All Along ?

Gas prices here in California have risen to above $6.00 per gallon with no indication that this upward trend is going to stop anytime soon. At this point everyone is quick to point a finger at Putin, Ukraine, and the decision to stop buying of Russian oil/gas. While this is all true, at some point does someone need to ask, “Has their plan all along been to make sure that the price of a gallon of gas went up?” Alright, alright, I can hear you accusing me of being just another of those ding-a-long conspiracy wackos, but let’s try to look at the facts.

Let’s start with something we can all agree on … Biden and his cronies are over-the-top global-warming/climate-change fanatics. In fact, so over-the-top that it seems that almost everything they say/do is based on this fanaticism. Take for example! Former Secretary of State and current Biden Climate Czar John Kerry in reacting to the news of Putin’s invasion into Ukraine by issuing concerns about how the conflict will increase emissions. With a war going on, Kerry said, “I hope President Putin will help us stay on track with respect for what we need to do on climate.”  OMG!! … No need to worry, Mr. Kerry, Joe right on with your views on climate change. How else does one explain the Biden administration’s suspending oil and gas leases, withdrawing the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline, and the crony corporate kowtowing to the elite push for ESG reducing oil- and gas-related investment; these actions all impacted rising gas prices before Putin’s madness came into play.

Could it be that the nefarious plan all along by the Democrats was to make sure that gas prices went up? What better way to discourage driving than by raising the price of gas.

Next let’s take a look at Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. He was the mayor of South Bend, Indiana and now he is Transportation Secretary! What were his qualifications for such a prestigious post?  Hmmm! … he is also is a fervent disciple of the global warming religion. After taking an inordinate amount of parental leave, pre-Putin’s invasion, his brilliant ideas have had to do with building more bike lanes and lowering the National speed limit. Of course, these ideas are solely all about driving less and using less gas. Buttigieg’s latest fanaticism is centered around e-vehicles. This despite the out of control inflation, and Putin’s war, he is concentrating on charging stations.

By appointing him Transportation Secretary, was the plan all along to direct everyone on the path to conversion to their new religion?


“I Am Not a …!”

Until yesterday I did not really have much interest in Supreme Court nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. Then, by chance, I happened on some of her questioning by different Republican Senators, and more importantly on her answers to these questions. … OMG!

Supposedly Judge Jackson is a very intelligent person. She graduated from Harvard Law, and it is reasonable to assume that nonchalants and dodo-heads do not get into, much less graduate from Harvard Law School. But after seeing her non-answers to fairly straight forward questions, I am wondering if Harvard Law School is all it’s cracked up to be!

To a simple question from Senator Kennedy (R,LA), the brilliant Harvard graduate could not provide an answer.

Sen. John Kennedy:  “When does life begin, in your opinion?”

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson: “I don’t know…I have a religious view that I set aside when I am ruling on cases.”

Then we have the question from Senator Blackburn and Judge Jackson’s non-response:

Senator Blackburn: “Can you provide a definition for the word woman?”

Judge Jackson: “No. I can’t…I’m not a biologist.”

Ben Shapiro tweeted:

“So she has no opinion on what a woman is or when life begins, yet she wants a slot on the highest court in the land, where those definitions will determine the rights held by both the unborn and women.”

(At this point I wondered if Ben Shapiro actually went to Harvard!)

Piers Morgan also raised my suspicion about where he went to school … most likely not Harvard as his tweet was too common-sensical: “Ridiculous. I’m not a brain surgeon but I know what a brain is. This is where ‘progressive’ thinking leads – to a terror of stating basic unarguable facts lest it offend the woke brigade.”

Finally Sen Cruz (R,TX), also a Harvard Law School graduate, asked some questions about Critical Race Theory, and Judge Jackson feigned ignorance, time and time again.

Then came some simple yes or no questions on court packing. Again Judge Jackson avoided answering. (At that point I expected an answer from her like … “I have no opinion on court packing … I am not a tennis player!)

Why wasn’t Judge Jackson not able to answer these apparent simple questions? Was she not prepared? Surely a truly intelligent person would know that these types of questions were coming. 

In my opinion, a truly piss-poor performance … even though I am not a urologist!


Folly? … Bee a Man!

Satire is defined as “the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, etc.” 

As most of you are aware the Babylon Bee is a satirical web site. To most it is clear that the Babylon Bee is always satirical. For instance, if the title of a Babylon Bee article read “Biden sells Alaska back to Russia,” mostly everyone would realize that the title and the contents were mere folly.

Furthermore, if the Bee wrote an article proclaiming Rachel Levine, the U.S. assistant secretary for health for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, as one of its “Women of the Year,” everyone would understand the satire involved, because “Rachel” Levine was actually born Richard Levine. 

