This tweet was in response to:





and it was concerning the potential upcoming used car financial crisis.

The automotive market may be under stress as several experts call for a massive wave of repossessions in early 2023.

The genesis of this potential crisis is nicely summarized nicely in the following from the Epoch Times:

“Reports by the anonymous Twitter account CarDealershipGuy revealed an “extremely alarming” trend among auto lenders. The CEO behind the account claimed that many lenders are ignoring red flags associated with loan applicants who are already “underwater” on a prior auto loan.

‘This morning I discovered something *extremely* alarming happening in the car market, specifically in auto lending,’ CarDealshipGuy, who authors a newsletter for auto market insights, wrote on Twitter, catching many people’s attention.

‘I’m now convinced that there is a massive wave of car repossessions coming in 2023.’

He went on to explain that many people had no choice but to buy a costly car during the pandemic. He said car values have been falling recently, with some dropping by nearly 30 percent year on year.

‘And these same people that took out these big loans are now ‘underwater.’ Basically, they owe banks more on these cars than they are worth,’ he stated, adding that the banks are well-aware of the problem.”

Without going into further detail, the situation is more complicated as is further detailed in the Epoch Times article. Suffice it to say if you are going to need another car in the near future, perhaps you should wait, as when the s**t hits the fan, car prices, especially used car prices, are going to drop … perhaps the biggest drop ever.
