Insanity-Gate(s) !

Sometimes you read something and initially think that some putz is just attempting to put you on. However as you read further, you realize that what you are reading is not a joke, but rather … insanity! I just do not know how to put it otherwise. You can’t make this stuff up!!

Get prepared. Sit down. If you have to pee, do so before reading any further, as ia laugh induced bout of ncontinence is never something to aspire to.

The following is from Epoch Health … originally published by The Defender Children’s Health Defense’s News & Views Website on 3/20/23:

“The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation this month awarded a $4.8 million grant to a company, ZELP, that sells “smart” face masks for cows.

ZELP, which stands for Zero Emissions Livestock Project, claims its artificial intelligence (AI) mask technology for livestock will reduce methane emissions—considered to be a main greenhouse gas—and curb climate change.

Cows and other ruminant animals emit methane in the process of digesting their food.

The mask goes around the cow’s head and captures the methane gas exhaled by the animal, oxidizing it and then releasing it into the air as carbon dioxide and water vapor, according to ZELP.”

This is looney-tunes for a number of different reasons. 

First off, $4.8 million is quite a lot of do-re-me, and I can think of about 4.8 million other ways that this money could help a lot of people.

Second, according to environmental activist Vandana Shiva, Ph.D. ruminant animals in their natural habitat are not the key drivers of environmental problems.

“When the settlers worked their way across the plains, there were millions of buffalo,” Vlieger said. “If ruminant animals were the problem, why didn’t we have climate change problems then?”

Additionally, think rationally for a second. How are these cows supposed to eat with masks on! Furthermore, is another device to collect methane on the other end of their G-I tract?

Moreover, Vlieger said ZELP’s smart mask would generate electromagnetic radiation that could harm the animals.

“Many years ago when the USDA [U.S. Department of Agriculture] was talking about the electronic ID ear tags for cattle, I wrote an article about the dangers of the electromagnetic frequencies—and that was way before we had a fraction of the information that we have today,” he said.

“The potential for tumors and other ill health effects are significant,” Vlieger added.

What’s more, masks for cows aren’t the first money-making tech fix Gates has attempted to apply to a natural problem.

Last year, the billionaire partnered with Samsung in an attempt to make a toilet that would turn human feces into ash.

And Gates recently claimed his genetically altered seeds were necessary for solving world hunger because climate change alters growing conditions.

After reading about this insanity, I seriously wonder if the combination of being uber rich and being a global warming fanatic puts one at high risk for disassociating from reality … thus “Insanity-Gate(s)!”

But critics, including third-generation farmer Howard Vlieger, said the Gates-funded venture is illogical and driven by greed.

Vlieger, who advises crop and livestock farmers across the United States, said, “This is what you would get when you combine greed and stupidity.”

Commenting on the news, Will Harris—a fourth-generation regenerative farmer who runs his family’s farm White Oak Pastures, told The Defender all he could say was, “Surely this is a hoax.”

Critical Sway, a researcher and investigator, tweeted, “You couldn’t make this stuff up. … We’re living in ridiculous times my friends.”


Clint Emerson

As is usual on Sunday, I write about someone that we can all admire and hope to imitate if the situation arises. Clint Emerson is such an individual.

In a matter of seconds, Clint Emerson, combat medic with decades of experience was confronted with a destructive foe, one that lay waste to much of his property, leaving several “teachable moments” for others facing future natural disasters.

Form AccuWeather:

As a medic, Clint Emerson had been in more high-pressure situations than most. While at his north Dallas home last December, Emerson was confronted with a new challenge befitting of his survivalist instincts: keeping himself and his family safe amid a destructive tornado.

Taking on a natural combatant instead of an enemy soldier, Emerson quickly knew that he had to take action on the morning of Dec. 13, hustling to his home’s safe space along with his daughter, who was visiting from college. The Texas-bred Emerson saw rain beating down on his property “out of nowhere” that morning, escalating into one of the more than a dozen tornadoes that were confirmed by the National Weather Service office in Dallas-Fort Worth during deadly severe storms that had moved through the South.

“The rain went horizontal, like it was going to break the glass of the house,” Emerson told AccuWeather of his frantic morning. “Then, the rain started spinning, and at that point, that’s when I yelled to my daughter, ‘Get your shoes on.'”

