A Stepford President ?

As I was reading a recent piece by Victor Davis Hanson my mind drifted to the 1975 movie, The Stepford Wives, which was based a 1972 satirical novel by Ira Levin. FYI, The Stepford Wives concerns Joanna Eberhart, a talented photographer, wife and young mother who suspects the submissive housewives in her new idyllic Connecticut neighborhood may be robots created by their husbands.

Hanson’s piece on Rip McIntosh’s “Rip’s Newsletter” is titled “American Greatness,” and it starts out,

“If an administration deliberately wished:

-to case havoc on the border,

-to ensure that fuel was nearly unaffordable,

-to create a crime wave,

-to spark 1970s hyperinflation,


-to rekindle racial tensions

what would it have done differently than what Joe Biden has done?”

Think about that for a second. Whereas every rational American would agree that all of the above are bad for our country and it’s citizens, the question that pops into my mind is whether J.B. has been acting all along to intentionally cause all of this chaos. Could it possibly be that instead of a semi-senile old man occupying the Oval Office, we have a Stepford President?

Theoretically, if an enemy of the U.S. wanted to institute the advent of dramatic changes in the U.S., would it not be wise to do it from within?Could there be a better way than to do it from within the Oval Office itself via a Stepford President?

Think a bit more about the possibility of having a robot like person in charge. First, obviously, there could be no physical exam or health status update of a Stepford President, since the presence of any small controlling implanted microchip might be discovered. Many times in the past after watching J.B walk, I have asked myself, “what does his gait reminds me of?” As his knees do not seem to bend naturally, Parkinson’s Disease has crossed my mind, but then again … how does a robot walk?

When J.B. said, “they do not want me answering any questions,” who exactly is “they?” Who could be doing the actual controlling?

In the Stepford Wives, who did the actual controlling of the robot-like women? Was it the husbands ? Since I do not plan on ruining it for you, I guess you will just have to rewatch that movie.


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