A Hack !

Back in March, 2020 I wrote something about Chuck Schumer, but did not publish it, as it didn’t make the interest cut. Chucky was a hack then, and the clown has not changed his stripes.

Here, in quotes, is what I wrote back then:

“However the most laughable critic of Mr. Trump’s foreign policy is Chucky Schumer (D,NY), who appears to jump in front of any camera to predictably criticize the president. This despite the fact that he has never done anything other than politics since his graduation from Harvard Law School in 1974. He never even practiced law. He has never conducted any foreign policy. He has never sat across a negotiating table, other than one with other politicians. But none of this stops him from opening his mouth opposing our president any time he can.

President Trump is aggressive. President Trump is confident. President Trump is a gambler. Whereas in my opinion, Senator Schumer is worse than a plain old hack as he is a hack with a big mouth!”

Back in that same month, Chucky said a truly despicable thing – basically threatening a Supreme Court Justices. Proving again what a hack he is.

From the Epoch Times:

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said in March 2020 that Kavanaugh and Justice Neil Gorsuch, both Trump appointees, “have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions,” Schumer added, speaking to a crowd outside the Supreme Court building in Washington.

Now in 2022 the Senate’s top Democrat is under pressure to retract his remarks promising Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh would “pay the price” after an armed man, Nicholas John Roske, was arrested near Kavanaugh’s home with a gun and a knife.

Of course, Chucky Schumer did not address the arrest of Roske on the Senate floor on Wednesday or Thursday, nor has he issued a statement about the threat … but then again what should anybody expect from a hack!



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