“Most people, when they’re lounging around their home … they’re walking around in either house slippers or barefoot, that’s kind of normal for most homes I think,” the retired Navy SEAL said. “Whether you’re in a hotel traveling abroad, or you’re at home, make sure you got shoes on. Shoes that you can either run with or fight in. When it comes to survivability in disasters … you want to be able to move quick.”

With alacrity, the SEAL Team veteran and his daughter threw on their shoes and headed to the powder room, which was centrally located and had no exterior walls. Although he pointed out that “nothing is permanent when a tornado hits,” the pair was able to ride out what became one of the four EF2-strength tornadoes in the Texas metropolitan region.

Assigned to the elite SEAL Team Six and the National Security Agency during his military experience, Emerson said the sudden nature of the disaster was comparable to any prior mission he had undertaken. He noted that the accompanying raindrops became “like little bullets,” and that the “freight train” sound of the tornado ripping through the area was no different than an explosion. Pressurization from the storm buckled his ceiling within seconds, no different than being ambushed, Emerson explained.

“[The tornado was] just as violent as any combat situation … those winds, especially twisting and spinning … I had no idea how violent they really were until you’re sitting there, you’re looking at it.”

While most everything on his property was destroyed, Emerson’s quick thinking saved the lives of himself and his daughter. His advice about wearing shoes and getting to a room with no outside walls is something we can all put somewhere in our memory bank.

And BTW to Clint Emerson: “Thank you for your service!”


Some Things Don’t Change!

The following is my blog from over two years ago in Mach, 2021.

Nikks To Her

In late February I received a mailer from Nikki Haley, the ex-UN Ambassador, asking for a contribution. Now keep in mind that this was shortly after the ex-Governor of South Carolina’s interview with Politico, in which she blasted Mr. Trump. Prior to that interview I had thought that Ms. Haley was a potential up-and-comer in the Republican Party. After that interview, not so much. That interview told me that she does not have enough common political sense to run for a higher office.

First of all, an interview with Politico! Everyone knows that Politico is a left-leaning publication. Did she think they were going to play nice-nice with her, an apparent conservative? To me it should have been obvious to her that Politico was either going to try to either trap her or make her say something politically damaging to her future political career. 

Enticing a Republican to say something nasty about a fellow Republican is commonly used adage out of the Democratic playbook.

Note to Nikki Haley . . . You fell for it. They succeeded in trashing your political future. As I wrote back in response to your request for money, “Not only will I not give you any money, but I will also never vote for you.”

(Basically, nix to her.)

I was hoping that Kristi Noem, the Governor of South Dakota, would be a future up-and-comer in the Republican Party, but her latest stumble occurred on 3/19 when she issued a “style and form” veto against a bill to protect fairness in women’s sports.

From PJ Media:

“She claimed she supports the bill but urged alterations that arguably “neutered” the legislation. This week, Noem has vociferously defended her action, claiming that she had to weaken the bill in order to win the longer-term battle against woke activists who would have issued powerful boycotts against South Dakota had she signed the legislation.”

To give her the benefit of the doubt, perhaps Gov. Noem does have some long term plan, but let’s just hope that she does not get sucked into a Politico interview and hope that she does fustigate the four other Republican governors in Idaho, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Arkansas, who have already signed similar legislation.



The Pause That Refreshes ?

I just read in my local “newspaper” that this past March was the coldest March here in 90 years! I know that a cold day, a cold week, or a cold month in a particular place is not indicative of what is happening globally. However, let me tell you that it is stretching the limit of credibility when in order to get the temperature in my house up to 65 degrees, I have to turn on the heat … in Southern California … in April, and at the same time be concerned about global warming. 

90 years!! OMG! Could it be that the “global warming” faithful are worshiping at the wrong shrine?

From Issues and Insights:

The levelheaded observers point to data that clearly show a pause in warming, which has been mild and as likely natural as it is human-caused, has now reached eight years and nine months. There has been no rise in global temperatures from July 2015 to March 2023.

This fact-based claim draws on satellite readings from the University of Alabama in Huntsville that measure temperatures in the troposphere, a much more accurate method of keeping score than the shoddy record produced by ground-based weather stations.

“The start and end dates of the New Pause are not cherry-picked,” writes Christopher Monckton, an adviser for Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher who now consults with the Heartland Institute on climate policy. “The end date is the present; the start date is the farthest back one can reach and still find a zero trend. It is what it is.”

