Blame Trump

The California News Group, publisher of the San Diego Union and the L.A. Times has apparently expanded its editorializing to the Business section. Last week it tried to convince its readers that a new record low unemployment rate (3.9%) was bad (see “Tales from Two Cities”, 5/8/18), and today, Don Lee (“Sanctions on Iran could be felt in U.S.”) claims that rising gas prices (since March) has something to do with Trump getting out of the Iran Nuclear Deal on 5/8/18. Blame Trump!
Oil is now priced at $76 per barrel (compared to about $50 per barrel a year ago). . . so blame Trump!
Venezuela’s oil production is in chaos and Saudi Arabia recently said that their goal was to have oil at $80 per barrel . . . so blame Trump!
Although in fairness, in the body of the article, it states, “As analysts see it today, there is as much chance that gas prices will go down from here as it is that they will go up.”
However, Mr. Lee apparently thinks that here in California, the safest thing to do is to blame Trump.
If you aren’t already use to this type of obviously slanted “reporting,” you better get used to it, as from now on the Main Stream Media will be blaming any economic fluctuation on Trump withdrawing from the Iran Nuclear Deal. What you won’t be reading is, “If Barack Obama had called this deal what it really was . . . a treaty, then President Trump would not have been able to pull out of it.” Back then there were many Democrats who did not think that this Iran deal was good for the U.S.A., and so B.O. knew that it would probably not pass in the Senate . . . ergo, he never called it a treaty, and thus never presented it to the Senate for confirmation.
As an aside we have a similar situation with D.A.C.A. If President Obama would have have presented this D.A.C.A. proclamation to the Senate Democratic majority and House Democratic majority back in 2009, we wouldn’t be in the present D.A.C.A. quagmire.
I predict that this Iran “deal” will not be the last non-legal Obama-dictum to be reversed by Trump. When this happens, the liberals will only get madder and this will rev-up the “blame Trump train!”

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