My original title for this piece was going to be “Girls Just Want To Have Fun,” a 1985 song by Cindi Lauper, but because this is such a serious topic, I just could not do it.
I recently heard a story about a transgender first grader. This individual is a genetic girl (XX) who knew that she should be a boy. She is six years old and the story goes that she knew that she should be a boy at age two. (Now just to be clear my wife and I babysit for two young granddaughters, age five and seven, and transgenderism is not in their bailiwick.) What is even more incongruous than a six year old girl knowing that she should be a boy, is saying that she knew it at age two! I would guess that it was the parents who “knew” that their two-year old girl should really be a boy. OMG! … two-year old girls think about eating, sleeping, and cuddling with Mommy and Daddy. They DO NOT think they should be boys! Going out on a limb, I would postulate that the parents of this young girl are the ones who think she should be a boy! How else could their two year old daughter know that she is really a boy!
Did this two year old girl like to do things that are typically thought of as things that boys like to do? For instance, at age two did she like to play with cars and trucks? And at age five did she take an interest in baseball?
Back in the day, we might have called this girl a tomboy. For those not cognizant of this term, a tomboy is an energetic, sometimes boisterous girl whose behavior and pursuits, especially in games and sports, are considered more typical of boys than of girls.
At this point I might ask, “is being a tomboy such a bad thing?”
My answer is “absolutely not … in fact it can be quite a good thing.”
I am friends with a woman who freely admits that as growing up she was a tomboy. She later became a mother to two boys and a girl, and now is a super- grandmother to her three grandsons. At this point my rhetorical question is “could tomboys potentially make better mothers?” They know what young boys like, just as they know what young girls like. Perhaps when a mother/father sees their young daughter playing with cars and trucks, or taking an interest in baseball, they should encourage her to do what she likes to do, instead of convincing her that she is the wrong gender.