Hey, Fellow Canuck, “You Got a Dime?”

Let’s assume that you are a Canadian without any significant political leaning. One of your close friends has a son who is a trucker, and last month this friend’s son was going to participate in a protest by driving from Calgary east toward Ontario. You remembered this kid from when he was a teenager and used to play with your son. He was basically a good kid, and so when you heard that these truckers needed some financial support, you donated $25 to help pay for their gas and food. You felt that doing this for a friend was the least you could do.

We are all familiar with what happened in Ottawa, etc. most of us are familiar with Trudeau’s response. On Feb. 14, Trudeau enacted the Emergencies Act, which enabled Canadian banks to freeze the assets of anyone who donated to protests against the vaccine mandates — without due process or any court action. Your bank account and credit cards were frozen … in essence for a $25 contribution to what seemed at the time to be a reasonable cause. 

To you this appeared to be an exaggerated and heavy handed response, and you vowed not to be in this position again in the future … if they did it once, they could certainly do it again. What to do? Your wife and you agreed that there was only one prudent thing to do … get all of your money and credit cards out of Canada when the dust had cleared. Subsequently when Trudeau ordered the banks to unfreeze the accounts after the protesters had been cleared away, you did exactly what you had planned to do. But lo and behold, you were not the only one who had formulated this same plan. 

From PJMedia:

“Armstrong Economics says there was a stunning run on banks across Canada, as scared citizens are withdrawing their life savings and transferring it to foreign banks in the United States and elsewhere.

The sheer amount of money withdrawals from Canadian banks was massive. There appears to have been a 500% increase just in the previous 24 hours. This is the problem with politicians. They are simply UNQUALIFIED to make such decisions. They have no idea that freezing accounts will undermine the confidence in the banking system,

Trudeau has created a very serious crisis and just rescinding his Emergency Act is not going to make it all better. Trudeau has driven a stake through the heart of the Canadian economy and that means that international capital will be skeptical about trusting Canada as long a Trudeau is in power. If it’s true that Canadians are panicking and withdrawing all their money from Canadian banks, then this is a huge story, and yet it’s one that the corporate media doesn’t seem interested in at all. There isn’t one report in any corporate press about any of this.”

Am I surprised at what is happening in the Canadian banking system? Actually, “No,” as far left liberals like Trudeau just do not have the capability to see the long term consequences of their actions. Is this another situation where the liberal Canadian press are purposely not reporting on anything which puts Trudeau in a bad light?

Again from PJMedia:

“Jordan Peterson, famed Canadian philosopher, says he’s been in contact with a “reliable source” in the Canadian military who advised him to take his money out of the Canadian banking system because the situation is “far worse” than anyone is being told.”

Hmmm! What will happen? 

I guess we will just have to wait and see.


I Am Confused !

I am confused as to why the U.S. is beholden to anybody as far as energy is concerned. I understand that some believe that using fossil fuels is bad for the environment, but it seems to me that it should be of no difference if the fossil fuel comes from the USA or from elsewhere. Since it is the same fossil fuel, I am confused.

When you look at the following figures, perhaps you will better appreciate why I am confused.

According to the American Petroleum Institute, we have enough oil in North America to fuel every single passenger car and long-haul truck for the next 430 years. We have enough natural gas to provide electricity for every business and household for the next 535 years and enough coal to provide electricity for about 500 years. This confuses me as I think that in 400+ years, we will have developed alternative fuel sources. 

400, 535, and 500 are an awful lot of years. Even if the American Petroleum Institute has over-estimated by 100 years or so, the odds are quite strong that my great-grandchildren and even my great-great-great- grandchildren should never be starved for energy … unless the global warming yo-yos continue to hypnotize and mesmerize everyone with their gobbledygook. 

So can someone explain to me why Joe Biden sacrificed America’s energy independence, ceased all exploration for oil and gas, abandoned pipeline development and drove up the prices of gasoline, heating oil, and jet fuel?  Why has he made the U.S. once again dependent on foreign oil? 

