An Elite Tweet … Quick Delete!

From Candace Owens, a conservative well educated black woman: “She was in the process of KILLING another human being! You are a LOSER for defending this criminal. The police officer is a hero. He SAVED a black life.”

 What? What is Candace Owens talking about?? Who is she saying is a Loser? What is she responding to?

She is responding to a since deleted tweet that shows a picture of what appears to be a white police officer with the words “you’re next,” 

Of course everyone knows that the tweeter is suggesting that this police officer is guilty of murder. He is implying that no trial, not even a Minneapolis show trial, is needed. Certainly the tweeter must be an expert in police matters. He most certainly has a Masters or a PHD in Criminology.

What was this tweeter so p.o.-ed about that he would tweet, “you’re next” right next to the picture of a white policeman?

I looked into it:

The story is that a girl, who was black, was shot and killed by police on Tuesday afternoon in Columbus, Ohio. Video of the incident, according to Columbus police, shows that a police officer shot the girl as she attempted to stab another black girl.

Witnesses and neighbors saw the policeman as a hero (Daily Caller).

I would guess that the tweeter felt that he could express his opinion because he was right there on the scene in Columbus, Ohio. Maybe he had a different angle, and saw something that the video did not reveal? Err . . . No.

BLM protestors took to the streets of Columbus that night over the shooting . . . perhaps in response to this apparently well informed tweeter who certainly cannot be accused of race-baiting.

Why was this tweet quickly taken down? 

Was Twitter trying to protect the tweeter? 

When I read about this , I asked myself, “Why would Twitter want to protect him?

Could it be because the tweeter is black?

Could it be because the tweeter is a multi-millionaire?

Could it be because the tweeter is a very liberal professional athlete?

Could it be because the tweeter is an elitist who lives on the coast?

Could it be because the tweeter with a mere high school diploma thinks that he is an expert in everything?

Could it be because the tweeter has made a fool of himself in the past?

Most likely the answer to all of the above questions is . . . “Yes!”

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