A Road Rally – What’s That ?

I just read an article by Byron York about a tri-state road rally. I had heard of Trump boat rallies, in fact, we attended a Trump boat rally here in San Diego. But, Road Rallies? Where? I hadn’t read anything in my local “newspaper” about Road Rallies, so I googled it. Apparently there are quite a number of these rallies. To me more important than the fact that they are occurring, is the fact that they are demonstrative of ENTHUSIASM for Trump in places where it matters.

The tri-state rally that Byron York was referring to went from St. Clairsville, Ohio, to Wheeling, West Virginia, to Washington, Pennsylvania — in the heart of oil and gas country. Many, many of the participants had either direct or indirect connections to the energy industry. (The most concise statement on that came from a man from Greene County, Pennsylvania, who said, “Yes, I am connected to the energy industry, because I’ve got electricity and gas in my house.” That was a short way of saying how important the industry is to all of us.)

Spurred on by reading about this tri-state road rally, I googled that subject, and I was surprised by what I found. What follows are a few examples of things I did not know existed.

On October 17th, 2020, over 7,000+ vehicles and 12,000 roadside patriots in the PA 1st Congressional District came out to support the re-election of President Donald J. Trump. The rally wound from Newtown to Doylestown and back covering over 40 miles over 4 hours.

Similarly on 10/25/20 more than 600 trucks, cars and motorcycles with President Donald Trump flags and signs filled Walmart’s parking lot in Wilkes-Barre Twp. and paraded to Luzerne County Republican Party headquarters in Kingston.

Lynette Villano, the former Republican chairwoman of Luzerne County, said she was thrilled with the huge turnout on Sunday.

“I thought 2016 was something. This is 100 times more enthusiastic,” Villano said. “I’ve never seen anything like this in my life.”

Likewise from the Washington Examiner:

A Philadelphia suburb saw thousands of cars decked out in President Trump flags gathered for a road rally over the weekend.

“We’re fighting for America. We’re fighting for the soul of America … even those people that hate us … we’re fighting for them,” rally organizer and Pennsylvania’s First District People4Trump Political Action Committee’s Jim Worthington said.

“Hey, this could be a long day,” Worthington added. “But if it gets us 100 extra votes, 1,000 extra votes, five extra votes … 44,000 votes made the difference last time. Who the hell knows if this doesn’t make the difference this time.”

But this is not just in Pennsylvania.

From the AP:

When a flotilla of pontoon and fishing boats decked out with “Trump 2020” flags cruised past him this summer, Dale Fullenkamp got an idea.

“I figured I don’t have a boat, but I do have a tractor,” he said.

Soon he was leading nearly 300 combines and tractors pulling hay wagons and manure spreaders through the western Ohio village of Fort Recovery, one of many parades nationwide organized by a swell of grassroots supporters for President Donald Trump.

These Trump parades — whether by boat, pickup truck or tractor — have become a show of strength for the president’s supporters and a way to make themselves visible in a year when the coronavirus pandemic has upended traditional campaigning and put a stop to huge arena rallies and picnic fundraisers.

Thousands of cars, minivans and motorcycles on Saturday jammed the interstate circling Cincinnati and many more road rallies were held around the U.S. Another dozen are on tap for the campaign’s final week in Ohio alone.

As these road rallies are indicative of grass roots support, they are encouraging for those who want “four more years!”

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