Did J.B. think that our demand for energy was suddenly going to evaporate? Did he, and does he still think that purchasing oil, gas, etc. from our enemy is a good thing? Does J.B. think that financing the violent Russian takeover of Ukraine is somehow a good thing?

So while I am confused for a multitude of good reasons, it appears to me that Joe Biden is the one that is confused! On the other hand … if he is thinking straight we are all in big trouble!


Let’s Be Clear

Right from the beginning, let’s be clear … No, I did not watch President Biden’s SOTU speech on 3/1/22. There were multiple reasons for my decision including that there was no way I could possibly watch Kamala and Pelosi in the background for a hour straight. However, I did read multiple excerpts from that speech and was convinced that I had made the right decision. (FYI: instead of watching the SOTU, I watched the end of a recorded DePaul University basketball game, read some Stephen King, and flossed … and let’s be clear, each individually proved to be more enjoyable than the SOTU … yes, including the flossing!)

Likewise, as I am an equal opportunity employer, let’s be clear, I did not watch Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds Republican response. However, I did read her response. 

She pointed out that J.B. said that “he wanted to ‘make America respected around the world again and to unite us here at home, and he’s failed on both fronts.”

She also stated that “we shouldn’t ignore what happened in the run-up to Putin’s invasion. Waiving sanctions on Russian pipelines while limiting oil production here at home; focusing on political correctness rather than military readiness; reacting to world events instead of driving them.

Weakness on the world stage has a cost. And the president’s approach to foreign policy has consistently been too little, too late.”

She hit a home run  when she said, “Americans are tired of a political class trying to remake this country into a place where an elite few tell everyone else what they can and cannot say. What they can and cannot believe. They’re tired of people pretending the way to end racism is by categorizing everybody by their race. They’re tired of politicians who tell parents they should sit down, be silent, and let government control their kids’ education and future.”

She spoke a lot about inflation and how it effects the common folk who live outside the Beltway in D.C.  She focused on what it is doing to American families by way of a glimpse at her past.

For the sake of brevity, I will not repeat the other outstanding, practical points that she continued to make, but you can either watch or read it at:

State of the Union: Read Gov. Kim Reynolds’ Republican response to Biden’s speech – WPXI

In general, let’s be clear, it appeared that her speech spoke to the American people, whereas J.B’s spoke mainly to the elites and spoke down to the American people.


In a Corner

Unfortunately President Biden has painted himself in a corner as far as Russia and it’s oil is concerned. In January 2021 when J.B was inaugurated, the U.S. was oil independent, but J.B. immediately changed all of that by his actions right off the bat … after all he did have to “pay off” the greenies who helped get him “elected.” The result of J.B’s impulsive executive orders … 

From BlazeMedia:

“Though the U.S. has the capacity to supply its own oil, Democrat-imposed restrictions have severely limited our domestic supply and forced the country to become more reliant upon foreign oil imports, including more than 500,000 barrels of Russian crude oil every day.”

Wow! That’s a lot of oil; and every day! Note that oil is not cheap! The cost of oil is now close to $100 per barrel. Let’s see … 500,000 barrels at $100 per barrel adds up to quite a bit of “loose change” … loose change that the U.S. is now giving to Russia every day to finance Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. 

Putin has been amassing troops on the Ukraine border for close to a year. Did anybody think that he was doing this for fun? Possibly only J.B. and his astute advisors … perhaps those same advisors who choreographed the exit from Afghanistan. So of course, with Putin’s obvious intent to go into Ukraine, what would be the smart thing to do? Would it be to guarantee that we would continue to put more money into Putin’s coffers by buying more and more of his oil ??? OMG! I cannot even imagine how much money that Biden’s dim-witted executive orders have put into Putin’s pockets over the last year. How many Ukrainians has J.B. helped kill by his executive actions that funneled mucho dineros to Russia?

