Good, Goodest, Goodell
Now granted that I am usually up on all of the latest, but this could be my best scoop! I hear a rumor that NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell had some very interesting comments when asked some questions concerning the spiraling attendance at some of the NFL games on November 26.
You probably will not see is anyplace else!!
Q: Commissioner, views of the stands in New Jersey at the Jets game against the Carolina Panthers taken just before kickoff show a significant number of empty seats. Do you have a comment?
A: I heard that there was a traffic jam before the game which delayed a a lot of fans from getting there on time!
Q: Commissioner, likewise views of the stands minutes before kickoff in Cincinnati in the game against the Cleveland Browns show a pretty significant number of empty seats. Any comment?
A: I heard that there was an even bigger unexpected traffic jam just outside the stadium in Cincinnati that day! This was possibly because of an unconfirmed report that some stop lights in Cincinnati were not functioning!
Q: Commissioner, pictures of the stands in Atlanta similarly showed a large number of empty seats. Any reason for this?
A: It is my understanding that there was a snafu at the various parking entrance gates that caused many fans to miss the kickoff!
Q: Commissioner, on the Internet, transmitted live, views of the stands ten minutes before kickoff in Indianapolis demonstrated a huge number of empty seats. Why was that?
A: Although unreported because of security concerns, there was a significant electrical grid problem, which spared the Internet. This caused chaos throughout Indiana. Obviously without power the fans had a lot of difficulty getting to the stadium on time, and a lot unfortunately just could not make it at all!
Q: Commissioner, the T.V ratings for the NFL games are down significantly this year. Is there any reason for this?
A: With global warming many T.V. viewers are now spending more time outside enjoying the warm fall days.
Q: Are you telling us that one million previous NFL viewers were outside enjoying the weather? Are you aware that these are stats for week 11 of this year as compared to last year?
A: Well of course not all of these one million viewers were outside enjoying the weather! Some of them were trapped in there house because their garage doors would not open because of the unreported power grid problem. Also note that because of this unreported power grid problem, a lot of avid NFL fans were not able to watch the games because their homes had no power and hence no working televisions.
Q: So let me get this straight, Commissioner. You do not think that these relatively empty NFL stadiums, and this dramatic decline in television viewership has anything to do with the NFL players kneeling for the National Anthem?
A: Of course, perhaps one or two previous fans, have chosen to boycott our product, but this boycotting B.S. is being vastly over-rated. Like I said before there are logical reasons to explain these apparent decreases.
However, please do not publicize this unreported power grid problem as it will only embolden our country’s enemies.
Thank you.
WOW!! Is this a scoop, or what?
Out With the French, In With the New
Prior to a few days ago I had never heard of CFPB, and therefore was at a loss when CFPB was in the headlines. However, in the last few days the CFPB, which was created as part of the Dodd Frank Act of July, 2010, has been in the news quite a lot. So I decided to do a little investigating.
Before I actually started to become informed about the CFPB I saw a picture of Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren (D,Ma), and Leandra English accompanied by a tweet by Nancy Pelosi which said, “Incredibly thankful for the determination of Leandra English, the rightful Acting Director of @CFPB # Defend CFPB.”
There were so many things here that I did not understand:
Who is Leandra English, and what is she so determined about?
What is the CFPB?
And finally what does the ‘#’ stand for or mean?
However one thing that I knew for sure – if a photo has Warren, Pelosi, and Schumer together with Leandra English – I would never buy a car from Ms. English!
The CFPB stands for Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. It turns out that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was the brainchild of Elizabeth Warren before she was elected to the Senate. Although it is possible that this “Bureau” was created with the best intentions, it was actually designed to act as an agency free of constitutional restraint. The director was appointed to a nonrevocable five year term and it was funded by Federal Reserve profits so that its budget could not be cut by Congress.
Every thing went along as probably envisioned by its creators until October 2016 when the D.C. Court of Appeals found that the structure of the CFPB was unconstitutional, and empowered the president to remove the agency’s director at will. The next chink in the armor of the CFPB came in November, 2016 when Donald Trump was elected. In December, 2016 a very long article was written by Richard Rubin, in the National Review. Mr. Rubin had worked as an attorney at CFPB, and basically he characterized it as an organization that would initially shake down companies into million dollar settlements. Then the CFPB would then redirect millions of dollars into pockets of firms connected to top-tier Democrats. Aha! Now I get the picture of the picture of Warren, Schumer, Pelosi, and Ms. English together, arm in arm.
