At Least He Is Consistent

Robert Gates, who served as the secretary of defense under George W. Bush and Barack Obama, wrote in his 2014 memoir that Biden “has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” 

(To that some would respond, “Well, at least he is consistent.”)

Last year, Gates reiterated his concerns. “I think that the vice president had some issues with the military,” he declared on CBS’s Face the Nation.

(Okay, but his issues are at least consistent.)

The following is from The Atlantic, June 2020 article entitled “Biden’s Bad Foreign-Policy Idea” (FYI, not a conservative publication):

“Joe Biden has been wrong a lot on foreign and defense policy.”

(“A lot!” … well consistency should count for something.)

Still from The Atlantic:

“In the past he voted against the 1991 Gulf War, in which the United States and a broad multinational coalition quickly achieved their goals, and in favor of the 2003 Iraq War, and regretted both votes.” (Perhaps the fact that his regrets are consistent should count for something.)

“Years into hostilities, he opposed the troop surges that brought some stability to both Iraq and Afghanistan and even insisted that “the Taliban per se is not our enemy.” (Well at least he is consistent in his views of the Taliban.)

Still from the Atlantic:

“Biden argued for carving Iraq into sectarian statelets even as Iraqis voted for cross-sectarian political lists. And he opposed the raid that killed Osama bin Laden. These stances suggest not only that he lacks a philosophy of how to use military force effectively, but also that his instincts on when to use it are often faulty.” (Yes, but let’s be honest: the fact ‘that he lacks a philosophy of how to use the military effectively,’ is a consistent lack. Something positive should be said about consistency!)

On July 8, President Biden held a press conference in which he said: “There’s going to be no circumstances where you’re going to see people being lifted off the roof of a U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan.” (Oops! Wrong again, but nonetheless consistent as images have shown helicopters taking people from the roof of the U.S. embassy in Kabul.)

President Joe Biden reportedly “overruled” top United States military commanders when he authorized the full withdrawal of American forces from Afghanistan. The Wall Street Journal reiterated that in ordering the full withdrawal of U.S. military forces from Afghanistan, Biden was ignoring the advice of top military commanders, who suggested retaining a nominal force in Afghanistan to help maintain security.

In conclusion, whether or not you agree with or disagree with Mr. Biden’s past and now present multiple foreign policy faux pas, at least you have to admit that he is consistent. 

When giving a statement at a 8/16 press conference, President Biden said that ‘he stands by his decision.’  Well bully for you, Joe! Even when obviously woefully wrong, you stand by your decision. Again … consistency!

The main question now is how many innocents will die because of it.


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