Themba & Dwayne

As some of you may know, on Sunday I write about someone that we can all look up to and admire. This Sunday I have a double feature. When you read this story, you will agree that person A, Themba, is certainly someone we can look up to and admire. In that same light when you hear what person B, Dwayne, did for Themba, you will likewise be blown away.

First the story of Themba Gorimbo, who is a UFC fighter from Zimbabwe. 

From BlazeNews:

ESPN about Themba Gorimbo, a fighter from Zimbabwe, that showed a Bank of America statement of just over $7 along with a comment from Gorimbo saying, “This was the money left I had before the fight and now God granted me a good win.”

“If it wasn’t for the free UFC meals I started to receive after I signed the fight I would probably be singing a different story,” the fighter wrote on Twitter.

Gorimbo had been sleeping: on the second-floor couch of his mixed martial arts gym. On the wall in front of the couch, the fighter wrote a list of inspirational reasons to fight. “I fight for my kids smiles.” “I fight for hope & change.” “I fight for those who believe in me,” and “I fight for my village” were among a lengthy list.

According to the Daily Mail, after a May 20, 2023, victory in the UFC, Gormibo sold his fight gear and made $7,000.

“Instead of using the money to find a place to live, he built a bush pump so his village back in Zimbabwe can have clean water,”

Then steps in person B … Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.

Johnson said. “He never asked me for anything, but I just wanted to help the guy out. $7 Bucks ya know.”

Not only did the actor surprise Gorimbo at his gym, he had another shocking reveal for him. Johnson took the 170-pound fighter to a house in Miami that was secretly stocked with signature clothing, shoes, food, and even photos of the fighter’s family.

He then handed Gorimbo the keys and told him he will pay for all expenses relating to the home for as long as Gorimbo wants to live there.

Johnson added, “The guy works his ass off. He has such a singular focus and a goal, and he’s sleeping on the couch in the gym. He’s so committed. I am lucky and blessed to be able to shake that man’s hand and be a very small part in his seven bucks journey.”

So there you have it. The story of Themba and Dwayne. 

Should one be admired more?

Does it really matter?


The Saga of Oliver Anthony

Three days after uploading a backyard video performance of his protest anthem “Rich Men North of Richmond,” Anthony read from the book of Psalms before an overflow crowd gathered to hear him sing.

This is how Oliver Anthony opened a free concert on Sunday, 8/13/23 in Currituck, North Carolina:

“The wicked plot against the righteous and gnash their teeth at them,” Anthony said, Bible and guitar in hand. “But the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he knows their day is coming.”

Jason Whitlock (“Fearless”) implores us to pray for Oliver Anthony. A month ago, he fell to his knees and asked God to deliver him from drinking and depression. He cried out for a purpose. It appears God gave him one: speak truth to power.

In just a few days, Oliver Anthony’s “Rich Men North of Richmond” has racked up millions of views on YouTubeTwitter, and other streaming services.

Rich Men North of Richmond” shot up the iTunes music chart, reaching No.1. The video has nearly 9 million views on a tiny West Virginia radio station YouTube page. In a matter of days, his social media following exploded. He has 425,000 Instagram followers and 300,000 followers on Twitter.

“Rich Men North of Richmond” calls out our nation’s political elite, the politicians in the nation’s capital, just a two-hour drive up I-95 from Richmond, Virginia.

Oliver Anthony is from nowhere, a small farm in Farmville, Virginia. He knows he’s picking a fight with the devil. You wonder if he truly understands all the different ways Satan seduces.

We better pray for Oliver Anthony.

His walk with God is just beginning. By his own admission, he’s been dancing with the devil for much longer. The music industry will offer him the best drugs, alcohol, and women the world has to offer. If that doesn’t work, the industry will loose its puppets in corporate media to comb through every aspect of Anthony’s personal history.

He goes on to explain the meaning and purpose of “Rich Men North of Richmond.” He feels the working class has been forgotten. The song is directed at the political elite on both sides of the Democrat-Republican divide. Anthony believes in the uniparty. He sees himself as neither left-wing nor right-wing. He’s also bothered by the normalization of sexualizing kids.

He sounds like someone who finally realized America’s problems and solutions are spiritual, not political.