To make a long story even longer, the outgoing partisan director of CFPB, Richard Cordray (a big bud of Elizabeth Warren) appointed Leandra English as the acting director before he left. Now perhaps the thought was that since any newly appointed director would have to undergo Senate confirmation first, that Ms. English would have months, if not years , as the Acting Director. However, President Trump outsmarted those that thought that they were so smart, by appointing Mike Mulvaney as the Acting Director of CFPB. A brilliant move as Mr. Mulvaney had already been confirmed by the Senate, albeit to a different position, and according to the D.C. Court of Appeals (2016), the President has the authority to name the director.
Mr. Mulvaney brought doughnuts to the CFPB on Monday morning, Nov. 27, 2017 and assumed his position as Acting Director of CFPB.
The Democrats, of course, filed suit to stop Mr. Mulvaney from assuming his rightful position. I say “of course” because the Democrats file suit every time President Trump does anything that they do not like!
Hallelujah!! This time a federal judge ruled in favor of the Constitution, and Ms. French is out, and Mr. Mulvaney is in.
“Love means never having to say you’re sorry” is a quote that we have all heard multiple times. It was initially popularized in the film adaptation of Erich Segal’s book, Love Story, in 1970. For you movie buffs that line was uttered twice in that film, and it is ranked #13 on the American Film Institute’s list of the best film quotes of all time.
For my son-in-law, Daniel, and those of you that are younger and perhaps not movie-goers, this line was also spoken in the movie’s clip on The Simpsons (Catch ‘Em If You Can), where Lisa retorts, “No it doesn’t!”
It is not a line that one would expect in a comedy, but since Barbara Striesand said this same line in the 1972 comedy film, What’s Up, Doc,” I think that it is apropos to quote this line when referring to the tragic comedy, better known as the Democratic Party.
As my regular readers are aware, the Democrats often do things which have a deleterious effect on the poorest among us, despite the fact that this is the group that they say they are helping. I do not yet know whether they are doing this purposely, or if they just cannot think beyond the next election.
And thus we have one of the favorites of the Democrats – the minimum wage, especially the minimum wage in California, and in San Francisco in particular. In San Francisco the minimum wage will go to $15 per hour in 2018. This wage mandate does not include the requirements for health care and paid leave. Last week I was in a McDonald’s in the Central Valley of California, and already there are kiosks that allow customers to place their own orders. Minimum wage jobs will be lost and will continue to be replaced by kiosks at McDonald’s, just as minimum wage jobs have been replaced by “self checkout” at grocery stores everywhere.
Recently the Harvard Business School and Mathmatica Policy Research economists found an increase in the closure rate of medium-rated restaurants associated with San Francisco’s rising minimum wage. Oops, more jobs lost! More people out of work!
So are the Democratic politicians saying to those who have lost their jobs (due to the increasing uses of kiosks and the closure of restaurants), “We are sorry. We miscalculated the real world effects of our minimum wage proposals.”? No, there will be no such apology as . . .
Being a Democrat means never having to say you’re sorry!!
As if following their destructive scrip, the Democratic politicians in California are mulling over various punitive measures against companies that use workplace robots, while meanwhile in the real world Amazon is in the process of deciding on a location for a new corporate site. Amazon uses a lot of automation, so when they decide to choose someplace other than California for this new job bonanza site, will the Democrats realize the errors of their ways and apologize?
No, as being a Democrat means never having to say you’re sorry!
Again with the risk of being redundant, the Democratic gas tax just went into effect in California. Of course common sense would dictate that this regressive tax would hurt those among us who can least afford to pay more for gasoline.Will these politicians say that they are sorry for mismanaging the maintaining of California’s infrastructure, and apologize for hurting the working poor with this new tax? I don’t think so as . . .
Being a Democrat means never having to say you’re sorry!
Election Integrity
An recent article from the New York Times talks about election integrity.. It is a perfect example of liberal media favoritism. This article by Michael Wines whines about the pruning of the rolls of voters who have died, moved, or lost their eligibility. To me this pruning just sounds like common sense!
Do we want dead people voting? “Duh!”
Do we want people who have moved out of our state or our local district voting in state or local district elections? “Duh!”