In response to one of my recent blogs someone chimed in that he thought that Biden was really a smart guy. Although he may have a high I.Q.(I doubt it, but I do not know), I do know that there is quite a bit of difference between “smart,” and having “street smarts.” Giving all of that oil money to Putin so that he can kill more Ukrainians does not strike me as being anywhere close to smart. 

J.B. has painted himself into a corner that is of his own doing. Whatever has happened and will continue to happen is his fault. It serves him right.

Unfortunately, I do not think that J.B. has the fortitude to admit his mistake and reverse course, and consequently many more innocents will die.


Delaware Hide and Seek

For a long time I have refrained from referring to Joe Biden as pusillanimous. Make no mistake, I have thought about it before, but have used discipline, and held my tongue. But, come on, here we are at the edge of war, and where is J.B.? … At the White House? Err, no. He is playing hide and seek in Delaware!

On Sunday, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the Russian military command to put Russia’s nuclear deterrence forces on high alert. J.B’s response?  Fox News reported that Biden remains at his private residence in Delaware and that the media is having difficulty making contact with the administration. Despite the Russian invasion of Ukraine continuing to escalate, President Joe Biden remains at his private estate in Delaware.

One must ask, “Why is this? Why is he hiding in Delaware?

The response from those who apparently speak for J.B. will most likely have something to do with Biden’s upcoming State of the Union (SOTU). A very handy excuse as the present Vegas line on the number of Biden gaffs during his SOTU speech is presently 2.5! 

That speech will certainly be a challenge as the state of the union is a mess, and I doubt that anything he says will put lipstick on a pig.

From BlazeMedia:

“Inflation is running at a 40-year high, with the prices of everything from energy to food to housing making the cost of American living much higher. Broken supply chains aren’t helping inflation or the ability to get goods and services, and we have substantial dislocation in the labor market. And if that wasn’t enough, many jurisdictions are just starting to dial back onerous COVID-related policies that have trampled on individual rights, with a backdrop of a treacherous geopolitical landscape.”

What you can be pretty certain that certain things will not be in his State of the Union speech … Biden’s suspending of oil and gas leases and withdrawing the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline, and the subsequent rising of gas prices. Furthermore, it will probably not be mentioned that there has been more COVID deaths recorded under Biden than prior to him taking office.

But back to why is he in hiding?.

Perhaps, his handlers realize that if Joe Biden came out of his hiding place in Delaware, he could be forced to start answering some questions, which could well bring his pusillanimous-ness out into the open.


Oh Can-a-duh!

The title of this piece is the proposed new name for the Canadian National Anthem. The standard “O Canada,” which was proclaimed to be Canada’s national anthem on July 1, 1980, and was first sung in French 100 years earlier has now become passé, because the standard lyrics had referenced “free” multiple times, and that is no longer the case.

The old standard lyrics went as follows:
“Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all of us command.

With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!

From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.”

As I said, “free” was referenced multiple times, and the new Trudeau-ian government has become the antithesis of “free.” Now in the new Canada you first call people names and refuse to meet with them, before you take away some “freedoms.” Next you freeze bank accounts, cancel credit cards, threaten and ultimately manhandle those who disagree with you. How are any of these Trudeau-Ian actions commensurate with freedom? … Duh, they aren’t!

But it gets worse … more unfreedom.

From The Loop:

Ontario Court Justice Julie Bourgeois denied bail for a key organizer of the Freedom Convoy, telling her: “Your detention is necessary for the protection and safety of the public.” Bourgeois told demonstrator Tamara Lich at the Tuesday ruling: “I cannot be reassured that if I release you into the community that you will not reoffend.”

(Take note of  “because she might ‘reoffend’ if released.”  Isn’t that the case with just about everybody who has been arrested? … Duh!)

So the threat of organizing a peaceful protest keeps you in jail in Canada (ABC News).  Last September, a Canadian man accused of 1st degree murder of a policeman was released on bail (City News).

After reading about all of the new “non-freedoms” in Canada, one of the sayings of Ronald Reagan comes to mind … “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction…” 

Be careful, Americans … be very careful.


Do Opposites Attract ?

