On the afternoon of 5/18/23 by happenstance, I happened to tune in on the “Select Subcommittee on Weaponization of the Federal Government” hearing. Let’s be clear I did not specifically search and select this hearing out, but boy am I glad I did!
I was enjoying watching Sen.Kennedy (R,LA) interviewing two of Biden’s judicial nominees on YouTube and exposing how incapable each of them was.(Certainly, one would think that Biden’s judicial nominees should have some knowledge of basic law and recent Supreme decisions!) Anyway, after two of these question and answer sessions, I innocently clicked on this Select Subcommittee hearing. After only about fifteen seconds, I watch was mesmerized. Prior to this coincidental and random landing on this Subcommittee hearing, I had not paid much attention to whistleblowers and the FBI.
But let me tell you … “Wow!”
Once I started watching it, I literally could not stop. There were multiple things that impressed me about the approximate forty-five minutes that I watched.
First: The FBI is now a nasty nasty vengeful organization. It certainly seems that if one speaks up and disagrees with what the FBI is politically doing, they (the FBI) is then out to crush that individual. The initial piece of the FBI vendetta scheme is to first take away that individual’s security clearance. Without the security clearance, all pay is stopped. All benefits are stopped. And that individual cannot look for another job. If that individual has no way to feed his family … tough sh*t. There is no question that the FBI was intending to send a very discreet message to anyone who is considering bringing some untoward things out into the open … “do it and we will crush you!”
Second: A lot of the minority Democrats were just plain nasty and insulting to the three whistleblowers (Steve Friend, Garret O’Boyle, and Marcus Allen). Some went full bore with ad hominem attacks, trying any falsehood to attempt to cast doubt on their reputations, and thus their testimony. One Democrat was quoting tweets from Marcus Allen’s Twitter posts The problem was the tweeter was a completely different Marcus Allen! Was there then, “Oops, my bad?” Not a chance.Just continue to attack.
Third: Although I did not see the opening statements by any of the three whistleblowers, during the questioning each of the three were professional, courteous, and gentlemanly. They did not return insults with the dastardly minority questioners.
Fourth: Congressman Jim Jordan ran a tight ship. Each member of the committee was allowed five minutes for questioning, and five minutes was all that was allowed.
Fifth: To me it was apparent that most of the Democrats on the Committee were not interested in learning the truth about the skullduggery that is going on in the FBI. If either the FBI or the DOJ have broken the law, I do not think that they give a rat’s ass.
** If you have a chance watch this Whistleblowers Subcommittee hearing on YouTube. Guaranteed … that you will be disappointed in both the FBI and the DOJ.