“Best of the Day!”

On most days I designate a received email as “Best of the day.” I try to be eclectic in choosing a “Best of the day,” but one thing for sure, if an email makes me laugh out loud, it is automatically designated as “Best of the day.”

This morning I am in a bit of a quandary as I laughed out loud … not after reading an email, but rather after reading a piece of news. 

Although I often smile at “news,” I cannot recall ever laughing out loud.

For example, on 9/20/21, when Peter Doocy of Fox News asked Jen Psaki, the White House Press Secretary the following question in reference to the border and the migration crisis, I smiled at her reply.

Doocy: “Where’s the vice president on any of this, isn’t she supposed to  be addressing the root causes of migration?”

Psaki: “Absolutely, and she has been addressing the root causes of              migration by working with countries in the region …”

When I read that absurd answer, I smiled. Psaki could have given an honest answer to Doocy’s question, but instead she tap-danced. (An honest answer from Psaki would have been something like, “Actually Peter, a lot of us around here have been asking the same question, and none of us know what she is doing on this issue or on many other issues.”)

Keeping in mind that part of Psaki’s job is to tap dance, and thus to avoid directly answering a question, here she did an adequate job.

However during that same press conference Doocy asked another question to Psaki:

Doocy: “I have a question about what’s going on at the border. Is somebody asking the foreign nationals who are walking into Del Rio, Texas and setting up camps on this side of the border for proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test?”

As Psaki stated to tap dance, Doocy continued:

Doocy: “That’s the policy for people who fly into the country. So if somebody walks into the country, right across the river, does somebody asked them to see their vaccination card?”

Psaki: “They’re not intending to stay here for a lengthy period of time. I don’t think it’s the same thing. It’s not the same thing.”

When I read this, I immediately started laughing. Not a smile. Not a polite giggle, but an out loud burst of laughter …  a guffaw that lasted for about ten seconds. Tears started to run down my cheeks. …the illegals are “not intending to stay here!!” OMG !!

Now there are two possibilities here:

  1. Psaki got confused as everyone knows that Europeans mainly come here to visit, whereas those coming up over our southern border are coming to stay. If Biden had made this faux-pas I would have just smiled, as J.B. is confused a lot.
  2. Psaki was not confused. Upon watching the video, I would say that she did not appear confused. She had ample opportunity to correct herself, but she did not. Therefore I am left with only one conclusion … “Psaki is prepping for her next career as a comedienne.”



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