Will They Be Paying For a Long Time?

On 11/25/23 I wrote a piece about a recent article from the cardiology journal, Circulation, which dealt with the persistence of Covid vaccine induced myocarditis. Someone commented that I was overlooking all of the good that ensued from this vaccine … how many lives were saved, etc. The problem with that position which focuses on how wonderful the Covid vaccine was, has to do with the age of the recipients. Was the vaccine beneficial for everyone? Was it mainly beneficial for those over 65?  At this point I would agree that the vaccine was a good thing for older folks especially those with underlying medical issues. However, the mandating of Covid vaccines for those in the military … nonsense! The mandating of Covid vaccines for college students … even more nonsensical! Why? Because the overall mortality of Covid was related to age.

Look at the Covid mortality in these different age groups:

Age                        Mortality

20-29 years old     0.012%

30-39.   “.   “.           0.032%

40-49.   “.     “.         0.078%

50-59.   “.     “.         0.174%

60-69.  “.      “.         0.394%

70-79.   “.      “.        0.936%

80-89.  “.      “.         2.65%

 Certainly no logical person can say that the risk of dying from Covid was the same for a 25 year old as with an 85 year old. Did the Covid vaccine significantly save lives? Yes, but only in certain age groups. 

Furthermore, that is before any vaccine side-effects are considered.

From the Epoch Times:

In the past two years, there has been a notable surge in the number of cardiac arrest cases in Victoria, Australia. From 2021 to 2022, cases increased by 5.8 percent compared to the previous year, reaching a historical high. These numbers have sparked public concerns about the potential side effects of vaccines.

According to the annual report from the Victorian Ambulance Cardiac Arrest Registry, 6,934 cases were recorded from 2020 to 2021, representing a 2.5 percent increase compared to the previous year and marking the highest number of cardiac arrest events in the state at that time. However, within the short span of one year from 2021 to 2022, the number of cases surged to 7,361 incidents—a new historical high.

According to the Australian COVID-19 vaccine tracking website, CovidBaseAU, as of Sept. 1, 2023, 97.53 percent of individuals aged 16 and above in the country have received at least one dose of the vaccine.

“A study published in May of this year indicated that myocarditis (with an overall incidence rate of around 1.62 percent) has been identified as the most common cardiac event following COVID-19 vaccination.”

Cardiac arrest occurs in practically all age groups. If it occurs in someone over 65 y/o, it can be tragic or it can be a blessing. However, a cardiac  arrest in a young person is almost always a tragedy, especially if it is due to a Covid vaccine that he/she probably didn’t need.  At this point no one denies the causal relationship between the Covid vaccine and subsequent myocarditis. However, perhaps the more pertinent issue in these individuals is “will they be paying for a long time?”


Chain; Guts; & Horses

The strength of anything is determined by its weakest link. The literal meaning of this proverb is that the strength of a chain is limited to that of the weakest link in the chain. Even if the other links on the chain are strong, the chain will break when the weakest link fails. This proverb can be applied to a variety of situations, and now can it can be applied to Biden’s EV mandates.

You see there is a problem with the EV mandates … the consumers are not buying the BEVs (Battery Electric Vehicles). Surely, there are multiple reasons for this, but it is becoming evident that this is the weak link in the EV mandate chain. The auto makers have been inordinately compliant to Biden’s BEV dictums. Why? … perhaps they are seeing what the DOJ is doing to the NYC mayor after he complained about something. Be that as it may, the auto manufacturers are losing billions because just like lead balloons, BEVs are not just flying off the car lots. Finally someone has had the guts to suggest to President Biden that he needs to change his tune. In fact not one, but rather 3700 who know what they are talking about.

From Daybreak Insider:

“The group of 3,700 dealerships, which collectively sell every major brand of automakers in the U.S., said in a letter to Biden that his push to make two out of every three new cars sold by 2032 to be electric was highly unrealistic. While there were good options for people wishing to buy electric vehicles, “the reality, however, is that electric vehicle demand today is not keeping up with the large influx of BEVs (Battery Electric Vehicle) arriving at our dealerships prompted by the current regulations.”

