“Boooo, I . . . “

The other day I spoke to my brother who told me that sports no longer held any interest for him. He doesn’t read the sport’s page any longer, and he doesn’t watch sports on T.V. A lot of my friends are acting similarly. I wondered if this was a developing trend. Since there are polls these days on just about everything, I figured that there must be some sort of poll on this. . . . Correct-amundo, there is one.

The YouGov / Yahoo News poll shows that as “athletes and leagues embraced a new, progressive strategy aimed at amplifying messages of social justice and political advocacy, some Americans began watching more sports,” reported Jay Busbee of Yahoo Sports, “but about three times as many watched less:”

Of those who watch sports on TV, about 11 percent said they now watch more as a result of political and social messaging. However, 34.5 percent, more than one-third, said they are watching less. 

Is there a political makeup to this 34.5 percent? As a non-partisan observer, I would guess there is.

The decline in sports viewership was even more pronounced among Republicans, of whom 53 percent now watch less sports.

Perhaps most significantly, a higher percentage of political independents (38.6 percent) say they are watching less sports after the increase in social justice messaging than the percentage of the general public (34.5 percent). Obviously if Republicans and independents are watching less sports than the average, it must mean that Democrats are watching more. To me not a surprise . . . for a variety of reasons. (A topic for another day!)

Personally, I did not watch any pro-football for a year after the Kaepernick initiated disrespect for the flag took hold, and last year I watched only a handful. Boooo, NFL. I have not missed you!

Pro-basketball? Haven’t watched a single game since LeBron James thought it necessary to preach to me. Boooo, NBA! I have not missed you!

And now Major League Baseball has decided to advise me as to what I should think. Boooo, MLB. I will not miss you!

Without letting you know my political affiliation, I will not be watching the All Star Game or any other MLB game on TV this year. My prediction is that I will miss MLB about as much as I miss the NFL and the NBA . . . ZERO!

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