“The entire dataset for 44 years four months since December 1978,” says Monckton, “shows a less than terrifying long-run warming rate equivalent to 1.3 degrees/century, of which 0.3” degrees has already occurred, leaving a single degree “to go (on the current trend) until 2100.”

2100!! It is likely that anyone reading this will be dead by 2100! Of course, “those that know best” emphasize that we need to be concerned about future generations and the effect that global warming, aka climate change, will have on them … one degree by 2100! However, if we need to do the right thing for future generations, perhaps the predicted demise of the social security trust fund by 2033 should be more important as there is no pause occurring in the march to its depletion.


Let’s Be Clear … “Have a Nice Day!”

Once again as I often do, let’s start out with “let’s be clear.”                      As those that personally know me can affirm, I like beer. However, I only drink in moderation with one beer a day being my limit except in unusual circumstances, like when San Diego State beat Florida Atlantic last Saturday on a buzzer-beater. Furthermore, I do not drink light beers. If one was offered either steak or hamburger at a friend’s BBQ, why would anyone choose hamburger? From my perspective, why would I drink a diet beer instead of one that has the gusto and the zip-a-de-do-dah

of an IPA or a porter? Of course, there is always “de gustibus non est disputantem,” meaning there is no disputing tastes … some people may just like diet beers over that have more taste. However, at this point I have to make a principled statement: “If you do prefer diet beer, side with country singer, Travis Tritt or Kid Rock and do not drink Bud Light, which is made by Anheuser-Busch.

From BlazeNews:

“Country music legend Travis Tritt announced Wednesday that he is dropping all Anheuser-Busch products from his tour.

‘I will be deleting all Anheuser-Busch products from my tour hospitality rider. I know many other artists who are doing the same,’ Tritt revealed on Twitter.

According to Tritt, other country music artists are taking the same action as he is, but they aren’t announcing it publicly ‘for fear of being ridiculed and cancelled.’ But Tritt declared, ‘I have no such fear.’

The announcement comes after Bud Light sponsored trans activist Dylan Mulvaney, igniting a firestorm of controversy resulting in a mass boycott of Bud Light and Anheuser-Busch. The company not only sponsored Mulvaney, but celebrated his gender transition with custom packs of beer to mark his ‘365 Days of Girlhood.’

Although Travis Tritt was very clear, no one could be more clear than Kid Rock, Again from BlazeNews:

Rock artist Kid Rock also made headlines this week when he shot cases of Bud Light beer to demonstrate his displeasure with Anheuser-Busch’s sponsorship.

In a video Kid Rock said

“F*** Bud Light, and f*** Anheuser-Busch. Have a nice day!”


Crossing the Rubicon ?

Although the study of history has been and still is prevalent in my family, I have never been much of a history buff. Therefore, when I read the phrase, “crossing the Rubicon,” in a 4/3/23 piece by Michael Ryall, I was clueless.

Most of the following is from that same Ryall commentary piece.

First some history:

“The time was 49 BC. The players were Julius Caesar and the members of Rome’s Senate. Caesar had shown himself to be one of the most gifted generals in Rome’s history: In a remarkable series of campaigns starting in 58 BC and conducted over approximately eight years, Caesar turned Gaul from a hostile territory into a pacified Roman province.

Caesar’s goal was to become ruler of Rome. He was popular with the common people and often championed their interests against Rome’s powerful elites. The elites had enriched themselves by corrupting public officials to accumulate vast tracts of land at the expense of those less powerful. As a result of his military success, widespread popularity, and populist policies, it’s no surprise that the elite interests in the Senate vehemently opposed Caesar. In 49 BC the senate made its move: It ordered him to disband his army.

This left Caesar with a difficult decision: He could disband his army and return to Rome, and most likely fail in his goal, or he could march his army across the river Rubicon and take power in an open act of rebellion. The latter move would make civil war inevitable.

Caesar chose the latter course. As he crossed the Rubicon, he famously said, ‘Alea iacta est’ (the die is cast). This move did, indeed, lead to a civil war, which Caesar eventually won. He took power, established the dictatorial Roman empire, and, in doing so, ended the republic. Ultimately, it also led to Caesar’s murder on March 15, 44 BC at the hands of his Senate enemies.

