Gas prices here in California have risen to above $6.00 per gallon with no indication that this upward trend is going to stop anytime soon. At this point everyone is quick to point a finger at Putin, Ukraine, and the decision to stop buying of Russian oil/gas. While this is all true, at some point does someone need to ask, “Has their plan all along been to make sure that the price of a gallon of gas went up?” Alright, alright, I can hear you accusing me of being just another of those ding-a-long conspiracy wackos, but let’s try to look at the facts.
Let’s start with something we can all agree on … Biden and his cronies are over-the-top global-warming/climate-change fanatics. In fact, so over-the-top that it seems that almost everything they say/do is based on this fanaticism. Take for example! Former Secretary of State and current Biden Climate Czar John Kerry in reacting to the news of Putin’s invasion into Ukraine by issuing concerns about how the conflict will increase emissions. With a war going on, Kerry said, “I hope President Putin will help us stay on track with respect for what we need to do on climate.” OMG!! … No need to worry, Mr. Kerry, Joe right on with your views on climate change. How else does one explain the Biden administration’s suspending oil and gas leases, withdrawing the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline, and the crony corporate kowtowing to the elite push for ESG reducing oil- and gas-related investment; these actions all impacted rising gas prices before Putin’s madness came into play.
Could it be that the nefarious plan all along by the Democrats was to make sure that gas prices went up? What better way to discourage driving than by raising the price of gas.
Next let’s take a look at Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. He was the mayor of South Bend, Indiana and now he is Transportation Secretary! What were his qualifications for such a prestigious post? Hmmm! … he is also is a fervent disciple of the global warming religion. After taking an inordinate amount of parental leave, pre-Putin’s invasion, his brilliant ideas have had to do with building more bike lanes and lowering the National speed limit. Of course, these ideas are solely all about driving less and using less gas. Buttigieg’s latest fanaticism is centered around e-vehicles. This despite the out of control inflation, and Putin’s war, he is concentrating on charging stations.
By appointing him Transportation Secretary, was the plan all along to direct everyone on the path to conversion to their new religion?