After looking today at the news items of the day, immediately the song, Naturally, by Selena Gomez came into my head:
“How you choose to express yourself
It’s all your own, and I can tell
It comes naturally, it comes naturally
You follow what you feel inside
It’s intuitive, you don’t have to try
It comes naturally, mm, it comes naturally
And it takes my breath away
What you do so naturally …”
The lyrics of this song seem to describe the actions and the inactions of the Biden administration as they seem to always be either on the “bozo-side” of issues, or they are totally unprepared for what is going to come. It’s almost like they do not have to try to take any rational person’s “breath away, it just occurs naturally.”
In today’s headlines two things immediately struck me as prime examples of this … and the Biden administration does it all naturally.
First, as everyone is painfully aware, gas prices are skyrocketing … so what is the intuitive thing to do? … Err … The Biden administration has canceled U.S. oil and gas production lease sales in Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico. Naturally! I defy anyone to tell me how this makes any sense, unless they are “following what they feel inside.”
The second story involves the nationwide shortage of baby formula. Let’s be clear, this should have been easily predicted, and a plan should have already been in place.
The background from Amber Athey, the Washington editor, The Spectator, and the host of the Unfit to Print podcast:
“There’s a massive shortage of baby formula. About 40% of the normal market for baby formula is basically nonexistent right now. And that’s due to a couple of reasons. Some of it is the leftover supply chain issues from the pandemic and the lockdown. But there was also a major recall of one of the largest domestic manufacturer’s products. They’re called Abbott. They’re based out of Michigan. And the FDA had this investigation a couple of months ago and pulled most of their product off the market. But oddly enough, Abbott says, you know, we fixed the issues with our formula and yet the FDA has not given us approval to start producing product again.”
For those of you who do not have young babies, this is a major issue! Obviously, The White House is right on top of this problem … err, no!
Clip of Correspondent: Who’s running point on the formula issue at the White House, you mentioned the White House is involved?
Clip of White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre: I mean, at the White House, I don’t know. I could find out for you and get you a person who’s running point. But I don’t have a good person.
Not exactly reassuring, is it? Naturally!
Does this mean that no one is in charge, or does it mean that no competent person is in charge?
As Selena Gomez sings:
“And it takes my breath away
What you do so naturally …”