In modern usage, ‘crossing the Rubicon’ refers to an irreversible act that commits one to a fateful course of events. This usage relies on the idea that it was Caesar’s decision to cross the Rubicon that ultimately caused the collapse of Rome’s republican form of government.

When I finished this Ryall piece, I saw some striking similarities between Caesar crossing the Rubricon and what is happening in today’s political milieu. 

The major tensions had been building in Rome for decades. One trend was political corruption: The elite increasingly used their power to pass laws that favored their interests. 

To me, similarly, tensions have been building in the USA for decades. The stolen election in 2020 was only the latest event where the elites in today’s America used their political influence to go contrary to the will of the general populace.

Back in 49BC, Caesar was the good guy, and a friend of the common man. He was going against the powerful elites in Rome. In today’s atmosphere, I postulate that the Washington elites are increasingly becoming the enemies of the common people. 

Back then in Rome there was rising economic inequality: The interests that were being favored were those that led to elite control of most of the land resources, which—in an agrarian society—resulted in the widespread loss of economic opportunity among the common people.

Consistently, throughout the Biden years common everyday Americans have become the enemy. Throughout Covid, the elite who were in charge consistently went contrary to what the common man wanted … schools were closed, businesses ruined, the Covid vaccine which turned out not to work very well, was mandated. Similar to the Roman Senate elite, those in power “knew best,” and the vast multitude of everyday Americans suffered. This pattern still continues today … e.g. parents at school board meetings, prosecuting Christians silently praying outside abortion centers while letting BLM rioters off without anything!

The major difference today is a role reversal of sorts. Here could the crossing of the Rubicon be the charges brought against Trump by a biased prosecutor and a trial judge with connections to Biden/Harris through his daughter.

Back in 49 BC Caesar’s crossing of the Rubicon led to a protracted civil war, and I’m afraid that in 2023 that the die may well have been cast that is bringing us closer to the same.



Has there been a change in Southwest Airline (SWA) since its inception? Its stock ticker is LUV, because it is based at Love Field in Texas. This is an ingenious double meaning as it implies that SWA loves its customers as well as its employees. However, did the values of Southwest’s founder, the late Herb Kelleher, and his right-hand woman, President Emerita Colleen Barrett, change after they died?

I moved to California over forty years ago and for many many years I have been a faithful Southwest customer. This was mainly because it flew to the destinations that I travelled to, but also because SWA treated me nice. As an aside, it also appeared to me that its employees seemed happy … perhaps, they were truly “loved!” However, years ago, when I read about how SWA treated Charlene Carter, I was dumbfounded. How could the LUV company treat one of its employees so poorly?

At this point one might ask, “Who is Charlene Carter, and what’s her story?

From The Epoch Times:

The airline fired Carter on March 14, 2017, for expressing pro-life views via social media. She had worked for Southwest for nearly 21 years. She had become a staunch opponent of abortion for a very personal reason: She suffered lifelong regret and physical damage after terminating a pregnancy when she was 19. Carter later became a mother of two and an outspoken advocate for the unborn.

In July 2022, Carter’s wrongful termination suit went to trial.

A federal jury in Dallas found that Southwest violated Carter’s right to religious speech and union criticism. The jury also found that her union, Transport Workers Union of America Local 556,  violated its duty to represent her best interests. A union leader worked with company officials to get Carter fired.

Late last year, Judge Brantley Starr ordered Southwest to return Carter to her job. Starr ruled that she is entitled to back pay, damages, interest, and “reasonable” attorneys fees. The total amount, to be split between Southwest and the union, approaches $5 million.”

After being retrained Charlene Carter returned to work as a SWA stewardess last week.  Carter said experiences with her fellow trainees have restored her faith that the values of Southwest’s founder, the late Herb Kelleher, and his right-hand woman, President Emerita Colleen Barrett, are still alive

“The love in that classroom was amazing. That was the real ‘heart culture’ that Colleen and Herb instilled in us,” Carter said. “And I told every one of them in that class, at the very end: ‘Herb and Colleen would be so proud to know that you are representing Southwest and going out there and being that heart of the ‘LUV’ Airline.’”

I wonder whether love will return to SWA.


A Blast From the Past

While reading through past blogs, I have found some that are very eye-opening and worthy of a repeat performance. Here is one from March, 2021.

0.13 !. . . Who Failed ?

