A New Low

When I heard about Evan Low’s (D, Silicon Valley) bill in the California legislature to lower the voting age in California to 17, I wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry.

Initially I laughed as this is such a blatant attempt to increase the Democratic voter base in California, that it was amusing. I figured that next, a Democratic add-on to this voting bill would include a tax free status to all seventeen year olds. [Recently a proposed tax free Democratic boondoggle for California teachers (really for the teacher’s unions) flopped when news came out that teachers were in fact not in short supply, as advertised, but rather were being laid off in California.] Of course for the seventeen year olds, offering them tax free status ( in exchange for them voting Democratic) would not be very persuasive as the vast vast majority do not pay any taxes.

However, on thinking further about this ludicrous proposal, I started to cry because some of the Democratic loonies in Sacramento are probably serious about this, and the first step in order to change the State constitution is a 2/3 vote in the Legislature, where the Democrats have a 2/3 majority. Possibly, a better approach to counteract this insanity, might be to add to it. Why not lower the voting age to 16. After all what’s the big difference between 17 and 16, and if these prospective Democrats are old enough to drive, why shouldn’t they be able to vote? An then why not 15, then 14, etc., as the 14 year olds probably know as much as the 17 year olds when it comes to evaluating the candidates – which in fact is not much! Unfortunately the Democratic Legislature might actually go along with this nonsense, as they are not well known for using anything above their shoulders except for their mouths.

Seriously, I get nauseated when I think that the vote of a new clueless snowflake could cancel out my vote. Perhaps we could have the potential 17 year old voter first pass a civics test in order to prove that he/she deserved to be able to vote, but we all know that the Democrats would consider any “means testing” prejudicial.

I guess that our only real hope to prevent this change in the California constitution is that the second part of the approval process is a vote by the people who have to have much more common sense than the Democratic Legislature.

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