When we are talking about satire is it like “two negatives make a positive” … in other words if one satirises something that is already satire, is the end result satire or non-satire?

Confused? Well Twitter is not confused!

Recently the Babylon Bee proclaimed that Rachel Levine was the Bee’s Man Of The Year. Was this satire on USA Today’s proclaiming that

“Rachel Levine is one of USA Today’s Women of the Year, a recognition of women across the country who have made a significant impact?”

To rightfully answer that question it would seem to me that declaring Rachel “Man of the year” is a clear example of the Bee mocking USA Today.

So what is it? Well Twitter declared that the Bee’s article was “hateful” even though Rachel was indeed born male. If Joe Biden decided that he would prefer to be called Josephine, because of his insightful knack of diplomacy, well okay, Joe, call yourself what you want. If Joe transitioned into Josephine, a “Rachel” paraphrase from the Bee could apply here … “He often wears a dress, which some people think is weird—but he doesn’t care one bit. Come on! Men in India wear dress-type garments, don’t they?”

Even though Josephine might fit well, it doesn’t change what you are, Joe. Nonetheless, be careful, Mr/Ms Biden because Twitter could well label you as hateful, irrespective of what the truth actually is!


What Does a Letter Stand For?

“LGBFJB” was a personalized license plate ordered by Nathan Kirk, a Blount County Alabama resident.

On Jan. 21, Kirk said he received his tag in the mail, put it on his F-150 truck, took a picture of it, and posted it on his Facebook account.

Then on Feb. 25 he received a letter telling him that the tag was “inappropriate and “objectionable.”

“That didn’t sound right to me,” he said of the letter. “I thought somebody had seen it and then reported it, but that turned out not to be the case.”

He said he received a telephone call “a few days” after receiving the letter and told him the “exact reason” why they found Kirk’s tag to be “objectionable.”

“They told me they have ‘reviewers from the review department’—that’s the exact terminology they used,” he said. “The reviewer said they thought the “F” meant the explicative word.”

In my interpretation, it doesn’t stand for that,” he said. “I can’t help what they make it stand for, but regardless, it’s up to your own interpretation.”

Kirk said he issued a challenge to the department by telling them he would surrender his tag if they “revoked every single license plate in the state of Alabama that has the letter ‘F’ in it.”

“They said they’re not going to do that,” he laughed. “Then I said you’re probably not going to get mine either.”

In the end the state reviewer caved. Kirk said that his F doesn’t stand for the notorious F-word – it stands for the word “forget.”

Kirk’s advice to anyone who is getting “bullied” by government officials is to “not lay down.”


A Tipping Point ?

In general when dealing with things that are changing, often there is a point at which the change becomes no longer sustainable. For instance if a landlord continues to raise the rent monthly on an apartment that is occupied by someone on a fixed income, at some point the occupant can no longer pay the rent on this apartment. When this occurs the occupant has reached his/her tipping point. The final increase does not need to be dramatic, but just enough to push the occupant of the apartment over the edge … off the cliff … into the abyss. (This example is not meant to imply that the increases were or were not necessary, but merely to point out that in many everyday situations there can be a tipping point.)

The following headline is from a CNBC article on 2/17/22:

“Despite rising wages, 61% of Americans are still living paycheck to paycheck, report finds”

“At the end of 2021, 61% of the U.S. population was living paycheck to paycheck, down slightly from a high of 65% in 2020, according to a recent LendingClub report.”

What this means is that almost 2/3 of Americans are not able to sustain a major disruption to their income stream or a major increase in their expenses. If either of these occurs a tipping point is reached. Note that this article was published back before the major spike in gas prices.

Inflation is costing families nearly $300 a month, according to a recent report by Moody’s Analytics, and look for this to continue to increase as gas prices continue to skyrocket … that is unless you are less than fifty and can walk or bike to work. So from my perspective, when is the tipping point going to be reached for the 61% of families that are living paycheck to paycheck? At what point will Biden’s 7% inflation and skyrocketing gas prices affect the health and well being of these families? 

Again from the CNBC article: “Even among those earning six figures, 42% said they were living paycheck to paycheck, the survey of more than 3,000 adults found.”

Knowing that inflation and rising gas prices disproportionately affect those with lesser incomes, which income group will have its tipping point first? If you guessed that income group that does not own and cannot afford to buy an electric car, you would be spot on.

Thank you, JB!


A Salute to Principle

Today is Sunday, so again the blog will be a bit different. As has become a custom, it will still be on an individual that we can look up to. However, today that individual will be unnamed.


“A federal judge in Florida has ruled that the Navy cannot do anything to remove a commander of a destroyer, despite testimony that he has flouted the service’s rules for COVID-19 mitigation while seeking a religious exemption from the vaccine.