If the law says that felons are ineligible to vote, do we want felons voting? . . . “No!” (despite what the Democratic ex-governor of Virginia thinks)
The argument on the “emotional, but non-thinking side” (i.e. the Democrats) is the classic example of “if you repeat something enough – over and over that people will believe that it is true” . . . even if there is no evidence of such.
Their argument goes like this according to Stuart Naifeh, a senior counsel at the voting rights group, Demos, “The goal here is not election integrity. It’s suppression and intimidation of voters.” Again say it often enough and people will actually believe that there is suppression and intimidation of the voters. Balderdash!!
As I have pointed out before, in Mexico in order to vote, you need a federal I.D. that not only has your name and your picture, but also a thumb print. I have yet to read or hear of anyone in Mexico alleging that this intimidates voters or suppresses voting. Maybe in Mexico they do not think that dead people voting is a good idea!! Maybe they think that not allowing dead people to vote preserves election integrity!
Of course, there are liberal judges, for example in Texas and in Ohio, who feel that it is their responsibility to defy common sense with this “intimidation-suppression” nonsense, and so these cases continue use to slog through the courts until hopefully the Supreme Court will actually rule that common sense should prevail.
When I think about this logically, I feel that each illegal vote that is cast potentially suppresses my legal vote, and that does not preserve election integrity!
Morning-After Remorse ?
After my most recent blog on Thanksgiving, I took some heat for saying that one of the things that I was thankful for was “that Donald Trump was the president.” I happened to be in the same room as my daughter while she was reading my Thanksgiving blog. When she came to the Trump line, she gasped and looked directly at me . . . although perhaps with a slight smirk on her face. Later on when her mother-in-law came over for dinner, she also expressed surprise at my frankness about my feelings concerning our president. Likewise, when I posted my Thanksgiving blog on Facebook, I got a comment of ‘OMG’!
I guess I am a little bewildered at the “shock and awe” of my expressing my true feelings about being grateful that Donald Trump was elected.. Should I have “morning-after remorse” about my Thanksgiving comments?
Let’s think about that for a bit.
On Thanksgiving specifically (and quite graciously) I did not mention that I was especially thankful that his opponent was not elected, and did not even mention his opponent, Hillary Clinton, by name. Up through last week, October 2016’s “president in waiting” was still whining about the election. In an interview with Mother Jones magazine she stated that she wants the legitimacy of Trump’s victory investigated!
Investigated!! . . . By whom??
Legitimacy!! . . . He was born in the U.S.A.
Wow! It’s been over a year, and still she cannot come to grips with her defeat. She still contends that Russian interference and voter suppression both dramatically affected the outcome. Imagine her as our country’s leader! I am very grateful that she is not!
BTW an old Clinton modus-operandi is to go on the offense when potential “bad stuff” comes to light, and so perhaps the timing of the whining and the moaning is not really surprising as her name is being mentioned more and more in the news lately – and not in a favorable way. Recently there has been a lot of potential Hillary “bad stuff”:
Comey’s non-investigation charade into her inappropriate email server, etc is now back in the news as it appears that Comey wrote out his decision long before the “investigation” was near complete.
Her potential involvement in the Uranium One scandal is also now getting fresh legs much to the chagrin of both Bill Clinton and Mrs. Clinton.
Ex-DNC Chairwoman, Donna Brazile’s revealing book (about how Mrs. Clinton and her cronies basically cheated Bernie Sanders out of any chance at the Democratic presidential nomination) is a disgrace to the Democratic Party.
Just imagine if all of this recent “bad stuff” about Hillary was to have occurred when she was in the White House. How do you spell “t-o-t-a-l c-h-a-o-s”!
So to reiterate, even on the morning after: “I am so thankful that Donald Trump is the president . . . and Hillary Clinton is not.”
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Today is the day when each of us should reflect on the good things that we have – those things for which we should be thankful. I am extremely grateful for a whole bunch of stuff. Where to begin?
First and foremost I am grateful that I was born in and I live in the U.S.A. Think about living someplace else in the world. Think about what you would be thinking about if you resided elsewhere in the world . . . you would be thinking about how you could get to the U.S.A. A lot of people from a lot of places want to try to come here. I sympathize with them and if I lived someplace else, I would likewise be thinking about how I could get here. A lot of you are possibly countering by saying, “What a hypocrite! He often comes out against illegal immigration, but then he says that if it was he, that he also would try to get here. Yes, that is correct. I do not hold it against those who do whatever they can to come here, but rather I do hold it against those politicians who play the “immigrant game” for their own personal benefit. I did not say that illegal immigrants should automatically get all of the benefits of citizenship. They should not get free education, free health care, or for that matter, free anything as these benefits are only for legal citizens.
