Let’s assume that you are a Canadian without any significant political leaning. One of your close friends has a son who is a trucker, and last month this friend’s son was going to participate in a protest by driving from Calgary east toward Ontario. You remembered this kid from when he was a teenager and used to play with your son. He was basically a good kid, and so when you heard that these truckers needed some financial support, you donated $25 to help pay for their gas and food. You felt that doing this for a friend was the least you could do.
We are all familiar with what happened in Ottawa, etc. most of us are familiar with Trudeau’s response. On Feb. 14, Trudeau enacted the Emergencies Act, which enabled Canadian banks to freeze the assets of anyone who donated to protests against the vaccine mandates — without due process or any court action. Your bank account and credit cards were frozen … in essence for a $25 contribution to what seemed at the time to be a reasonable cause.
To you this appeared to be an exaggerated and heavy handed response, and you vowed not to be in this position again in the future … if they did it once, they could certainly do it again. What to do? Your wife and you agreed that there was only one prudent thing to do … get all of your money and credit cards out of Canada when the dust had cleared. Subsequently when Trudeau ordered the banks to unfreeze the accounts after the protesters had been cleared away, you did exactly what you had planned to do. But lo and behold, you were not the only one who had formulated this same plan.
From PJMedia:
“Armstrong Economics says there was a stunning run on banks across Canada, as scared citizens are withdrawing their life savings and transferring it to foreign banks in the United States and elsewhere.
The sheer amount of money withdrawals from Canadian banks was massive. There appears to have been a 500% increase just in the previous 24 hours. This is the problem with politicians. They are simply UNQUALIFIED to make such decisions. They have no idea that freezing accounts will undermine the confidence in the banking system,
Trudeau has created a very serious crisis and just rescinding his Emergency Act is not going to make it all better. Trudeau has driven a stake through the heart of the Canadian economy and that means that international capital will be skeptical about trusting Canada as long a Trudeau is in power. If it’s true that Canadians are panicking and withdrawing all their money from Canadian banks, then this is a huge story, and yet it’s one that the corporate media doesn’t seem interested in at all. There isn’t one report in any corporate press about any of this.”
Am I surprised at what is happening in the Canadian banking system? Actually, “No,” as far left liberals like Trudeau just do not have the capability to see the long term consequences of their actions. Is this another situation where the liberal Canadian press are purposely not reporting on anything which puts Trudeau in a bad light?
Again from PJMedia:
“Jordan Peterson, famed Canadian philosopher, says he’s been in contact with a “reliable source” in the Canadian military who advised him to take his money out of the Canadian banking system because the situation is “far worse” than anyone is being told.”
Hmmm! What will happen?
I guess we will just have to wait and see.