
It is now a free and open border, but the threat of “-exit” might change all of that. For many years people have been commuting freely back and forth across the border. It is not uncommon for someone to live on one side and work on the other side, or for a business on one side to have customers and clientele on the other side. However with the threat of “-exit”, a real border would be a major problem. Would there now be checkpoints or delays? Would  passports would be required for the daily crossings back and forth? If you didn’t have a passport would you be able to get across the border or for that matter get back?

Would there need to be “family visitation visas” so that one could go and visit either parents or grandchildren just a few miles away, but now on the other side of the border?

Would ‘legal’ immigrants on one side try to make it across the border to the now ‘illegal’ side? Keep in mind that there are hundreds of miles of border, and  hundreds of roads to get from one side of the new border to the other side. Would a fence or a wall be necessary between the roads so that migration could be controlled?

By now you have probably figured out that the “-exit” I am talking about is not Calexit, but Brexit, and the two areas that I am referring to are not California and an adjacent state but rather Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
Sure a lot of the same issues could come to fruition if California chose to exit the USA, but that is just not going to happen.

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