I do not hold it against the gardener, or the tree-trimmer, or the domestic who are here illegally, but I do hold it against those politicians who want to keep the illegals hidden in exchange for their votes. I again hear you saying, “Wait just a second, illegals don’t vote.” . . . and if you honestly believe that, “I have a bridge that I want to sell you!”
Back to Thanksgiving and being thankful.
I am thankful for my health.
I am thankful for my wife and my family.
I am thankful for my station in life.
I am thankful that I have a place to live.
I am thankful that I am not cold or hungry.
I am thankful that I am a Christian.
I am thankful for my friends.
And last but not least, I am thankful that Donald Trump is the president.
Okay, okay, I hear many of you bemoaning the fact that I have introduced politics into the fray, but I am 100% serious about Mr. Trump. I believe that his tenure as president will make things better for many in the U.S.A. and for that I am grateful.
Basketball Is Merely a Vehicle
After I had read Beartown by Fredrik Backman and was raving about the book to a friend, he asked me what it was about. I almost responded that it was about boy’s junior hockey in a small Swedish town, but realized that it was about much more than that. Boy’s junior hockey was merely a vehicle for the real story. Likewise after you have finished this piece and someone asks you what it was about, I hope that you do not say, “Women’s college basketball,” because it is about much more that that. Like boy’s hockey in Beartown, women’s college basketball is merely the vehicle for the real story.
Last week our local paper had an article titled Equal Stand that described how San Diego State University “inspirationally” dealt with the issue of the women’s basketball team possibly kneeling during the National Anthem. The coach, Stacie Tracy, was informed about the possibility. She was put in quite a bind as apparently the team was divided 50-50. Whether the coach was “yeah or nay” on the issue, she risked alienating half of the team. I believe that she did the right thing by referring the issue to the Athletic Department. Now here is where the issue should have stopped being an issue, as the women on the basketball team are representing SDSU.
Everyone knew that once the NFL players started “protesting” during the National Anthem, it was only a matter of time before these “protests” could potentially spread to college wanna-bees I would think that every university or perhaps the NCAA should have had a game plan to deal with these inevitable “protests.” Surprisingly, it appears that there was no plan at SDSU.
When consulted, the Executive Associate Athletic Director, Jenny Bramer, decided to get an associate professor involved – a professor known on campus for working with groups and individuals about issues of race.. The solution – During the National Anthem the players and the coaches would link arms while wearing shirts with “Equality” printed on them.
Now if I say that the inmates are running the asylum or if it appears that the foxes are guarding the hen-house, I will certainly be accused of something that is far from the meaning of these common phrases. But seriously who is in charge??
It would seem to me that the university or its Athletic Department should be in charge Here Jenny Bramer either decided on her own or was told by superiors, not to make a decision on this issue. Mark my words this will not be the last time that the “children” will push and push and push until an adult stands up to them and basically tells them how they must behave . . . if they want to wear the uniform of the school.
The following is my answer to the college athletes who want to “protest” during the National Anthem while wearing the uniform of the school:
You are free to do whatever you want when not in the uniform of the school. As a sign of team unity, you may lock arms at anytime, however any form of protest during the National Anthem, including the wearing of politically inspired tee shirts will not be allowed. If you do decide to go ahead with your protest, despite being warned, you will be suspended from the team and your athletic scholarship will immediately be revoked.
In case you feel my response is too drastic, consider the response of a friend who said, “if you protest, we are canceling the women’s basketball program at SDSU effective next year – if you want to play next year, you had better start looking for places to transfer!”
Here in San Diego, SDSU is presently in the process of cajoling the voters to back the school’s plan for the land around the Chargers ex-football stadium. If the adults at SDSU cannot learn to stand up to the children, my vote will be “No”!!
A Statute of Limitations?
A Statute of Limitations?
When one likes to write, as I do, oftentimes there is a message or a point of view that I am espousing. If I like or dislike a certain person’s point of view, I try not to camouflage my opinion. Likewise politically, I do not hesitate to point out the folly of the Democrats, especially here in California, or the ineptitude of the Republicans in Washington. However today’s piece will be different. I am going to ask a question that may or may not have an answer. Perhaps my goal is really to point out the folly of what is capturing the headlines in today’s topsy-turvy sphere of politics.
