Cannabis Use … Another Downside

For a long time now I have said that the legalization of marijuana was done without due regard for its downside. Here is another previously unrecognized downside. [CUD = Cannabis Use Disorder; CVD = Cardiovascular Disease]

From Cardiology Advisor:

Anees Bahji, M.D., from the University of Calgary, and colleagues examined the association between CUD and adverse CVD outcomes. The analysis included linked administrative health databases (2012 through 2019) from 29,764 matched pairs of individuals with and without CUD.

The researchers found that approximately 2.4 percent in the CUD group and 1.5 percent in the non-CUD group experienced an incident adverse CVD event (risk ratio, 1.57). There was a significant association observed between CUD and reduced time to an incident CVD event. There was greater risk seen for incident CVD among individuals without mental health comorbidity, those who had not used health care services in the previous six months, those who were not on prescription medications, and individuals who did not have comorbid conditions.

“This evidence suggests that cannabis use may place a healthier population at increased risk of major cardiovascular events,” the authors write. “As a result, our study points to the importance of educating our patients about the potential risks associated with cannabis use and CUD.”

For those unaware a 1.57 risk ratio is very significant. In addition the risk was even greater for those who not appear to be at increased risk for CVD (no prescription meds; no recent use of health care services; no comorbid conditions).

This is a big study with over 29,000 matched pairs, and so I would guess that we haven’t heard the lat of this issue, but predictably you will not read about it in the MSM.


Follow the Money

Again and again in many different contexts we hear the expression, “follow the money!” Could it be that this same expression is not only pertinent but also predictable as far as the politics of climate change is concerned?

From the Epoch Times:

“Are we observing the early stages of worldwide resistance against the constraints of net zero policies? Investors are ditching renewable energy faster than any other funds on record.”

From Oct 9 (Reuters) – Investors ditched renewable energy funds at the fastest rate on record in the three months to end-September as cleaner energy shares took a beating from higher interest rates and soaring material costs, which are squeezing profit margins.

Renewable energy funds globally suffered a net outflow of $1.4 billion in the July-September quarter, the biggest ever quarterly outflow, according to LSEG Lipper data.

Again from The Epoch Times:

“The S&P Global Clean Energy Index (.SPGTCLEN), is also down by 30 percent this year with most of the decline occurring since July. This Index comprises major solar and wind power companies and other renewables-related businesses. Yet in contrast, the S&P 500 Energy Index (.SPNY), which is oil and gas-heavy, has increased slightly this year.”

So, if one is following the money, the outlook for solar and wind net zero is not optimistic. Could it be that common sense is beginning to come to the head of the class? Could it be that demonizing fossil fuels is losing its appeal?

My suggestion and hope is to “follow the money!”


How Big Is Joe Biden’s Fiddle ?

I suppose that you are thinking that the title is merely rhetorical, but one cannot “fiddle while Rome burns,” unless one has a fiddle. Moreover, the bigger Rome is, presumably the bigger the fiddle needs to be.

As we all are aware the situation in Israel is a mess, and there is a myriad of U.S. citizens who are presently trapped in Israel. Common sense would say that the quicker these individuals are extricated from the danger, the better. I suppose that it is reasonable to ask if our President has a plan which will deal with this issue, as there are an estimated 20,000 U.S. citizens in Israel, according to the U.S. State Department. Supposedly the Biden administration is still working on arrangements to get Americans out of Israel.

A U.S. State Department email to Americans trapped in Israel states that the government will transport U.S. citizens out of the country, but not back home, and rescuees will need to pay for travel expenses: 

“We are writing to update you on U.S. government assistance to depart Israel. We plan to offer transit options beginning on Friday, October 13, but it will take some period of time to schedule everyone seeking to depart. If you choose to take this departure assistance, transportation will be by air to Athens or Frankfurt, or sea from Haifa to Cyprus. You will not be able to choose your destination – we will assign you to the next available flight or ship. You will be asked to sign an agreement to repay the U.S. government prior to departure. You should be prepared to arrange your own lodging and onward travel from Greece, Germany or Cyprus to your final destination.”

Can you hear the fiddling? To me it is getting louder!

Meanwhile from BlazeNews:

“Just days after signing an executive order to rescue Americans trapped in Israel following the Hamas surprise attack last weekend, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis welcomed 270 U.S. citizens back home to the United States.

On Thursday, 10/12/23, DeSantis signed an executive order to enable the state of Florida to “carry out logistical, rescue and evacuation operations to keep its residents safe” and provide resources to the Florida Division of Emergency Management to bring Americans back home.