Whitlock continues:

“Not by choice or design, he’s the Donald Trump of folk music. Anyone, regardless of color, geography, or economic standing, who speaks or sings on behalf of the average American risks persecution.

The wicked shall plot against Oliver Anthony. Let us pray that his enemies vaporize into smoke as the fat of lambs.”

As this was written a few days ago, here is the latest update on Oliver Anthony:

The big news was Oliver Anthony is his grandfather’s name. The viral sensation is actually named Christopher Anthony Lunsford. He published a long Facebook post this week providing a lot more biographical information, including dismissing any interest in a music contract:

People in the music industry give me blank stares when I brush off 8 million dollar offers. I don’t want 6 tour buses, 15 tractor trailers and a jet. I don’t want to play stadium shows, I don’t want to be in the spotlight. I wrote the music I wrote because I was suffering with mental health and depression. These songs have connected with millions of people on such a deep level because they’re being sung by someone feeling the words in the very moment they were being sung. No editing, no agent, no bullshit. Just some idiot and his guitar. The style of music that we should have never gotten away from in the first place.

Based on his autobiography, the singer seems to be exactly what he advertised, a blue-collar Appalachian struggling to make ends meet. It says a lot about the state of our culture that, despite his economic struggles, he already isn’t interested in what the music industry is peddling.

Wow! Quite a story!


So Smart, Yet So Dumb!

Just last week I again thought about Ron DeSantis, the present Governor of Florida. He is obviously a smart guy … Yale undergrad, Harvard Law, a Naval officer who served in Iraq, an elected member of the U.S. House, before serving as the elected Governor of Florida since 2019.

He is obviously a very smart man.

During his Republican primary, back in 2018, DeSantis emphasized his support for Trump by running an ad in which DeSantis taught his children how to “build the wall” and say “Make America Great Again”. Asked whether he could name an issue on which he disagreed with Trump, DeSantis declined.

President Trump had said the previous month that he would support DeSantis should he run for governor

In April, 2020 Governor DeSantis was in the White House discussing Covid with then President Trump.

It sure seemed that DeSantis and Trump were on the same page.

DeSantis was masterful at managing Florida during Covid, and consequently in May, 2023 he announced that he was running for President.

But here recently I have been surprised that this political thoroughbred appears to be more like Beetlebomb. He has gone though two changes to his campaign staff, and from my point of view, is not acting like the smart person that I thought him to be.

Let’s think about the present situation logically. In “losing” the 2020 election, Donald Trump got over 70 million votes. A lot of those 2020 Trump voters will indeed vote for him again. At present in the polls Trump is leading DeSantis by a very large margin. The other Republicans who are “running for President” have actually entered themselves in the VP derby, as none of them will beat out either Trump or DeSantis to be the Republican nominee for President.

Now it is possible that something will change after all of these ludicrous legal charges have worked the way through the system. But I’m from Missouri.

What I cannot understand is why the DeSantis campaign sometimes says things that I find offensive when referring to Donald Trump. Let’s be clear. At the time that DeSantis declared that he was running, to me, it was clear that basically he was entering into the aforementioned VP derby. Okay, I get it … if for some reason Trump is not the Republican candidate, DeSantis is positioning himself to be the pinch hitter. But is he forgetting that Trump garnered 70 million votes back in November 2020. I wonder, “Is DeSantis’s campaign purposely trying to p.o a fair number of those 70 million?”

Why would such a smart guy be doing such dumb things?

After the recent Trump indictments in Georgia, DeSantis had to opportunity to come out strong, but instead  made a milquetoast statement. Why be La-de-dah! when he had to opportunity to be strong? 


“I Don’t Give a S**t!

By now we are all well aware of the tragedy that occurred with the wildfire in Maui. At this point there has been close to 100 deaths, and the death count is guaranteed to go higher. It’s hard to imagine anybody not being aware of this catastrophe.

From Newsweek:

“This past weekend President Joe Biden was cycling on vacation at the seaside in Delaware.

According to Bloomberg correspondent Justin Sink, after spending a few hours sunbathing on the beach near his home, when asked about the death toll on the island, Biden replied with a ‘no comment,’ before leaving.”