Right from the gitgo, I do not mean to imply that what you are going to read is happening in all big cities to the same extent that it is happening in Baltimore. The following story is so unbelievable that you are all going to say, “No way! Impossible!” But this story is true.

The following is from Fox 45, BALTIMORE (WBFF

“A shocking discovery out of a Baltimore City high school, where Project Baltimore has found hundreds of students are failing. It’s a school where a student who passed three classes in four years, ranks near the top half of his class with a 0.13 grade point average.

“Tiffany France thought her son would receive his diploma this coming June. But after four years of high school, France just learned, her 17-year-old must start over. He’s been moved back to ninth grade.

“France told Project Baltimore. ‘Why would he do three more years in school? He didn’t fail, the school failed him. The school failed at their job. They failed. They failed, that’s the problem here. They failed. They failed. He didn’t deserve that.’

“France’s son attends Augusta Fells Savage Institute of Visual Arts in west Baltimore. His transcripts show he’s passed just three classes in four years, earning 2.5 credits, placing him in ninth grade. But France says she didn’t know that until February. She has three children and works three jobs. She thought her oldest son was doing well because even though he failed most of his classes, he was being promoted. His transcripts show he failed Spanish I and Algebra I but was promoted to Spanish II and Algebra II. He also failed English II but was passed on to English III.

In his first three years at Augusta Fells, he failed 22 classes and was late or absent 272 days.

But in those three years, only one teacher requested a parent conference, which France says never happened. No one from the school told France her son was failing and not going to class.” (How is it possible that someone can be absent or tardy 272 days over three years and his mother not realize there is a problem?)

This story is obviously a travesty for this teenager, and his mother, who is not without some guilt here. But it gets worse.

Again from Fox45 in Baltimore:

“In his four years at Augusta Fells, France’s son earned a GPA of 0.13. He only passed three classes, but his transcripts show his class rank is 62 out of 120. This means, nearly half his classmates, 58 of them, have a 0.13 grade point average or lower.”

How can all of these students have been be passed along when they are failing more than half of their classes? If it was just one student, I suppose that one could say that this one student slipped through the cracks, or one could solely blame the mother for not paying attention . . . but 58 in a senior class of 120 students with a GPA of less than 0.14? 

But it gets even worse!

A Project Baltimore investigation has found five Baltimore City high schools and one middle school do not have a single student proficient in the state tested subjects of math and English. Not a single student!!

This is not only unconscionable, but to me this is criminal, as the teachers in these failing schools are getting paid to educate, but that is obviously not happening. Again who’s failing?

Whereas this school system’s failure is a catastrophe for each of these disenfranchised students, it is a calamity of enormous proportion for Baltimore. This sort of educational abandonment will effect that city for years with hundreds of students not being able to get any reasonable jobs because of grossly suboptimal reading and math skills. With no job skills how many of these kids will turn to drugs and crime?

Granted I do not know the racial make-up of the disenfranchised students  in those schools in which not one student tested proficient in either math or English, but I can make a educated guess.

Will we be hearing anything from BLM on how that organization is going to change this educational system’s failing and humiliation into an education success story? My guess is that we will fail to hear a peep from BLM about what should really matter, namely education and schools.

Will this debacle be covered on the National news, or in any of the local papers, or will they also fail to report on what is truly important ?



Global Warming, aka Climate Change

This is the first in a series of excerpts from chapters in a new book

“Global Warming, aka Climate Change,” by retired Kaiser physician, Steven Schaefer.

Part 1 

Target Fascination

In 1977, while covering the emergency room in a small Wisconsin town and mentoring a senior medical student from UW-Madison, I was called to see a frightened young woman experiencing a “severe asthma attack”. Before I arrived, the student had treated her with epinephrine injections and oxygen, yet she was not improving. Upon my examination, it was clear she was experiencing a panic attack; she responded quickly to reassurance and a rebreather bag.

Taught in medical school was the concept of “target fascination”, a form of confirmation bias which could lead to wrong diagnoses, jumping to a conclusion without a careful evaluation of alternative diagnoses.

In a similar fashion, the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), shortly following the 1970’s panic regarding a fast-approaching Ice Age (!), blamed carbon dioxide, a trace atmospheric gas comprising 0.04% of the atmosphere, as the cause of rising temperatures following the Little Ice Age (1450-1750). The IPCC blamed man’s burning of fossil fuels from the time of the Industrial Revolution, ignoring the expected natural warming following an Ice Age.