As has been the case on recent Sunday blogs, today I am highlighting an individual that deserves our recognition and respect. However, the difference today is that all we know is who was the beneficiary of this guy’s act of kindness … Olivia Binns-Jennings of Memphis, who tells the following story:

On the morning of Dec. 28, 2021, she pulled into her local Marathon gas station on Summer Avenue, in the Binghampton neighborhood near Midtown. There were two young men buying snacks and drinks in line ahead of her.

“We began a conversation, just having some good fun and laughter,” Olivia told The Epoch Times. “One of the young men offered to pay $20 for my gas as I was waiting for them to complete their purchase. I said, ‘Thank you but I have it.’ The young man insisted.”

As Olivia was pumping gas to her car, it occurred to her that she wanted others to know how a random act of kindness can go a “miraculously long way.”

“I’m merely trying to get a message out here that the media has been so focused on crime and stories about disarray,” she said. “We as a society are missing the most basic of kindnesses, especially from our younger generations.”

Olivia asked the stranger, a youth about the same age as her own son, if she could snap a photo with him and post it to Facebook.

“He agreed,” she said. “We had never met before and I have never seen him since, but I pray he knows he has touched so many people with this small gesture.”

To me this story is amazing, but more amazing is how different the two characters in this story are:

Olivia is a woman; the stranger is a man.

Olivia is short; the stranger is tall.

Olivia is plump; the stranger is thin.

Olivia is in her late fifties; the stranger in his young twenties.

Olivia has short gray hair; the stranger has long black hair.

Olivia is white; the stranger is black.

Perhaps opposites do attract.


Yikes !

Former Secretary of State and current Biden Climate Czar John Kerry is reacting to the news of Putin’s invasion into Ukraine by issuing concerns about how the conflict will increase emissions. He’s also concerned attention will be diverted away from his climate change agenda as Putin bombs civilians and hospitals. 

“There will be massive emissions consequences to the war but equally and importantly, you’re going to lose people’s focus, you’re going to lose, certainly big country attention because they will be diverted and I think it could have a damaging impact,” Kerry said during a recent interview with the BBC. Kerry went on, “I hope President Putin will help us stay on track with respect for what we need to do on climate.”  

In the middle of a war, Kerry is focused on climate change.  … Yikes!

Meanwhile in the midst of a war in Ukraine, Joe Biden is equally out to lunch as evidenced by continuing his own war on reliable American energy, particularly low-carbon emission natural gas. This has benefitted Russia immensely. By crushing domestic US production of natural gas, Europe is left looking to Russia to meet its energy needs.

Biden’s acumen in foreign policy has always been suspect as evidenced by his past opinions, and as we heard many times before … “past performance predicts piss-poor production.” It’s too bad that Joe isn’t familiar with “The Art of the Deal,” because if he had any negotiating skills, he might not be in this mess. … America might not be in this mess … Ukraine might not be in this mess … The world might not be in this mess.

But thanks to Joe, here we are! … Yikes!


Why ?

From The Epoch Times:

“In the open-label randomized clinical trial, also referred to as the “The I-TECH Randomized Clinical Trial,” published in the JAMA Internal Medicine journal on Feb. 18, researchers said their findings “do not support the use of ivermectin for patients with COVID-19.”

Researchers, from Malaysia, said they found that 21.6 percent of patients in the ivermectin group and 17.3 percent in the standard care group progressed to “severe disease.”


“Ivermectin has been praised by some doctors as a life-saving early treatment for COVID-19. At least two groups, the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) and the British Ivermectin Recommendation Development Group (BIRD), have been advocating for the off-label use of ivermectin to treat COVID-19 in its early stages.

On Feb. 19, the FLCCC rejected the conclusions of the I-TECH Randomized Clinical Trial and called it “misleading” and “underpowered.” The group also said that the study authors reached “a conclusion that inexplicably departs from the study’s own data.”

