A Nielsen Family

Now is the time that I wish we were a Nielsen family . . . again!

Many years ago we were a designated Nielsen family for a couple of years. For those of you not familiar with Nielsen, it is a national T.V. ratings service which gauges viewership of T.V. programs by putting their equipment into random families’ homes to monitor and subsequently report which T.V. shows are being watched and by how many people. It had been said in the past that each monitored home represented 15,000 homes in the Nielsen survey.

Why do I wish that now we were a Nielsen family again?  Because now am protesting the anti-American shenanigans that are occurring during the National Anthem before many of the NFL games this season. I personally protested this past weekend by not watching any of the multiple NFL games that were on Sunday morning and afternoon, Sunday night, Monday night, and Thursday night.


Although I have not read the stats on the viewership of the NFL games this past weekend, my hope is that the viewership will be down. Of course the NFL will turn a blind eye to this decreased viewership as they did last year when the viewership was down significantly. They will do nothing and blame the decreased interest in their product on Hurricane Irma, instead of looking inward at those “protesters” on the field.

Some teams apparently have condoned their actions, in essence saying, “It’s okay to sit down or raise your fist during the National Anthem; don’t worry we will just look the other way”?

The teams on which these anti-American malcontents play on are as follows

Seattle Seahawks

Green Bay Packers

Los Angeles Rams

San Francisco 49ers

Oakland Raiders

Philadelphia Eagles


Kansas City Chiefs.


As alluded to above, my protest is of no actual practical consequence since we are not now a Nielsen family, and the major networks do not care about my individual protest!

If anyone knows anyone who is a Nielson family, please beseech them to tuneout  NFL football so that the networks and the NFL both get the message.



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