This morning I read two separate stories that indicated to me that school boards and school districts have autonomous powers that I never realized! I understand that certain rules and procedures are necessary in order for public schools to be able to fulfill what I thought was their purpose … to educate our children in the 3Rs. Nonetheless I never thought that they were beyond reproach or questioning concerning their seeming “my way or the highway” philosophy.
First from Townhall about Montgomery County, Virginia:
The girl’s lacrosse team at Blacksburg High School in Montgomery County, Virginia wanted to honor their coach, who had spent ten summers volunteering in Ukrainian orphanages.
T-shirts were designed and created – adorned with a simple, but profound message: “Pray for Peace.” These were warmup shirts to be worn before games.
Montgomery County Public Schools sent every team member an email ordering them to never again wear the shirts. … Ever.
“The Girls Lacrosse Team is no longer permitted to wear the Pray for Peace t-shirts at home or away events as warm up gear,” the email read. “The message conveyed by the shirts, although positive in nature and well meaning, can be interpreted as religious and political in nature.”
The school district said the shirts were too religious and too political. A double-whammy.
Parent Clare Levison said the girls offered to replace the word “pray” with the word “play.” However, that compromise was rejected.
The Roanoke Times reported that the school’s librarian was ordered to remove a display sign that featured books about Eastern Europe. The sign read, “Stand for peace.”
If “pray for peace,” “play for peace,” or “stand for peace” are not acceptable in Montgomery County, could it be “peace” that is really not acceptable. (It is rumored that an administrator at the Montgomery School District was overheard saying, “no ‘peace,’ under any circumstances!”)
OMG! Where do these power hungry imbeciles come from?
Read on and I think you will get an idea as to where they come from.
Nicole Solas is a parent in Rhode Island. She had the audacity to ask what her daughter would learn in kindergarten.
From Nicole Solas via Townhall:
“I’m just like any parent—when I enrolled my daughter in kindergarten, I wanted to know what she would learn. In response, our school district bullied, harassed, defamed, evaded, and stonewalled me. Then the teachers union sued me.”
Hmmm, the teacher’s union!
She goes on, “I called my principal in the South Kingstown School District in Rhode Island to ask if they teach concepts of Critical Race Theory or gender theory. That question and the events that followed changed my life.
“The principal said they don’t call children “boys” and “girls,” and teachers embed values of gender theory into classroom lessons.”
The story goes on from there, and the details can be read on Townhall.
Solas went on:
“Two months later, the Rhode Island branch of the National Education Association filed a frivolous lawsuit against me to silence me and send a message to other parents that they could be punished for asking questions too.”
(This sounds like eerily similar to our Attorney General’s (Merrick Garland) proclamation threatening parents who speak at School Board Meetings.)
OMG! Where do these power hungry imbeciles come from? How can merely wanting to know what your five-year old is going to be taught in kindergarten cause obviously defensive teachers, principals, and school districts to react with such venom?
Nicole Solas continued, “I hope that my story encourages more parents to ask questions about what their children are learning in public school. Remember that your taxes fund public school, and you are entitled to know exactly what you are paying for. I know the risk of retaliation is real—it happened to me—but our kids are worth the risk, and I’m still here fighting back. We have to show our kids how to stand up for themselves. If we don’t teach them that, who will?”