And Finally Brexit, Thanks To Boris

I do not pretend to understand the British political system, but I do understand the somewhat now almost universal struggle between the elites, who think that they know what is best for he rest of us, and the common folk who have to live day to day with the policies that are pushed through by the “know-it-alls.”
Many years ago, pre-Brexit, we went on a Baltic cruise that originated in Southampton, England. Because it was relatively easy for Brits to get to Southampton (no air travel involved), 75% of the passengers were from Great Britain. Every night we shared a dinner table with random Brits from just about everywhere in the U.K, but predominately from non-London, England. The thing that impressed me the most from these random dinner conversations was how unhappy the English people were with the present state of their country. This feeling seemed to be pervasive, and so when the “surprise” results of the Brexit vote were tallied, I was not surprised!
That brings us to the present day and the overwhelming vote in favor of pro-Brexit Boris Johnson and the Torys. (Like I said before, I do not pretend to understand the British system of government, but I think that the Torys are akin to the present day U.S. Republicans, and Boris Johnson is somewhat like Donald Trump.)  

I have a friend, Ken, who lives just outside Liverpool, England and I dropped him an email, basically asking him about this recent election. Since his response was like a novel (too long to read in one sitting), what follows is akin to a Cliff Notes version, but in his own words: 

”YAAAAAY!!!!!  At long last the people have had the opportunity to say what they really feel and the Left Wing Extremist, AntiSemitic, Brexit Betraying – Labour Party has finally got the message that they have not been listening to the ordinary people who they were supposed to be representing!!!!
But, even  now, listening to them, these way off-centre lot are clinging to their policies suggesting that the only issue was Brexit. As soon as the exit poll results were revealed, the £ shot up against the $ and the euro. Business heaved a sigh of relief and share prices rose, the Jews were far happier, Israel found one more friend and people felt that someone was in power who understood them.
Labour got the 2nd referendum they belly-ached about – and how???!!!
The Illiberal anti-Democrats lost their leader (Which serves them right – They were the real offenders who were determined to completely override the 2017 referendum).

He continued on:

“God has delivered us and, in response to prayer all across our land, He has given us an unconventional leader just as He has given America a similar man. A liberator from Globalism. A man who loves his Country.”And later on in his epistle:“Yes, there is finally a sense of optimism in the land. Time after time people are saying, “I voted Labour all my life, as did my dad and grandad, but now I have voted Tory for the first time because Boris is listening to the people.” If he gets it right then Boris may have wiped out the Labour Party. It must be acknowledged that Nigel Farage started this liberation and I have a great deal of respect for him. I am encouraged by so mach that President Trump is doing and saying but there are many snakes who are out to get him. I believe that God’s hand rests on your President. He is chosen by God for these important days and the greatest thing that He has done was to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.”
I do not think that it is necessary to quote my friend, Ken, any further, as I am sure that you get the idea! I believe that he is a voice of the common man in England.

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