The order is part of a case that aims to be a class-action lawsuit on the military’s vaccine mandate; it was filed by more than 30 unnamed officers and enlisted personnel from all the military branches in November 2021. On Feb. 2, for the sake of “preservation of the status quo” while the case is being decided, Judge Steven Merryday forbade the Navy from reassigning or demoting the commander. A second order, reaffirming and lengthening the term of the injunction, followed Feb. 18.

The stays reflected his view that the Navy is likely unable to prove that it was considering religious exemptions on a case-by-case basis, as required by the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).

The officer at the heart of this dispute is a commander, unnamed like the other plaintiffs, who joined the Navy in 2004 and now has “nearly 18 years in the service,” according to the lawsuit. Other documents filed by the Navy show that the destroyer he commands is based in Norfolk, Virginia, and belongs to Destroyer Squadron 26.

According to the complaint, the commander filed his religious accommodation request on Sept. 13, 2021. It was denied in late October, and he appealed in November.”

From the Epoch Times:

“The officer’s exemption request was rejected, and an appeal of the rejection turned town, despite the finding that his “religious beliefs are sincere and would be substantially burdened,” according to court documents. The military alleged granting the exemption would have a “detrimental effect” on military readiness.”

Now while I usually agree that discipline is essential to the military, the Covid pandemic is on its way out, and the Biden mandates everywhere else are for the most part unconstitutional. This Naval officer is willing to risk his pension (18 years active duty) for principle. 

“Aye, aye, bully for you, sir!”


Comeuppance at a Cost

Throughout this Covid pandemic multiple individuals had a feeling of power and some abused it. All along I wondered if some of these overbearing individuals would eventually receive a comeuppance for their haughty behavior. Hopefully the arrogant school board members will be the first. But this feeling of power was not limited to school board members, and in many situations, those in authority overstepped. Hopefully those individuals who were overwhelmed by their own feeling of power will receive a comeuppance at a cost … a cost to themselves and to those entities that supported them.

It would be nice if the following situation was just the first of many.

On 5/1/21 Mr. Chad Hummel was arrested and charged with criminal trespassing for refusing to wear a mask at his son’s outdoor baseball game.

From Blazemedia:

“The Trespass charge arose from an incident where Hummel was standing alone in a field, hundreds of feet from anyone, maskless, when he was approached by security guard employed by the Irondequoit Chief of Police, Alan Laird‘s private security company in Town,” the statement recounted. “The plain–clothes guard ordered Hummel to leave his son‘s baseball game despite the Executive Order at the time that did not require outdoor masking. There was even a sign on the Stadium entrance that stated masks were optional when 6 feet apart. Mr. Hummel stood his ground and the police arrived, handcuffed him and took him to jail.”

“Days after the arrest, the school district sent a letter signed by Superintendent Mary Grow to Hummel informing him that he was “prohibited from entering or remaining anywhere on East Irondequoit Central School District property or attending school district events from May 3, 2021 until June 30, 2021.

The ban period extended past the date of his son’s graduation ceremony, which he could not attend.

Last week he was acquitted of criminal trespassing charges after a four-hour bench trial before Judge Joseph J. Valentino, the Daily Wire reports.

Now that he has been cleared of all charges, he  plans to sue the school district.

In previous statements to the Daily Wire, Hummel had demanded a public apology from the school district and the resignations of several officials, including the superintendent. But it appears he’s changed his mind since being acquitted of the criminal charges.”

Go for it, Chad! Sue their ass off. All of them! Sue the superintendent; Sue the school district; and finally sue the Irondequoit Police Department for false arrest.

Hopefully this will be just the first in a series of stories about well deserved comeuppances.


A Trifecta ?

Our esteemed President has a a chance to do what has never been done before. It had been said that JB was inexperienced in foreign policy, but who could have predicted the potential for a trifecta? … three disastrous foreign policy decisions, and potentially all in the course of less than eight months.

Initially at the end of August there was the debacle of his Afghanistan withdrawal. What in God’s name was he thinking? Pulling out of Bagram Airfield-BAF also known as Bagram Air Base before the evacuation of civilians was a stroke of pure genius. Who could have possibly predicted that chaos would then ensue?! … Duh! just about anybody! Rumor has it that this same question was asked to a bunch of first graders, and all except little Karen correctly predicted catastrophe … although, for the sake of honesty, “catastrophe” was a word that only very few of them could come close to pronouncing correctly.

Next came JB’s muddled thinking on Ukraine. Starting close to the beginning of JB’s presidency, Putin had been amassing approximately 100,000 troops on Russia’s side of the Russia-Ukraine border. Who could have possibly predicted that Putin would choose to invade Ukraine and disaster would ensue? Think about it for a second! … Right … all but little Karen! 

