Bradley Miller

As is my modus operandi on Sunday the following is about someone we can all admire. Lieutenant Colonel Bradley Miller is certainly such an individual. A true man of principle. Perhaps I should rightly refer to him as former Lieutenant Colonel Bradley Miller. What did Bradley Miller do to warrant his dismissal from the army after 19 years? Presumably, something horrendous. … Err, not really, as his egregious offense was refusing to get the Covid vaccine.

“I was a hard refusal, not because I do not have extreme religious objections to these injections. I do,” said Miller. “But in my mind, having a religious objection … would almost be to concede that the shots are safe or to concede that the shots are effective, neither of which I’m willing to concede.  So for me, it was not just a matter of the research or the development that went into the production of the shots. But I also just won’t concede that they’re safe or effective.”

From the Epoch Times:

“With the Biden administration’s vaccine mandates still in effect for U.S. military personnel, although evidence that the shots do not stop transmission and reports of adverse effects are mounting, many service members are making the decision to resign, giving up their livelihoods and retirement funds.

Many times in the past I have pointed out that there is often a fine line between courage and foolishness … for example, Evel Knievel. Can there also be a fine line between adherence to principle and foolishness? … e.g. in the case of Bradley Miller. From his picture Bradley Miller appears to be age forty or less. This means that his adherence to principle will most likely cost him at least 20 years of a deserved military pension in addition to other benefits.

Speaking during a Nov. 21 interview with NTD’s Capitol Report, former Lieutenant Colonel Bradley Miller said he chose to give up his material benefits to preserve his integrity.

“I gave up my command; I gave up my career; I gave up my retirement pension. But I still think I came out a winner because, after 19 years of service, I left the army with my integrity intact, and my oath to the Constitution unbroken,” Miller said.

Truly Bradley Miller is an individual that we can all admire, whereas I am not so sure that I can say the same for those who are still mandating a marginally effective, and at best a temporary Covid vaccine.


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