Going along with my Sunday’s theme today Mr. Kurt Beathard is featured. He was an assistant football coach at Illinois State University (ISU). In August 2020, he returned from bereavement leave following the death of wife from breast cancer. Then all hell broke loose.
The gist of what happened is summarized in a Chicago Tribune article from 9/5/21:
When he returned, he found a Black Lives Matter poster attached to his door. He took it down and replaced it with his own handwritten poster that said, “All Lives Matter to Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” That poster was subsequently taken down after the head football coach told him to take it down. However, a colleague of Beathard’s shared a picture of the poster he took down. In response, some football players boycotted practice, and a campus wide boycott ensued and a list of demands was created by ISU students. One of the demands was for the department of athletics to publicly support the Black Lives Matter movement.
A few days later, Beathard was fired. He was dismissed on Sept. 2, 2020, by head coach Brock Spack, and the decision to terminate was authorized by then-athletic director Larry Lyons.
Beathard claims he was told he was fired because Spack did not like the direction of the offense. This is strange since Beathard set several records and the team achieved national ranking with his offense in 2014 and 2015 and again in 2018 and 2019.
Mr.Beathard is standing up for himself. He is suing the school’s head football coach and its former athletic director, claiming his First Amendment rights were violated after he replaced a Black Lives Matter poster from his office door with another poster.
Doug Churdar, Beathard’s attorney, maintains that Beathard’s views should have been respected in a public university.
“It’s come to this. If you put the government’s message on your door, you keep your job,” Churdar wrote in a news release. “If you replace it with your own message, you’re fired. That’s exactly what happened.
“There’s only one reason Beathard isn’t offensive coordinator at ISU: he did not toe the party line on BLM.”
So let’s cut to the chase here. The head football coach and the athletic director caved to the demands of the football team.(We won’t practice unless the athletic department backs BLM.) Because Kurt Beathard did not go along with this extortion, he was fired.
Certainly Kurt Beathard is not the only one who suffered because others caved to BLM demands, but Mr. Beathard is one of the few who said, in essence, “this is not right.”
To me this case involving an unknown assistant football coach in a relatively unknown State University in Bloomington-Normal, Illinois is very important. Why?
I project that the defendants will be under a lot of pressure to settle by widespread entities both in and outside of Illinois. Can you imagine the tsunami of similar suits that will occur if Kurt Beathard wins in court against the bullies who basically say, “Do it my way … or else!”
Me? I am saying a prayer that Mr. Beathard wins big time!