Around 7:45 p.m. Sunday, 10/15/23, an airliner touched down at Tampa International Airport in Florida. The plane transported American passengers from Israel to the United States. The plane contained 270 Americans – including 91 children, plus four dogs. The rescued Americans were not only from Florida, but from all over the country, including New York, New Jersey, Virginia, and Washington, D.C.”


I guess Ron DeSantis doesn’t know how to fiddle, and like an effective leader, the transportation from Israel to Tampa was free!


Wayne Ingram

On Sunday I give kudos to individuals who have gone the extra mile to help others. Such is the case with Wayne Ingram and what he did to help Stefan Slavic.

From Epoch Bright:

Exactly 20 years ago, Stefan Slavic won the hearts of a British soldier and countless English TV viewers; today the impact of the little boy from Bosnia is still deeply felt. Stefan was born with an extremely rare, severe facial cleft that threatened his life and prevented him from having a childhood. He would undergo a transformational surgery thanks to his benefactor, now retired British soldier Wayne Ingram, 54.

In 2003, Mr. Ingram—then Staff Sgt. Ingram in the British army—visited Stefan’s town, Laktaši, 25 miles (40 kilometers) south of the Croatian border. Their pivotal first meeting was in March 2003, after Mr. Ingram saw a photo of Stefan during a routine patrol and was devastated. “As a father, you never want to see any harm come to your children. To see this young boy who was severely disfigured fight—it just broke my heart.”

Mr. Ingram wanted to help Stefan. What Mr. Ingram didn’t know but later learned was that Stefan’s facial cleft would have eventually killed him. Yet an operation would cost tens of thousands of euros. Seeing such courage in young Stefan, Mr. Ingram said he would do all he could. “I could never promise them that I would be able to help them. I had to get permission from the British army.”

Wayne Ingram wrote dozens of letters and emails, until eventually surgeon David Dunaway, from Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) in London, heard their plea. Mr. Dunaway replied that he would try to help Stefan, free of charge. “It wouldn’t have happened without him,” Mr. Ingram said. “He’s an amazing person.”

Including his crucial first twelve hour surgery in 2003, and one pre-op to remove several front teeth, Stefan has had five procedures. The others were in his teen years, ending with the completion of his nose in 2016.

Now, 20 years have passed. How did Wayne Ingram’s compassion and his over the top zeal to help this unfortunate stranger turn out?

Today, Stefan is a talented 24-year-old young man who plays the piano and is engaged. 

Kudos to Wayne Ingram!

Lower Standards -> Poorer Outcomes

As is seemingly happening more often than not, today, things that I wrote years back are still pertinent and sometimes even more so. The following was written by myself on 12/13/21:

“Math Professors Outraged as California Seeks to Downgrade Math in the Name of Social Justice”

Anybody with half a brain should be able to realize the multiple downsides to this absurdity. In an attempt to make some kids feel better about themselves, the Democrats in California want to completely eliminate the more difficult and challenging high school math classes. This way California students, predominantly those sociologically disadvantaged will never succeed in STEM careers because they will not be prepared to handle the rigors of college math. Why do I single out “those sociologically disadvantaged?” Simple. The more affluent will move their kids from public schools to private schools, where those who want to be challenged, can be. Likewise, affluent kids who want to learn more advanced math can do so in extra after school to tutoring, e.g. Russian math.

Interestingly this ties in quite well with a N.Y. Post headline from 10/12/23:

“ACT college readiness scores sink to 30-year low for US high school students in troubling trend.”

The article continued:

“The Class of 2023 might be the least prepared for the rigors of college coursework of any graduating class since 1991, according to newly released results from this year’s ACT college readiness exam.

ACT scores fell again this year, continuing a six-year trend that sharply accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic as schools were placed on lockdown.

Last year, US students’ average ACT composite score was 19.8 out of a possible 36. This year, the average score slid to 19.5.

“The hard truth is that we are not doing enough to ensure that graduates are truly ready for postsecondary success in college and career,” Janet Godwin, CEO of the ACT said in a statement.

Just 21% of students taking this year’s exam met all four of ACT’s College Readiness Benchmarks, while the percentage of students meeting none of the benchmarks reached a record high of 43%.

The benchmarks correspond with the likelihood that students will succeed in credit-bearing first-year college classes.

According to ACT research, students who meet a particular benchmark have an approximately 50% shot at earning a B or better in the corresponding course and a 75% chance at earning at least a C.”