“No comment.” Here this would have been a despicable illustration of an “I do not really give a s**t” feeling from anybody, but even more despicable when coming from the President! I realize that he did not have a teleprompter available, and that he did not have time to get the okay from his handlers, but any heartfelt comment would have been appropriate. “No comment” was clearly inappropriate. 

Still from Newsweek:

“Asked by several reporters camped outside earlier in the day whether he could stop riding his bike to talk about the devastating blazes, Biden responded: ‘We’re looking at it.’”

Again a totally inappropriate comment as scores of people, mostly Americans, have died! My guess is that here he wanted somehow to blame global warming, but was hesitant because no one had told him that the party line was going to be that global warming was the cause.

Again from Newsweek:

“The president has since faced criticism online for appearing uncaring, with some critics comparing his reaction to the disaster over the past week to his response to the toxic spill following a train derailment near East Palestine, Ohio, earlier in the year, for which he also faced a backlash.

“Even Medhi Hasan, a journalist and MSNBC anchor, commented that ‘unforced errors” like the lack of a response on the death toll in Maui “will hurt him’”

I do not really give a hoot whether or not this “will hurt him,” as he is clearly an uncaring old geezer! Was he really thinking,” Maui? Where’s that? Fires? I really do not give a s**t!”


G’s Green Energy … Not Working !

For a while now Germany has been a leader in “going green” as far as energy is concerned. As of now it’s better than even money that the U.S. will be following in Germany’s footprints, meaning that what is happening in Germany today will be happening in the U.S. within a few years. So, what is actually happening in Germany today?

FromCatholic Vote:

The CEO of RWE, Germany’s largest energy company, warned in an interview that Germans can expect soaring energy costs in what he called “the first signs of deindustrialization.”

“Germany’s wealth is based on strong industry,” said CEO Markus Krebber, adding that the surge in prices will lead companies to relocate outside of Germany unless the government allows for greater investment in renewable energy. “We don’t have as much energy as we need (…) this gap leads to high prices and thus to justified concerns about competitiveness.”

His warning comes after Germany powered down its last three nuclear power plants in April as part of its “green energy” commitment. 

As reported by CatholicVote:

Germany leads the way in [European green energy] regulatory efforts, boasting the most aggressive green energy regulations in Europe. The progressive government aims to make Germany entirely free of nuclear energy by the end of this year (2022) and coal-free by 2030. By then, Germans will be getting 80% of their energy from “renewables,” or so the plan promises. 

The problem is that the regulations are not working. 

In 2021, the share of nuclear and coal energy in the power mix actually increased. Even as coal and nuclear plants are shutting down their operations, they are seeing increases in demand of over 7% due to “low output from renewables, and the development in energy and CO2 prices.” 

Just before the plants closed, Krebber reassured Germans that there would be no energy shortage. 

From Mark Nelson on Twitter:

Weeks before Germany’s nuclear closed, utility giant 

@RWE_AG CEO Markus Krebber rejected calls to save them:

“There is still enough electricity”

The reactors close. Six weeks later Krebber says:

“Germany has a serious problem: We don’t have as much energy available as we need”

How much longer before the U.S. also has a serious problem, not having enough energy available as we need?

My bet … not very long!




It’s almost like the FDA has suddenly had whiplash when it comes to my old friend, Ivermectin.  Perhaps it would be better said that the FDA is now doing its best to play CYA! As detailed in both the Epoch Times and Coffee and Covid, last week the attorney for the FDA came out with an amazing statement that “FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID.” 


The shocking statement arose during a hearing in a lawsuit against the FDA brought by Drs. Mary Talley Bowden, Paul Marik, and Robert Apter. The doctors allege that the FDA interfered with their free speech rights and their medical ability to prescribe ivermectin for covid treatment. “We’re suing the FDA for lying to the public about ivermectin,” explained Dr. Bowden.

Under U.S. law, the FDA “may not interfere with the authority of a health care provider to prescribe or administer any legally marked device to a patient for any condition or disease within a legitimate health care practitioner-patient relationship.”

But in various statements, the FDA repeatedly told Americans that ivermectin “isn’t authorized or approved to treat COVID-19,” and on its website’s Q&A, warned against such use: “Q: Should I take ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19? A: No.”