“In the study’s control group, two-and-a-half times more patients had to be placed on mechanical ventilation—and there were three times more deaths in the control group,” Kory, a pulmonologist, said in a statement. “This shows that ivermectin causes a 75 [percent] risk reduction in death and further strengthens metadata of ivermectin’s large mortality benefits in severe COVID.”

Kory was referring to the results of the study, which found that four people in the ivermectin group needed mechanical ventilation compared to 10 people in the control group; six people in the ivermectin group needed admission to ICU compared to eight in the control group; and three people in the ivermectin group died, compared to 10 people in the control group.

The FLCCC also criticized the fact that all the study participants had been experiencing symptoms for five days when they were enrolled in the study, and said that ivermectin treatment started too late in the disease.

“As those of you who have been following the FLCCC know, early treatment (within the first ONE OR TWO DAYS of symptom onset) is critical to slow virus replication and impeded progression to severe disease,” the FLCCC said. “So the authors of the study reported that ivermectin was not helpful in preventing progression to severe disease—among study patients who had been started too late in their disease at the start. Nevertheless, the authors concluded that [ivermectin] was not helpful in the treatment of COVID.”

Dr. Paul Marik, a neurocritical care doctor who is the chairman and chief scientific officer of the FLCCC, said the study was “clearly designed to fail.”

“This study is in line with the major medical journals which will only publish negative studies on ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine,” Marik said. “They simply will not publish any of the dozens of positive studies that have emerged. This constitutes enormous, deliberate publication bias, which is immensely injurious to scientific truth—and to patients throughout the world.”

The AMA is clearly a very liberal organization, and so, not surprisingly,  it’s Journal, JAMA, is also very liberal. Why would JAMA publish this marginal, possibly flawed study, from Malaysia, no less? Why publish this study, but not also publish any pro-Ivermectin studies? 

In my opinion the answer is the same reason that the liberal newspapers in the U.S. have given their articles on the Canadian Freedom Movement a distinctly anti-truckers slant. (Washington Post painted Freedom Convoy as ‘explicitly racist,’ arguing ‘freedom is a key component of white supremacy’) Huh??

The other day a friend of mine noticed that our local “newspaper” seems to only print articles that are pro-Democrat….Why?

Liberal News outlets apparently think that if you control what people read, you can often control what they think … Hmmm! I wonder why!


Amateur vs. Professional

Years ago I was playing a fair amount of poker at casinos and doing okay. Keep in mind that I was an amateur, playing only for fun, while others were more dedicated and much more proficient. Many were professionals and, like I said, I was an amateur. When a professional is mano-a-mano with an amateur, most often the professional will win. Whether we are referring to sports, or are referring to the more important things of the world, again and again, I will put my money on the pro every time. I could see the writing on the wall, and I no longer play poker at the local casinos.

 What brought this weak poker analogy to mind? 

Think of the headlines these days. Think Ukraine. What we basically have here is an amateur trying to match wits with a professional. Putin, the professional, has been planning his “invasion” into Ukraine for months. Who could ever think that Putin was doing this just for fun? Who could possibly fantasize that Putin was bluffing? Furthermore, who could convince himself that this Russian troop buildup was anything but the real deal. Only a rank amateur, and for all of you voted for J.B., let me break it to you gently … J.B. is a rank amateur – as rank as they come.

There is no way in hell that Biden has a chance against Putin, and soon, if not already, every rational person will realize this. At this point my hope is that Biden can find some way to save face without getting any Americans killed. 

As of 2/22/22 Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba was holding out some hope, because he said that President Biden promised his country more weapons from the U.S. for its bid to fight off a Russian invasion. I’ve got news for you, Minister Kuleba … If you haven’t realized it yet, J.B is an amateur, and Putin is a pro who is not bluffing. If Ukraine is pinning its hopes on Biden, the best advice I can offer is to pray a lot.

However, I do agree with what Kubela said to close out his interview:

“This will send a clear message across the entire world that the West is incapable of defending its principles.” In addition, Kuleba warned that “other players” would soon “challenge the United States” based on its inaction in Ukraine. 

This, my friends, is a sure bet!