So think about the obvious. Many, many high school students are poorly prepared for college, and are therefore set-up to fail. At the same time “those who think they know best” are encouraging those who are poorly prepared for college to go to college. “Go ahead. Give it a shot. You deserve a chance at success!”

What “those that know best” do not say is that college loans are not dependent on graduating from college. If one does not succeed, and drops out of college after one or two years, that loan still has to be paid back.

In reality, if one wants to help minorities succeed in college, put the academic pressure on them in high school and before. Lowering the standards can only hurt those who are in most need of help.


Absurd … Because It Works !

Recently an FDA Advisory Group came out with a dictum to ban phenylephrine, saying that phenylephrine did not work. For those of you who might not be familiar with phenylephrine, it is the main ingredient in a number of nasal decongestants, such as Sudafed PE, Vicks Nyquil Sinex Nighttime Sinus Relief, and Benadryl Allergy Plus Congestion.

When I get a cold with its accompanying nasal congestion, I do take Sudafed, and guess what … for me, it works!

The other day I asked three other individuals if they ever took Sudafed when they had a cold. All responded, “yes,” and in addition, all three said … it works!

So there you have it. A pie-in-the-sky FDA advisory group is now advising that phenylephrine (Sudafed) be taken off the market. I would guess that this all-knowing advisory group does not take care of patients with colds. In fact I would guess that these “highfalutin experts” do not take care of patients at all.

This Sudafed absurdity reminds me of another banning of a drug that another highfalutin group said did not work. Years ago I would often prescribe Quinine for patients with nocturnal leg cramps. For the most part, my patients were happy with Quinine. Why? … because it worked!

Once Quinine was gone, I would advise individuals to drink tonic water to help alleviate their nocturnal leg cramps,and for the most part they were happy with that advice. Why? …because it worked!  FYI: The main ingredient in tonic water is Quinine!


A Different Opinion? … Not Allowed!

How does a rational person decide about an issue? Hint: The answer to this question is not, “read the mainstream media (MSM),” because those who merely read what the MSM has to say, are acting like sheep and often echoing what they truly do not understand.

The other day I read an article on I&I that had to do with blind criticism of what Dr. Joseph Ladapo, Florida’s Surgeon General, had to say about the Covid vaccines.

From I&I in defense of Dr.Ladapo:

“It is perfectly normal and acceptable for physicians and scientists to give opposing opinions to matters within their purview. It is called science. It is called a second opinion. This is elementary. If it cannot be questioned, then it is not science, it is propaganda. Only with the COVID hysteria has this basic pillar of scientific procedure been attacked and demonized.

There are certain individuals in society who, on certain topics such as COVID, scream out “The science is settled!” The implication being that no further discussion should take place or be allowed. For one thing, such a battle cry goes against the very essence of science. Science always questions, always doubts, always reexamines. For another, such an outlook is totalitarian in nature.”

As I found myself agreeing wholeheartedly with Dr. Ladapo’s views, the  criticism pertaining to his ability to express these views kept reminding me of “global warming,” and the apparent inability to express any views opposite to what MSM is preaching.

To quote again, but this time in reference to having a different opinion on global warming:

“There are certain individuals in society who, on certain topics scream out “The science is settled!” The implication being that no further discussion should take place or be allowed. For one thing, such a battle cry goes against the very essence of science. Science always questions, always doubts, always reexamines. For another, such an outlook is totalitarian in nature.”

Hmmm! Imagine that! The vaccine mandaters and the global warming prophets of doom seem to have the same outlook when it comes to “science!”


“Gaza” … No More ?

If you are not aware of the atrocities committed by Hamas against Israeli civilians, let me say that for perhaps the first time ever, I agree with Joe Biden who basically called Hamas ‘pure unadulterated evil!’

In addition, I agree with Sen, Marco Rubio (R,FL) who was among those calling for the eradication of Hamas, which does not recognize Israel has a right to exist. “There can be no cease-fire, negotiated solution or peaceful coexistence with depraved barbarians who murder teen-aged girls, children and the elderly and then dump them in the streets of Gaza so bloodthirsty crowds can desecrate their bodies. Hamas must be eradicated and Israel must respond DISPROPORTIONATELY to this and to any futures attacks from any enemy,” Mr. Rubio said in a statement.

I would totally clear out the populace from Gaza, and flatten selected portions. In Gaza, as distinct from how Hamas slaughtered helpless civilians when they invaded Israel, I would treat the people of Gaza with some modicum of respect as I moved the entire populace of Gaza elsewhere. Palestinian Gaza and Hamas no longer have a right to exist on Israel’s border. Where will the present residents of Gaza be sent? … No me importa! Perhaps since Iran played a significant role in these Hamas atrocities, these Gaza-Palestinians should be moved to Iran. I am sure that Joe Biden could work out some arrangement with his Iranian buddies.


