A Quid Pro Quo Gone Bad

Just when I thought that I had seen the worst of the audacious behavior by liberals during the Senate hearings on the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, something new has just topped that on the disgusting scale! A caller threatened to rape one of Senator Collins’ young female staffers, if the senator voted “yes” on Kavanaugh’s confirmation! This is the lowest of scum. This sort of threat should never be tolerated and should be aggressively investigated, pursued, and prosecuted.

Also a website is attempting to persuade Senator Collins (R, Maine) to vote “no” on the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh. Actually “persuade” is a much too kind a way to describe this chicanery, as the effort by this crowdfunding website is an out-and-out attempt at bribery. As described in the Wall Street Journal the website is threatening to give more than one million dollars ($1,041,878 collected so far by credit cards) to her opponent in the 2020 Senate election if she votes “yes”, for Judge Kavanaugh’s appointment to the Supreme Court.

Clearly this threat is a quid pro quo, and appears to me to be illegal.
Should this website be prosecuted? Should all of those who have contributed to this “bribing of a member of Congress” be prosecuted or fined at least the amount of their contribution? Of course, any sort of prosecution would discourage this type of behavior, but do we want to discourage this type of behavior by the leftists?
A silly rhetorical question? Perhaps!
But wait, let’s consider the real life implications of this monetary quid-pro-quo threat against Senator Collins.
The way I look at it, ironically, Sen. Collins is now actually forced to vote for Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation! If she were to vote against his confirmation, it could only be viewed as a capitulation by her to these bullies. This would be the general opinion no matter what she said afterwards, irrespective of how she really felt.
In addition, if Sen. Collins were to vote “no” on the Judge Kavanaugh issue, there would be far reaching consequences as other nut-jobs would attempt the same thing again, either with Sen. Collins or with other politicians. Who could possibly want their name associated with this potential future nightmare?
So in conclusion she is now caught in a trap that can only have the opposite effect from that which was hoped for by the website when they instigated this threat.
My prediction here is easy. Unless there is some dramatic relegation concerning Kavanaugh, she will vote “yes” on his confirmation. And yes you can take this to the bank!

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