The idea of having a census every ten years seems like a rational and reasonable common sense concept. As the population of the U.S. increases and the distribution of this population changes, it only makes sense to tabulate and record these changes. Those states that have a significant increase in population should logically have an increase in representation in Congress, whereas states that lose a considerable proportion of their populace should logically have less representation. Again common sense.
For example since the overall number of representatives in the House of Representatives is fixed, if a million citizens moved from Arizona to Utah, then Utah should gain and Arizona should lose representation in Congress. It is those sorts of changes that the census is supposed to pick up. What makes the census even more important is that the population of a state relative to the population of another state determines the distribution of federal monies between these states. As in the aforementioned Arizona-Utah example, more federal money would go to Utah and less to Arizona because of the population shift . . . again common sense.
So far, so good, until I read last week that California ‘s Attorney General, Xavier Becerra, is threatening to sue if the Trump administration includes a question regarding citizenship on the 2020 census. Wait just a second!
Does this mean that on the 2010 census, illegal immigrants were counted equally with citizens? Yes siree . . . not common sense!
Does that mean that a citizen of the USA has, in essence, the same representation in Congress as an illegal immigrant? Yes siree . . . again not common sense.
Does that mean that if two states have the same number of citizens living within their borders, but one state has a large number of illegal immigrants that the state with the illegals gets more federal money? Yes siree . . . again not common sense.
And then came the “Aha Moment,” as I began to understand why a state with a large illegal immigrant population, like California, would do just about anything to maintain and even increase its illegal population. For you see, a large number of illegals only serves to benefit that state with more representation in The House of Representatives, and can only potentially increase the federal funding that goes to that state. What Xavier Becerra and the Democratic politicians are concerned about, is the possibility that illegals will not fill out the census forms for fear of being identified as the non-citizens that they are.
After thinking about this issue, I am not sure which thing pisses me off the most.
The fact that citizens and non-citizens were equally counted on the 2010 census, and can potentially be equals again on the 2020 census. Not common sense!
The fact that states with a large number of illegals living within their borders have been rewarded with more federal monies, and more representation in Congress over the past ten years because of the 2010 census. Not common sense!
The fact that Xavier Becerra feels free to spend the money of the taxpayers of California in order to protect those illegals who, for the most part, do not pay taxes.
The fact that common sense can be do blatantly disregarded.
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