From the Daily Wire:

“Mr. President, no government agency, no think tank, and no polling firm knows more about the automobile customer than us,” the letter continued. “Some customers are in the market for electric vehicles, and we are thrilled to sell them. But the majority of customers are simply not ready to make the change.”

The dealerships cited numerous reasons that consumers do not want electric vehicles, including their high cost, the lack of garages for home charging, the lack of access for public charging, the loss of driving range in hot or cold weather, and the “dramatic loss of range” when towing. “Reliable charging networks, electric grid stability, sourcing of materials, and many other issues need time to resolve,” the letter said. “And finally, many people just want to make their own choice about what vehicle is right for them.”

Hmmm! It sounds like Mr. Biden was asleep on the day one of his teachers talked about how “you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink!”


Blast From the Past

Although this was initially written years ago it still holds true today.

Where I Come From

Alan Jackson is one of my favorites. I like many of his songs, but I especially like “Where I Come From.” Over and over in the chorus is the refrain “where I come from,” XYZ. That song in addition to a poem that was recently sent to me, got me to thinking, “where is the country that I thought I came from?”

That poem written by a fifteen year old in Minnesota starts off as follows:

Now I sit me down in schoolWhere praying is against the ruleFor this great nation under GodFinds mention of Him very oddIf scripture now the class recites,It violates the Bill of Rights

It goes on for another twenty-six lines, but here’s the stanza that captures the gist:

It’s ‘inappropriate’ to teach right from wrong.We’re taught that such ‘judgments’ do not belong.We can get our condoms and birth controls,Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles.But the Ten Commandments are not allowed,No word of God must reach this crowd

I thought that it was well written and on the money, but more importantly it got me to thinking . . . “What’s happening to our great country?” Or perhaps more to the point and pertinent . . . “What’s happening to our great country under of guise of ‘freedom’?”  What is happening to the country “where I come from?”

I do not want to be perceived as standing up in a pulpit, but to me it seems that “our country is slowly being undermined by evil.” I know, strong words, and perhaps I ought to rephrase it . . . “Our country is slowly being undermined by evil disguised as “freedom.”

I hear “Nonsense! Give me some examples.”

If one questions what happened in the last election, he/she is deemed a conspiracy theorist. The fact that there were many strange occurrences in many different states are pushed aside . . . “everyone deserves to have their vote counted,” without mentioning what the term ‘everyone’ actually means. Although not verbalized precisely by some . . . “it’s okay to cheat in elections because . . . err, yada, yada, yada, something to do with everybody having the “freedom” to vote. Where I come from cheating is wrong and to sanction it as ‘okay’ is evil.

It’s okay to riot in the streets and destroy property because protest is one of included freedoms that we have. If one tries to replace ‘protest’ with  ‘peacefully protest’ in the conversation, then he/she opens him/herself to woke criticism. From where I come from wantonly destroying the property of others is wrong. To sanction it as ‘okay,’ is evil.

Where I come from killing is wrong. A few years back when ISIS was killing, raping, and pillaging innocents, most thought that they were evil. However taking the life of an innocent fetus is “okay,” because a woman has the freedom to decide what to do with her body. To that I ask, “When does a fetus become a person and thus have the same freedoms that everyone else has?” Perhaps at conception, but certainly when it has a heartbeat. Where I come from, if it has a heartbeat, it is certainly alive.

Does a fictional Supreme Court Justice in “The Keneally Chronicles” think in the same way? BTW “The Keneally Chronicles” is available on Amazon both where you come from and where I come from!


Sacrificial Lamb ?

Last week two important things occurred on the same day in the political world that you might not have noticed.

The first involved statements by Tucker Carlson on a Roseanne Barr’s podcast. He finally admitted what many of us have long suspected: He’s voting for Donald Trump in 2024.

