Aiding & Abetting

Gustavo Perez Arriaga was arrested by Kern County Sheriff’s Deputies on 12/28/18 after authorities learned he was in a residence in the Lamont Area of Kern County. He was arrested because he was a suspect in the murder of Corporal Ronil Singh. The focus in this particular piece is neither that Arriaga was in the country illegally and had previous arrests, nor that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials confirmed that they had no prior encounters with the man, but rather that seven people across the state were subsequently arrested for helping the suspect avoid police (aiding & abetting). These seven people accused of helping Arriaga avoid capture have been since federally indicted.

This arresting and the subsequent indicting of these seven innocent people is racist!  It is racist because all seven are Hispanic. It is racist because all seven are from Mexico, and furthermore it is racist because the high likelihood is that all seven are themselves illegal. Why is the government harassing these seven individuals when in effect they were merely attempting to provide sanctuary for their friend, coworker, or brother. Why should these seven be in trouble when they were in reality basically doing the same thing that the State of California’s lawmakers have mandated . . . “do not tell authorities when someone who is in your custody is a potential bad hombre.” Senior Arriaga was “in the custody” of his friends in Kern County, and they were only trying to follow the California sanctuary state law! The state law signed in 2017 prohibits local law enforcement from notifying federal immigration agents about a detained immigrant’s information if the person is not accused of a serious crime. Since when is running from the police a serious crime? If state lawmakers can make it illegal for certain law-enforcement to contact I.C.E., how can it be illegal to help a friend, a coworker, or a brother?

If the authorities can go after some friend who is providing sanctuary, why can’t the victims of a crime committed by an illegal go after those who have, in effect, mandated sanctuary for that illegal? Republicans in Congress are now looking at this issue: Two  are proposing that American citizens whose families have been victimized by illegal aliens can sue the city that shielded them from deportation, i.e. the city that aided & abetted the illegal criminal. An American citizen whose family, or themselves, have been victimized by a violent crime perpetrated by an illegal could sue the state or the city that failed to enforce an ICE detainer, and thus aided & abetted. Violent crime is defined as rape, murder, and any additional statute as defined by the state. North Carolina Sen. Thom Tillis and Rep. Ted Budd (R-NC) have introduced the legislation, which President Trump has supported. I support this type of legislation, and I suspect that many in this country will also be supportive of this legislation.

Of course many of the Democrats in Washington will take the opposite view, and will suggest that such legislation is racist. Good! If the the Democrats in the U.S. Congress do not want to hold accountable those who are advocating looking the other way and thus aiding & abetting, when fellow Americans are being injured or killed because of the sanctuary policies, let them vote as such. Let their local constituents know which side of this supposedly “racist” fence they come down on. Some Democrats in the House are going to have a lot of ‘splainin’ to do if they side with Pelosi and the Squad on this one.

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