Definitely a “misdiagnosis”!

“We find that whole communities suddenly fix their minds on one object, and go mad in its pursuit; that millions of people become simultaneously impressed with one delusion, and run after it, til their attention is caught by some new folly more captivating than the first.” Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, Charles Mackay, 1841.


Part 2

Climategate and The Hockey Stick

Carbon dioxide levels have been rising steadily, three ppm per year since first measured in 1958 at Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii. However, it is difficult to link this steady rise to the unexplained heating of the 1930’s, cooling from 1940-1975, and the 18-year pause in warming, 1997-2014. In fact, The Pause forced alarmists to change the terminology from “global warming” to “climate change”, so any change in temperature could be attributed to carbon dioxide.

Major spikes in world temperature occurred in the El Nino cycles of 1982-83, 1997-98, and 2015-16. These El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events have nothing to do with carbon dioxide levels.

Early efforts to push the false carbon dioxide hypothesis included a cabal of climate alarmists at the University of East Anglia. Their manipulations of data, “peer review” of their own studies, and suppression of skeptics’ research was documented in leaked e-mails (“Climategate”).

Similarly, Michael Mann’s “Hockey Stick” delusion was a favorite tool to prove unprecedented warming in the past 1000 years, erasing the well-documented Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age. His study involved bristle cone pine tree rings in California. Critics showed using his computer codes would produce a similar hockey stick spike by randomly selecting telephone numbers from a phone book!

Climategate and the Hockey Stick delusion should have derailed the alarmist hoax, but Al Gore’s slick Hollywood propaganda film, An Inconvenient Truth, was waiting in the wings. Roy Spencer, a well regarded climatologist, described the film as “full of disinformation, a campaign based on a litany of scientific half-truths, exaggerations and inaccuracies.”

“Those afraid of the universe as it really is, those who pretend to non-existent knowledge and envision a cosmos centered on human beings, will prefer the fleeting comforts of superstition.” Cosmos, Carl Sagan, 1980.


Schaefer I

Going, Going, Gone ? … Not So Fast!

The suspicion many years ago was that smoking was bad for one’s health, and indeed this proved to be true. In 1964, the U.S. Surgeon General released the first report on the health effects of smoking. After reviewing more than 7,000 articles in the medical literature, the Surgeon General concluded that smoking caused lung cancer and bronchitis. 

However, back in the day lawmakers did not totally ban cigarettes, but issued warnings about the dangers of smoking cigarettes. This then led to a concept that is apparently foreign to some in positions of authority today. Back then they informed individuals of the risks and then let the individual decide what he/she wants to do. They decided either to stop smoking or to continue to smoke. Whatever they chose, they made their own decision. After all this is America … or rather it was back in the 1960s.

Nowadays however, “those that know best” have not only decided that they absolutely know what is best for everyone, but they also feel empowered to make choices for the rest of us. In California the Dems in Sacramento feel that it is their duty to decide what foods and candy the citizens of California will be allowed to legally purchase within the authoritarian state of California. This is not recognizable as the America I once knew.

Nationally, the latest “we know what is best for everyone” is about gas stoves.

From The Epoch Times:

“The Department of Energy on Feb. 1 proposed a rule that would be a first-ever efficiency regulation for cooking appliances in the United States, setting new standards for both electric and gas cooking tops. The proposed rule was followed by an updated DOE analysis in late February that said about half of gas stove models currently being sold in the country wouldn’t be in compliance.

The DOE has not been the only Biden administration entity that had been targeting gas stoves.

In December 2022, Richard Trumka Jr., chief of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), said the federal government should ban gas stoves due to health concerns. He repeated the sentiment in January when he also said his agency was considering banning gas stoves.

A leaked memo showed that Trumka, who was nominated by President Joe Biden, wanted to ban gas stoves as early as October 2022.

‘There is sufficient information available for CPSC to issue [a notice of proposed rulemaking] in [fiscal year] 2023 proposing to ban gas stoves in homes,’ Trumka said in the memo.

Republicans have introduced bills to preemptively block any laws that would restrict gas stoves—the Save our Gas Stoves Act (pdf), introduced by Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-Ariz.), and the Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act, introduced by Rep. Kelly Armstrong (R-N.D.).

These bills make it clear that Americans should decide if a gas stove is right for their families, not the federal government.”

This is more like the America I once knew!