From Align:

“I became an active Trump supporter when they raided Mar-a-Lago. That can’t stand,” Carlson told the comedian. “I agree with Trump on a lot, but even if I disagreed with Trump on a lot, I’d still be a Trump supporter … because you cannot allow the president of the United States to use the Justice Department to knock the front-runner out of the race.”

For Carlson, the issue is “bigger than Trump, it’s bigger than Biden.”

‘It’s a question of ‘Do you want to live in a free country with a functioning justice system?’ I’m voting for Trump, and if they convict him, I will send the max donations, and I’ll lead protests,’he said.”

Now grated Tucker Carlson is not a politician, but what he says does carry a lot of weight with the general populace. I think Carlson is correct. The 2024 presidential election is a referendum on what type of country Americans want. It is much more than just about the two candidates.

The second interesting thing that happened was the Gavin Newsom/ Ron DeSanctis debate. No, I did not watch this obvious ratings play by Fox, but it appears that it can be summed up in just a few words … “DeSanctis by a TKO!”

From Townhall:

“Gov. Ron DeSantis did not waste any opportunity during the highly promoted debate on Fox News with Gov. Gavin Newsom on Thursday to highlight the many reasons people are leaving California for Florida.

“So, I was talking to a fella who had made the move from California to Florida, and he was telling me that Florida is much better governed, safer, better budget, lower taxes, all this stuff, and he’s really happy with the quality of life,” DeSantis said during “The Great Red vs. Blue State Debate” on Thursday. “And then he paused, and he said, ‘You know, by the way, I’m Gavin Newsom’s father-in-law.” 

Kenneth Siebel Jr. and Judith Siebel, Newsom’s in-laws, purchased a home in Naples in 2020.”

DeSantis then finished off Newsom when he then displayed a print-out of the ‘poop map’ app for San Francisco.   

“That is what has happened in one of the previous greatest cities this country has ever had. Human feces is now a fact of life,” DeSantis said.”

Like I said, “DeSantis by a TKO!”

After his debate fiasco, only the most over the line liberal could have come away thinking that Newsom is a viable presidential candidate. So when Biden backs away, who is going to be the sacrificial lamb to be forced to run against Trump?


Brian Thompson

Odds are that you like firemen. They’re brave and their only job is to protect people and their possessions. But if one of them goes above and beyond, he deserves a Sunday shout-out. One such guy is Brian Thompson, who is a Captain in the Los Banos Fire Department (LBFD).

From Epoch Bright:

“On Oct. 19, a crew from the Los Banos Fire Department (LBFD) in California responded to a call from a family. Karen Mendoza Silva, a mom of three, was in medical distress and needed to be taken to the hospital. Her three young children, aged between 5 and 8 years, were worried about their mom, and had no one who could immediately take care of them.”

After Capt. Thompson, 54, and his crew helped Ms. Silva get into an ambulance, his thoughts turned to the kids.

“There was two boys and a girl,” LBFD Capt. Brian Thompson told The Epoch Times. “They were asking, ‘Is she going to be okay?’ … They were on the phone with their father and with their uncle. I briefly Facetimed with the father to let him know that we were there.”

“I started thinking, ‘Oh, we don’t have anybody here to stay with the children,'” he said. “I asked them … ‘Hey, is there anybody here to stay with you?’ and they said, ‘No,’ that nobody was going to be coming for like, another hour.

What to do? A quandary. Three very young hungry kids.

The answer for Brian Thompson. Obviously … fix breakfast for them!

“I had them get the toaster out, get the bread out, sugar, all the ingredients … so we made breakfast together, cinnamon sugar toast and orange juice,” Capt. Thompson said. “They seemed excited that the firemen were there and helping them.”

As they began to warm up to him, they showed him their art and schoolwork for the day.

After around 20 minutes, the fire crew had to leave, so Capt. Thompson passed the baton to a police officer, and minutes later, the children’s uncle arrived.

Kudos to Brian Thompson  and his crew who are truly everything I would want from firemen.


Thirty Patients Means Nothing!