Who can forget this nonsensical FDA tweet?


As those of you who view my pieces regularly are well aware, I have been very pro-Ivermectin from the very beginning. I have written multiple blogs detailing the success of Ivermectin in other countries. To me not using Ivermectin made little sense, as its side-effect profile is negligible. At one point I asked multiple liberal and RINO friends if they would take Ivermectin if it were available … unanimously, they said, “No!”  … They probably all knew that they were not horses or cows!

At this point one might say … “for all intents and purposes Covid is over, so who cares?” 

I CARE!! And America should care for a multitude of reasons:

First – Here big government imposed its will on Americans, many of whom did not know better. Back then the FDA was obviously following directions from somebody. But who and more importantly, “Why?”

Second – Who’s to say how many lives may have been saved if the FDA had just kept its mouth shut? Maybe one … maybe ten … maybe hundreds … or conceivably thousands or even way more!

Third – Now that the FDA has changed its tune about Ivermectin, how many physicians who were punished by liberal medical boards will have redress? Hopefully, those on various medical boards will now be punished for their unconstitutional “we know best” dictums.

Fourth – Perhaps most importantly, when a similar thing happens again … and it will happen again! … will the physician-patient relationship prevail, or will we again be subjected to some sort of FDA whiplash?


Meryl Hass M.D.

On Sundays I write about individuals who demonstrate fortitude, sometimes against seemingly overwhelming odds, and Meryl Hass M.D. is such an individual.

As background, I am going to assume that most of you have some familiarity with Ivermectin,as I have written many informative blogs about Ivermectin in the past.

Also as background:

On February 7, 2022, the Department of Homeland Security issued its own dire warning about the spread of misinformation, disinformation, and a neologism: malinformation.

Shortly thereafter, the Maine Medical Board suspended the licenses of three doctors for writing waivers for COVID vaccines, spreading misinformation, and/or prescribing ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. (All of which are legal activities for doctors.) 

One of the suspended doctors was Meryl Hass.

She was surprised to find that on the day her license was suspended, there was massive national publicity about her case. The story was on the AP wire, covered by the San Francisco Chronicle to the Miami Herald.

She gathered that her situation was bigger than just a renegade Maine Medical Board: She thought that she had been selected to serve as an example to physicians nationwide who might be prescribing early treatment for COVID.

She is 70 years old, and her medical practice was set up as a service so that everyone could access COVID drugs who wanted them. Her fee was $60 per patient for all the COVID care they needed.

She is sure the board had calculated that, given all the above, she would not challenge the suspension and would simply surrender her license, since it could cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to fight the board’s actions in court. 

However, as Meryl Hass has the  fortitude and the spirit that many of us only dream of, she decided to fight back. Fortunately, Children’s Health Defense is helping with her legal expenses, which is what allows her to mount a strong defense against the bulldozing of free speech, patient autonomy and choice, and the doctor–patient relationship. There is a lot riding on the outcome.

BTW: Meryl Hass could be my doctor anytime, as she will stick up for her patients when they need her.


A Cancer

Perhaps the following conversation was overheard in a surgical waiting room.

“Since we think that the cancer is gone, the probability of a cure is high. As you are obviously aware the last few weeks have been horrible … pain, suffering, lassitude, apathy, listlessness – all of which can be traced back to the cancer. Of course, there is always the possibility that even though the primary cancer is now gone, there could be some residual metastasis. If that were to be the case, then down the road the cancer will slowly but gradually reappear. If this were to happen then the situation could be just as bad as it recently was.”

Whereas, I initially thought that this was coming from a cancer surgeon, I soon realized that it was not. The referred to “cancer” was Megan Rapinoe who started disrespecting the U.S. flag years ago. The cancer spread and soon most of the U.S. Women’s National team were imitating Rapinoe. One would have thought that the recent uninspiring performance of the Women’s National team would have been a tip that something was seriously wrong. But the increasing symptoms of discord were ignored until it was observed that many on the team were not singing the National Anthem before their first 2023 World Cup match. Was this because the cancer was infiltrating the body of the team? This disrespect was recognized by some of the commentators who predicted that the once vaunted U.S. Women’s team was in for a rude awakening. A rude awakening, indeed, as the once esteemed Women’s National team did not make it to the final sixteen in the 2023 Women’s World Cup.

