On more than one occasion just over the last few years California Democrats have told its residents, “trust us as we know best; we will help you!”
First it was with facemasks … outdoor, indoor, in cars, on the beach. How did that turn out? Useless!
Then it was their lockdowns which destroyed multiple businesses in the state. While it was okay to go to a crowded Costco, I could not go to my gym or to church. Obvious nonsense!
Next was the closing of schools, despite the fact that school children were at minuscule risk from Covid. They told all of us that online learning would be fine, despite causing innumerable hardships for families, and in fact, it caused the learning by school children to go down the tubes.
Then came the mandatory vaccines which proved to essentially be baseless for healthy adults.
After imposing sequential absurd policies one after another, could it be that they would recognize the error of their ways, and be finished telling us what to do? … Not a chance! The latest way that California Democrats are going to save us all, is via bill banning additives used in Skittles, jelly beans, Campbell’s soup, some bread brands, and more.
The bill proposes a prohibition on “manufacturing, selling, delivering, distributing, holding, or offering for sale” food containing any of five substances. The substances are brominated vegetable oil, potassium bromate, propyl paraben, red dye 3, and titanium dioxide.
Directors from companies including the National Confectioners Association, California Grocers Association and the American Chemistry Council oppose the bill, the Daily Mail reported. The groups say the bill is premature and that the targeted substances are safe.
‘All five of these additives have been thoroughly reviewed by the federal and state systems and many international scientific bodies and continue to be deemed safe,’ the letter says.
But is there any downside to this bill? Certainly there would be a black market on Skittles, jelly beans, Campbell’s soup etc. These black market items would not generate any tax revenue for the state, and any place just across the California border would be more than happy to sell Californians the contraband items!
However, it gets worse as the confectionery industry creates $7.7 billion of economic impact in California, according to the National Confectioners Association. The industry provides over 100,000 direct and indirect jobs in the Golden State. … Ouch!
The best way for California Democrats to help Californians, is … not to help!