A Rising Tide

Last week I saw something that I had not seen much of in many years. I saw multiple “Help Wanted” signs. I saw them at McDonald’s, Einstein’s Bagels, and at CVS. Was this apparent plethora of job openings just a coincidence or did it indicate something of more significance? I assume that you have heard the phrase “A rising tide lifts all boats,” and I think that is what is happening here. Most of these job openings and Help Wanted signs are aimed at teenagers, as the 12 month average unemployment rate for teens In March was 13.9%, the lowest year-round average since 2001 and about half that in 2010. Why?
Well in my opinion because the nation’s unemployment rate is at record low levels, those over-qualified individuals who had worked at McDonald’s, Einstein’s, and CVS have now moved up to better jobs – jobs that they were always qualified for, but now the jobs are there, whereas these jobs weren’t there before. This low teen unemployment rate extends across all races. The jobless rates for white teens is the lowest since 2001, and the jobless rates for both Hispanic and black teens are about half of what they were in 2010. Many of my friends described the various jobs they had while growing up, and just about all agree that this teenage job experience better prepared them for the real world.
What I have detailed so far are facts, most of which have come from a recent Wall Street Journal article about teen employment, but the question remains, “Why?” Well to me the answer is pretty obvious. The reason that the tide is rising is because of the economic policies of Donald Trump.
Sure the politicians, especially the Democrats, will argue that this is a fluke, a coincidence, and not related to the policies of our present president, but the sons and daughters of these big time politicians don’t need the jobs at McDonald’s, Einstein’s, or CVS because daddy owns the yacht club!

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