Coming Soon To a Theater Near You?

This will hopefully be the case in the U.S. as it is these days in Canada.

Canadians want to do what they can to reduce global emissions. At least, they do until it comes time to pay the bill. Then the tune quickly changes.

From the Epoch Times:

“Recent polling conducted by Leger indicates opposition to the Canadian carbon tax has grown in every region. Although Alberta has traditionally led the country in opposition to carbon taxes, Eastern Maritime provinces have now taken the lead in that category. While 57 percent of Albertans want to see the carbon tax either reduced or eliminated, a hefty 65 percent of Atlantic Canadians want to see the tax cut.”

(Think of the Eastern Maritime Providences, Nova Scotia, PEI, Labrador, and Newfoundland as being similar to New England in the U.S.)

On July 1, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador all became subject to federal carbon levies. Prices at the pump immediately rose and citizens began to realize that contrary to government claims made when the carbon tax was created, most people end up paying out more than they get back in rebates.

FromGlobal News:

“The federal government’s latest greenhouse gas emissions target is a 40 per cent reduction below 2005 levels by 2030, with an aim for net-zero emissions by 2050. Last month, draft regulations were released that the government says would achieve a net-zero electricity grid by 2035.”

“Quebec has the highest support in Canada for the carbon tax and even there, only 23 percent of citizens want to see the tax continuing to increase as planned.”

(Think of Quebec as being similar to the area in and around Washington, D.C.)

 Does the following sound reminiscent of what is happening in the U.S.?

“The federal government appears oblivious to the growing concern and discontent over the impact of its climate-change policies. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Quebec Premier François Legault just announced plans to pump billions of tax dollars into yet another electric vehicle battery plant this week. How Canadians will be able to afford to buy EVs and how struggling power grids will be able to charge these vehicles wasn’t mentioned during the event.” (To me this is ludicrous … think EVs in Minnesota , especially in the winter. Think trying to travel across Wyoming or Montana in an EV!)

Support for the Liberal Canadian government has been in a free-fall of late and the rising cost of living has been identified as the prime cause of voter discontent. Is the government so ideologically driven that they would rather sacrifice all hope of winning the next election? Or are they just so disconnected from common Canadians that they don’t realize they are committing political suicide? Canadians want the government to step on the brakes with its climate-change policies. Paying the rent and feeding the family comes first. Is the government capable of listening, though?

The liberal politicians in the U.S. are no longer paying any attention to what the people actually are willing to put up with. Could this discontent in Canada be coming soon to theater near you ?


Mark This Date On Your Calendar !

It’s an unusual day in the political spectrum when you read two common sense statements by politicians in the same day! 

First, Congressman Jim Jordan who was one of 117 Republicans who voted last week against continuing a program to train and equip Ukrainian troops to defend their border. “Why should we be sending American tax dollars to Ukraine, when we don’t even know what the goal is?” Jordan told Fox News on 10/5/23. “No one can tell me what the objective is,” he explained.

Those who read this blog regularly know that I have said something very similar many times. Common sense would dictate that when going into a war, or similarly when providing unending money and supplies to a proxy-war that an endpoint objective should be clear. I can understand why individuals can get fired-up by emotion at the beginning, but at some point, emotion has to take a backseat to logic. If we as a country are going to continue to pour billions into this Russia-Ukraine war, shouldn’t there be some sort of goal? … Yes, there should. To blindly follow Joe Biden down the rabbit hole just isn’t common sense for a variety of reasons. Ergo, maybe before providing any more to Ukraine, there should be a clear understanding of what the objective is! … Common sense!

The second common sense statement was made by British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. 

From C&C:

In a speech Wednesday, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak explosively said it was just “common sense” that “a man is a man and a woman is a woman.” BOOM! Specifically, Sunak said “we shouldn’t get bullied into believing that people can be any sex they want to be. They can’t. A man is a man and a woman is a woman — that’s just common sense.”

Sunak said some other “common sense” things — to strong applause. 

Prime Minister Sunak may have just become the highest-profile politician in the world to push back against the trans agenda. Why? Rishi Sunak is no MAGA conservative. Many think he’s a globalist, WEF stooge. What does it say that he feels politically safe, that he feels it’s politically beneficial, to start talking “common sense?”

Mark this date on your calendar … two common sense statements by two different prominent politicians on the same day!