My question: “Is there a statue of limitations on character?”
Before you quickly answer, think for a bit first. Forget the charged political atmosphere and try to consider this question in a vacuum.
If your answer is, “No, there is no statute of limitations on character,” then in essence what you are implying is that people do not change. If one is a creep at age fifty, he/she will be a creep until he/she dies – this is “the leopard cannot change its spots” point of view. But what about a creep a age forty? Age thirty? Age twenty? If someone is despicable in high school, will he/she always be despicable? If someone does something inexcusable as an 18 year old senior in high school, should this follow him/her forever? At age 18 do we assume that he/she is responsible and do we consider him/her as an adult? If your answer to the main question is still “No, there is no statute of limitations on character,” should we go back to age 16? Age 14? Age 12? At some point here, the argument becomes ridiculous. If a nine year old is suspended from school for his inappropriate behavior (kissing his teacher), should this follow him ad infinitum? I would think not.
I assume that even those of you were a staunch “No” to the question, will agree that there has to be some point at which the actions of someone at age X do not, and should not, follow that person forever.
If someone steals something at age 20 or at age 32, and then is a modicum of honesty for the next 40 years, would we, should we, consider that person as an honest person or a dishonest person?
If you were one of those who answered, “No” to the initial question, then I would think that you would consider him/her as still being a dishonest person, even though probably over 95% of us would think of him/her as honest.
Not to belabor the point, but what about St. Paul or St. Augustine?
(The more I write here, I realize that I do have an opinion on this question!)
Now let’s get to the present day situation . . . Roy Moore, the Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate from Alabama. Judge Moore has been accused of doing some dastardly things with teen girls when he was in his early thirties. Let me say at the onset that I do not have a clue as to whether Judge Moore is guilty or innocent of the charges of the sexual impropriety that he is being accused of. I will say that I am very suspicious when the Washington Post and Gloria Allred are involved, and am even more suspicious when the stuff hits the fan just a few weeks before an election.
But be that as it may, let’s assume that Roy Moore is guilty of at least some and even all of these charges. Based on this yet unfounded assumption, the following questions arise:
Is this 72 year old judge the same person that he was in his 30s?
Did he change over the last 35-40 years or is he a leopard that does not change his spots?
Does this mean that he is not able to represent the people of Alabama in the U.S. Senate?
“Is there a statute of limitations on character?”
Trump to the Rescue
“He’s a racist!”
“Donald Trump is anti-California, and has a vendetta against anything California!”
These are just some of the vicious things that have been said by the left and echoed by the liberal media. The California Democratic politicians have been especially vindictive against President Trump. I have yet been able to find anything good uttered by a California Democrat when speaking about our president. If you find anything, let me know.
Fast forward to late last week when three black UCLA basketball players were arrested in China for shoplifting. The players were in China for a visitational game, when freshmen LiAngelo Ball, Jalen Hill, and Cody Riley were charged with shoplifting from three stores at a luxury shopping center. Apparently there was surveillance video that captured their shoplifting in an upscale shopping mall in Hangzhou, China. When the rest of the team left China to fly back to L.A., the three freshmen were forced to remain in Hangzhou.
UCLA officials were silent on the issue as was Steve Alford the UCLA basketball coach. Even LiAngelo Ball’s father, who is usually garrulous and outspoken, was prudently silent as theft is a big deal in China with conviction rates of 99.2 % and sentences of up to 10 years.
Then up steps the unlikely hero . . . Donald Trump.
What? The so-called “racist anti-California bigoted president” comes to the rescue of the three black California basketball players.
“I had a great conversation with President Xi,” Trump told reporters on Air Force One on the trip back from Asia. “He was terrific, and they’re working on it right now, and hopefully everything is going to work out.”
“What they did was unfortunate,” Trump said. “You know, you’re talking about very long prison sentences. They do not play games.”
The three basketball players were allowed to return to the United States on 11/14/17, just hours after President Donald Trump confirmed that he had personally intervened with Chinese President Xi.
Strong work, Mr. President!
Now the question will be whether or not the liberal media will give the president his due. Will the unfounded comments concerning his supposed racism stop?
My guess on both of these is, “No!”