A Rhetorical Question II

In my initial foray into this topic I somewhat rhetorically asked if those in positions of authority have an obligation to admit when they have been wrong. Here I am not referring to minor errors in judgement which all of us are prone to make. If one is asked “how long will XYZ last,” and that someone’s answer is way off … “no me importa.” However, if that individual in authority is supposed to be an expert then I think that he/she is possibly not really much of an expert, and should apologize for the miscue … for example Secretary of the Treasury of the U.S., Janet Yellen and her previous “inflation” prediction. She did have the chutzpah to later admit that she had been wrong. Now granted by the time she issued her pseudo-apology, everyone and all of their brothers and sisters were well aware of the pain of the inflation that she had missed. From my perspective even if she had correctly predicted inflation, it would not have changed the inevitability of inflation, and the consequent pain that inflation carries with it.

Now on the other hand we have Joe Biden who has made multiple errors in judgement. His errors have not been of the “no me importa” type, but have had serious consequences. Here I am not talking of his malaprops, but am referring to some of his inane policies.  For instance,I have not heard him refer to the military personnel that were killed during his calamitous exit from Afghanistan, and likewise have not heard him apologize to their families. Does he have a moral obligation to admit that he screwed up … perhaps a rhetorical question.

In terms of gas prices why does he continue to insist that the rising prices are all Putin’s fault, when it is painfully obvious that gas prices were rising long before Russia invaded Ukraine. These high gas prices are causing mucho pain to many, especially those among us who are at the lower end of the economic spectrum. Either he is totally clueless about the pain that his energy policies are causing, or he doesn’t care. Nonetheless, his response is inert and listless. Does he have a moral obligation to admit that he screwed up … perhaps a rhetorical question, although it shouldn’t be.

Finally his immigration policy fiasco. Those fifty or so illegal immigrants that perished inside the semi outside San Antonio are directly his responsibility. So are those others who have perished while trying to enter the U.S. illegally. Likewise the surge in deaths due to Fentanyl are largely due to his border non-policies and all the drugs that are being smuggled across the southern border. Is he not aware of this issue, or doesn’t he care? Either way all of the adverse consequences of his lackadaisical border stance are directly on him. Does he have a moral obligation to admit the he screwed up? … no longer anything rhetorical about it! Yes, he does have a moral obligation, but no worries as he does not have the fortitude to do what is right.


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