Many of us recognized what was happening … the cancer was slowly spreading amongst the team. I felt sorry for some of the younger players on the U.S. team, but this is what cancer does!

Hopefully, now that the cancer is retiring, the U.S Women’s National team will regain its patriotic health. Hopefully, in the near future they will enthusiastically sing the National Anthem in unison, and restore the pride that the fans once had in them.


LeBron, Revisited

As many of you are aware, I have never been a fan of LeBron James. His far left political views are about as far from my political feelings as one can get. Furthermore, when he comes with some reactionary statement that subsequently proves to be flat out wrong, he never apologizes … as was the case last year after a shooting in Ohio. 

Although he is admittedly a very good basketball player, I never have thought much of him as a person … until I read something on 7/30 which made me think that should take another look at LeBron James, the person.

Unbeknown to me LeBron James established the “I Promise School” in 2018 to help educate “at-risk” students. 

From BlazeMedia:

The ‘I Promise School’ proclaims, “With education as the driving force of change, the LeBron James Family Foundation is not only spreading that impact and improving lives of inner-city students and families, but also shifting the course of an entire community. Focusing on his hometown of Akron, the Foundation’s I PROMISE program provides year-round resources, access to opportunities, supportive skill development, constant encouragement and other wraparound supports to more than 1,300 Akron Public School students who have all been guaranteed college scholarships if they do their part.” (Underlining is mine.) “These efforts have culminated in the groundbreaking new public school – the I Promise School – that is taking an innovative approach to providing a challenging, supportive, and life-changing education, creating a new model for urban public education.”

Wow! Guaranteeing college scholarships for 1300 local students is indeed very impressive. Hats off to LeBron! … However, some bad news 

LeBron’s I Promise School – which teaches children from 1st to 8th grade – has recently been outed for poor performance in mathematics.

The Akron Beacon Journal reported this week: “This fall’s class of eighth graders at the I Promise School hasn’t had a single student pass the state’s basic math test since the group was in the third grade.”

The Akron Beacon Journal added, “The state has also issued its first concern about the school: two of I Promise’s biggest subgroups of students, black students and those with disabilities, are now testing in the bottom 5% in the state, landing the school on the Ohio Department of Education’s list of those requiring targeted intervention.”

Read back to the above ‘I Promise School’ proclamation … “ guaranteed college scholarships, if they do their part.”

To me, as a result of the extremely poor test results, it seems pretty obvious that somebody is not doing their part … and I doubt that it’s the students.


Zero, Zip, Nada … None

When one appoints someone to a position for which he/she has no qualifications, then it should be no surprise that chaos is likely to ensue. 

Such is the case with the person that Joe Biden appointed to be  the Health Secretary, Xavier Becerra. Where did Becerra receive his medical degree?  Err … he has no medical degree! Perhaps, rather, a Masters in Public Health ? Err … no! Any medical qualifications? Not really. 

Let’s be clear, Xavier Becerra is a lawyer. He has no medical experience or medical qualifications. Here I am not even referring  to marginal qualifications. He has zero, zip, nada qualifications for this office!

The United States secretary of health and human services the head of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, and serves as the principal advisor to the president of the United Stateson all health matters.

But let’s not be too harsh on poor unqualified Xavier Becerra. What knucklehead would appoint such an unqualified person to such an office, especially with Covid being a major problem? Three guesses …Joe Biden!

Could it be that Becerra’s  obvious political appointment to such a post in the Cabinet was the reason the President Biden made such poor choices concerning Covid vaccinations and mandates?

Here just recently we have another example why a lawyer should not pretend that he has medical qualifications or knowledge. President Joe Biden’s administration concedes that there is no scientific evidence to support an apparent recommendation to receive as many as six COVID-19 booster shots in a year.

After Health Secretary Xavier Becerra, a Biden appointee, wrote in a social media post on Nov. 29, 2022, that people should get vaccinated “if it’s been over 2 months since your last dose,” the Functional Government Initiative (FGI) filed a Freedom of Information Act request for documents supporting the statements.

In a new response, the government said it had no evidence to support Mr. Becerra’s recommendation. Zero. Zip. Nada! None!
