A Hero

What is the definition of a hero?

According to Dictionary.com: a hero is a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities.

I think that James Craig is a hero. 

“Who is James Craig,” you might ask.

James Craig is the Chief of Police in Detroit. He was recently interviewed on the Tucker Carlson Show because Detroit has distinguished itself. It is a big city run by Democrats that has avoided the chaos and the turmoil of “lawful” protests evolving into “riots.” When he was asked why this is, his answer basically involved the following three things:

First, he said, “We don’t retreat here in Detroit. We’re just not gonna do it. You saw the images … of streets where there was lawlessness, looting, burning. No sign of police officers. We weren’t giving up ground to the radicals. We just didn’t do it.” (This in contrast to Seattle where CHAZ was allowed to take over city blocks. This in contrast to New York City where damage, destruction, and looting were widespread and monumental.)

Second, Chief Craig mentioned the support that the police get from the mayor.

“So when you talk about what’s different here, we have a city that has stood together and oh, by the way, I know there’s a lot of conversation about the mayors in some of these big cities. Our mayor stands with this police chief, stands with this police department [and] we are not going to tolerate this uptick in violence. That’s key.” (This in contrast to Chicago and New York where the mayors seem to relish insulting and talking down to police in their city.)

Third,the people that live in Detroit apparently are not afraid to speak out against the thugs that are the ones encouraging violence.

In apparent contrast to Portland, Craig told Carlson, citizens of Detroit are “fed up with these radical protests.”

“I’m not to talking about these peaceful protests … [I mean] these misguided radicals that have tried to incite violence in our city,” the chief said. “They said, ‘We’re not going to put up with it.’ (This in contrast to those that live in Portland and Seattle who seem to be afraid to speak against those that are intent on destroying their cities.)

James Craig then summarized, “We’ve got a couple of things. We got a great police department, great leadership, but we have a community that stands with us and said, ‘enough is enough.'”

You can view his interview on YouTube . . . it’s worth watching to see what an actual hero looks like.

Of course the radical activist group, “Detroit Will Breathe” is calling for James Craig to resign. After watching him on TV, my guess is that he will resist and not fold . . . as that’s what a hero would do.

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