As most of you might recall the initial concern about post vaccination myocarditis was raised by some Army physicians. Their concern was basically dismissed by those in the military who knew best. This was a potentially big problem as the military was mandating Covid vaccinations for young healthy individuals whose risk from Covid was very low. If the vaccines had significant side effects, that would not look good for the higher-ups in the military. So what to do? Hmmm? 

Obviously do a study to disprove any correlation between the Covid vaccine and myocarditis. So that’s what they did … and not surprisingly the study did not find any correlation! The problem, as I see it, is that this “study” was poorly done, and it was a very small study with thirty patients, twenty-three of which were active duty …hardly the population that the lead author, a pediatric resident, would typically deal with.

In general the experts appeared to agree with me.

From the Epoch Times:

“Several experts who reviewed the paper said the study did not provide any reassurance due to its small population and the definition of subclinical myocarditis.

Rates of clinical myocarditis, or heart inflammation manifesting through symptoms, run around 1 in 3,000 to 6,000 in multiple previous studies.Defining subclinical myocarditis as troponin raised to a certain level without cardiac MRI cannot rule out the condition, doctors said. The levels recorded in some of the participants indicate that there was “some damage to the myocardium,” according to Dr. Kirk Milhoan, a pediatric cardiologist. He said he’d have liked to see cardiac MRIs performed on those participants.

‘Why don’t we look further and see what that is, as opposed to saying, ‘well, since nothing was over 20, it was just ignored,’ he told The Epoch Times.”

As we have all heard many times before, “the cover-up is often worse than the crime.” Could this just be another example?


BTO on Mary Jane

As many of my readers already know, I think that the widespread Pavlovian acceptance of recreational marijuana (Mary Jane) is a mistake. Initially I was opposed to marijuana use because of its driving safety issues. Unlike alcohol which will also impair one’s judgement when driving, because of marijuana’s long half-life its blood level cannot be used to determine whether or not someone is driving impaired. (“That blood test only demonstrates that I used marijuana yesterday … not today.”)

However, in addition there is more evidence surfacing that using marijuana can be detrimental to one’s own health.

From Medscape:

“Researchers at University of California, San Diego looked at cannabis-related emergency department visits from all acute-care hospitals in the state from 2005 to 2019 and found an 1808% increase in patients aged 65 or older who were there for complications from cannabis use.”

The two important things to note in that last sentence … ‘patients over age 65’. and a 1808% increase!

From that same UCSD study:

‘The lead author said in an interview that, “Older patients taking marijuana or related products may have dizziness and falls, heart palpitations, panic attacks, confusion, anxiety or worsening of underlying lung diseases, such as asthma or [chronic obstructive pulmonary disease].’

But these adverse consequences of marijuana use are not limited to the crazies in California.

recent study from Canada suggests that commercialization has been associated with an increase in related hospitalizations, including cannabis-induced psychosis.

According to a National Study of Drug Use and Health, marijuana use in young adults reached an all-time high (pun intended) in 2021. Nearly 10% of eighth graders and 20% of 10th graders reported using marijuana this past year.

To me this means, as was well put by Bachman-Turner Overdrive (BTO) in their song … “you ain’t seen nothin’ yet!”


“No! Not Me”

I just read a Jeff Childers C&C on two separate, interestingly, but  ironic stories about ‘death’ and ‘dying.’ One was concerning a physician, Dr. Bruce Wilkoff, whose specialty is preventing sudden cardiac death  by inserting AICDs (defibrillators).He has recently been diagnosed with stage 4 turbo pancreatic cancer.

The second story was about professor of cancer biology at the Vanderbilt School of Medicine, Albert Reynolds, PhD, 66, who died suddenly and unexpectedly at his Nashville home.

I found these two individual stories to be ironic because the cancer specialist died suddenly, while the sudden death specialist is dying from cancer. Additionally Dr. Wilkoff had an interview with Dr. Eric Topel, in which he expressed gratitude for not dying suddenly, as he has been given time to reflect and cement his legacy, which is substantial.

My first thought after reading what Dr. Wilkoff’s said, is whether or not he has ever known or even has heard about what actually happens when someone dies from pancreatic cancer. I know one person who died of such, and it is a horrible way to die.

