Another “Unknown” Trump Rally

Did you know that President Trump held a rally in Iowa on 1/30/20? I learned about it by pure happenstance on 2/1/20. Neither news of this rally nor commentary about what the President said were reported in my local “news”-paper! Gee, I wonder why? Could it be that those on the left, including most of main-stream-media (MSM) in general, just do not report on Trump rallies. 

(Last week, he held a raucous rally in the “deep blue” state of New Jersey. People started camping out in front of the arena two days before the event. In an arena that held less than 8,000 people, there was an incredible demand for tickets with over 175,000 requests. I did not see a report on this rally in my local “news”-paper!)

I suppose that when he has a rally that turns out to be an dud, MSM will jump on it, but do not hold your breath waiting for a Trump rally to be under-attended or dull. So far all of the President’s rallies have been “sold-out,” SRO affairs, and the rally at Drake University’s Knapp Center in Des Moines, Iowa on 1/30 was no different. This arena seats 7,200 and it was filled capacity. In fact it was so full that dozens of the media were not allowed in by order of the Fire Marshall!

One of the reporters who did not gain entry to the event, despite arriving hours before it was to begin, was from the Washington Examiner. He then circulated through the crowd outside, and spoke to many who despite waiting in line for hours did not make the cut and were still outside. These hundreds, and perhaps a thousand, although tired and cold were still very enthusiastic, and they made for some interesting commentary.

Deborah Coburn, a Trump supporter, said, “I am way more for him in 2020.” She conceded, “Donald Trump can maybe be a bit crude and has been in what he says, but I actually appreciate that he’s not a typical politician. Crude talk,” she said, “has no bearing on whether somebody does or does not get things done.” The reporter was most impressed with statements that boiled down to that fact – President Trump had done what he had promised to do in 2016, before he was elected, “unlike most other politicians.” This sentiment came from 2016 Trump supporters, 2016 anti-Trump Republicans, and Democrats who had voted for Hillary in 2016. 

One previous Hillary 2016 voter said, “l decided to give Clinton a chance because of her experience. Then my mind was changed by how they attack [Trump] and how they belittle him in every decision he does. I have not seen this much smear in a president ever … I’ve never seen so much hatred towards a president.” 

Is this trend (a prior Hillary supporter in 2016 that will be voting for Trump in 2020) more common that the pollsters realize? I believe that it is . . . and this is one of the reasons that I forecast a decisive Trump victory in 2020!

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