Perhaps Sen John Kennedy (R,LA) pinpointed JB’s Ukraine policy most succinctly when he said on 3/16/22, “I think that sometimes, not always, but sometimes — particularly in this instance — President Biden has a wishbone where his backbone ought to be,” 

Now having scored a daily-double, how can JB achieve a trifecta? At this point even little Karen is considering that JB’s best chance is going to involve China and Taiwan. However, here I beg to differ, as I think that JB’s next bonehead decision will involve Iran. I agree with former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who warned the United States against entering into a new nuclear deal with Iran.

For background, the Biden administration joined negotiations last year to re-establish the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, also known as the “Iran nuclear deal,” after then-President Donald Trump withdrew the U.S. from the accord in 2018.

Two weeks ago, the State Department said a new deal was imminent. However, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has complicated the negotiation process, and now the deal could fall through. Russia has been a lead negotiator on the new deal. 

What could possibly go wrong with Russia being a lead negotiator? I wonder what Karen thinks!

Earlier this week, Iran fired missiles in the vicinity of the American consulate in Iraq. This was obviously a test to see how JB would respond. Thus far, no response. To me, his no response was a predictable response. It seems that he is on his way to the dreaded trifecta.


Stand Up To the Bully or Submit?

As most of you by now are aware, I am a big Stephen King fan. Right now I am just finishing ‘Salem’sLot, which is short for Jerusalem’s Lot, the small Maine town in which the story occurs. Early on in this King novel is a bit about the new kid in town, Mark Petrie, who is quickly faced with how to deal with the school bully, Richie Boddin. The bully has been at bullying for years. He is big and threatening, in contrast to Mark Petrie who is of slight frame and new to town. Without ruining the story, let’s just say that the new kid realizes that he is faced with a tough decision. He either has to kowtow to the bully or …

This morning I was reminded of this Mark Petrie-Richie Boddin encounter when I read a 3/13/22 article from the liberal newsletter, Politico. The title of the article is “Pentagon push to send more trainers to Ukraine was scrapped in December amid White House fears of provoking Russia”

From the Politico article:

“In December 2021, senior U.S. military officials told lawmakers that they wanted to send a “few hundred” additional special operations personnel to Ukraine to provide military advice and training on unconventional warfare. At the time, Russia had amassed roughly 100,000 troops on the border with Ukraine, and concerns were growing in Washington and Europe about a broadening invasion.

“Senior military officials told the Hill they wanted to train Ukrainians on unconventional warfare tactics. But the idea was stopped cold over the administration’s worries about escalation. A senior military official told House lawmakers that the White House was concerned that sending the troops would escalate the already tense situation with Russia. A third congressional official told POLITICO that a Pentagon official briefed the Senate Armed Services Committee that plans had been scrapped due to those concerns. The Biden administration hoped diplomacy might still work, and feared an influx of U.S. troops could scuttle those efforts.”

To be frank, ‘Salem’s Lot has a weird story line even for Stephen King. Nonetheless, Mark Petrie turns out to be a brave teenager with a backbone, whereas the featured guy in the Politico story … not so much!


Crack, Crack, Crack!

Months ago there was Bill Maher who has had some change in his overtly liberal thinking. Was this the initial sign that the liberal Main Stream Media’s dam had a crack in it? Now, let’s be clear, I do not watch his HBO show, and likewise I do not watch CNN nor was I familiar with Trevor Noah or the Daily Show. However, like Bill Maher, CNN’s Fareed Zaharia and Trevor Noah both spoke out.

First from BlazeMedia, CNN host Fareed Zakaria on 3/13/22 observed that under the leadership of President Joe Biden, the era of global American dominance is over. According to Zakaria, Russia’s war in Ukraine marks a new era of world history and in particular highlights evidence of America’s diminishing influence on the global stage.

To prove his thesis, Zakaria cited the the Wall StreetJournal report about Saudi Arabia and UAE refusing to take Biden’s calls, and Biden’s failure to lead a coalition of world powers against Russia.”

Another apparent crack in the liberal dam?

(FYI: Fared Zaharia’s CNN monologue from 3/13/22 is well worth watching on YouTube.)

Still from BlazeMedia:

“Comedian Trevor Noah, host of ‘The Daily Show,’ made a similar argument last week. In fact, Noah said Saudi Arabia and the UAE would not have snubbed Donald Trump as they allegedly did Biden.

‘That must have been really embarrassing for Biden. Can you imagine? He phones them and they don’t pick up?’ Noah said.

“Now, according to the White House, this story is totally untrue. They deny it, which I would, too. But either way, man, there is no denying that Saudi Arabia isn’t playing ball with Joe Biden,” Noah added. “And you know what? You can say what you want, but this would have never happened to Donald Trump. Never.”

Does that sound like another crack? 

Crack crack, crack !