In contradistinction, I do not obviously know anyone who has died suddenly … as they are dead. While I cannot be one-hundred percent sure that they did not experience severe pain, I can be sure that any pain that they might have had was extremely short. (I do have experience with sudden death individuals who were promptly resuscitated, and none of them related any remembered pain prior to their episode or their resuscitation.)

Upon further reflection it seems to me that a slow drawn out death might be helpful to those who must deal with the deceased post-mortem bills, estate, etc., as there has been plenty of time for planning. However, sudden death is better for the individual, as long as that individual is ready to meet his/her maker.

If I were to be given such a choice, a slow painful death from cancer which is what is going to happen with Dr. Wilkoff  … “No! Not me!”

Sudden death like what happened to Albert Reynolds … “bring it on!”


An Individual’s Vote

To be honest right from the top, I have often wondered how individuals choose who to vote for. If one agrees with candidate A on all of the issues, then no problemo. Candidate A will get that individual’s vote. Likewise if one disagrees with candidate B on just about everything, then again no problemoas candidate B is not going to get that individual’s vote. These examples are exaggerated and pretty straight forward, and little actual decision making will be involved.

However, let’s make the situation a bit more difficult. For instance, let’s assume that one agrees with candidate A on only seventy percent of the issues, but agrees with candidate B on a measly thirty percent. Will candidate A still get that individual’s vote? Yes, as long as all of the issues have the same weight for an individual, then the candidate with the higher percent will be the one he likely votes for. But if not all of the issues are of equal importance to an individual, then the situation becomes more complex. If one particular issue is of tantamount importance to an individual, will that individual even pay much attention to the rest of the issues? In today’s world, in fact, the answer is that one issue voting is commonplace. 

For the left this issue is abortion. If candidate A is pro-abortion, then in all likelihood he/she will get that leftist’s vote. Does it matter what else candidate A promotes? Usually not. Is this purely a leftist thing? …No, it is not. When I asked one of my conservative friends what he thought about RFK Jr., his response was basically, “no way,” as RFK Jr. does not hold my views on global warming and going green

I bring this up today because on 10/9/23, RFK Jr. declared himself to no longer be a Democrat, but to now be an Independent. While it is extremely unlikely that an Independent could be elected President, RFK Jr. is certainly in a position to be a spoiler, stealing votes from both the Republican and the Democratic candidate. At present none of the other present Republican Presidential candidates have been smart enough to declare solidarity to Donald Trump, and thus be in a good position to be considered as Trump’s V.P. 

How would a Trump/RFK Jr. ticket sound? I wonder, “Could my conservative friend back this combo?”


Nothing Green Here !

A copy of this letter was sent to me, and I feel that it is very apropos for a “Tuesday truth”blog.

To  me this EV craze is unsustainable, and this Professor agrees.

A huge machine is required to move 500 tons of earth/ ore which will be refined into one lithium car battery. This machine burns 900-1000 gallons of fuel in a 12-hour shift.”

Lithium is refined from ore using sulfuric acid. The proposed lithium mine at Thacker Pass, Nevada is estimated to require up to 75 semi-loads of sulfuric acid a day.!  The acid does not turn into unicorn food as AOC believes. 

Refining lithium has created several EPA SUPERFUND SITES.  IT ISVERY TOXIC TO THE ENVIRONMENT.! 

A battery in an electric car, let’s say an average Tesla, is made of: 

25 pounds of lithium,

60 pounds of nickel,

44 pounds of manganese,

30 pounds of cobalt,

200 pounds of copper, and

400 pounds of aluminum, steel, and plastic, etc…. averaging 750-1,000 pounds of minerals, that had to be mined and processed into a battery that merely stores electricity … which is generated by oil, gas, coal, or water (and a tiny fraction of wind and solar)

That is the truth, about the lie, of “green” energy. There’s nothing green about the “Green New Deal.”

Dr. Phillip A. XXXX

University of South Alabama

Mobile, Alabama
