A Full Court Press

In basketball some teams use a full court press to surprise an opponent and to turn an apparent advantage of the other side into an advantage for their own side. Although not always 100% effective, it often shifts the momentum of the basketball game, especially for a team with a good coach. 

Coach Trump is running for re-election in 2020, and he realizes how important the African American vote is in his quest to be a two term president. He is presently using his version of a full court press. He started it with a first quarter Super Bowl ad featuring Alice Mari Johnson, a black woman who had served 22 years of a life sentence for a nonviolent drug offense. The plight of Ms. Brown was brought to the attention of President Trump, and a week after he  learned of her situation, he commuted her sentence. Trump’s 30-second ad features Ms. Johnson discussing her clemency, saying she’s “free to start over” because of the president.

“Thanks to President Trump, people like Alice are getting a second chance,” the ad says. “Politicians talk about criminal justice reform. President Trump got it done. Thousands of families are being reunited.”

Of course, the libs didn’t like Trump’s ad. . . .  “Good start, Mr. President.”

During his State of the Union speech, the President called attention to and lauded multiple African Americans. For sure this was no accident. It was just a part of his full court press. 

He welcomed five black guests in the first lady’s box. One was 100 year old Charles McGee, one of the last surviving Tuskegee Airmen, and his great grandson, Iain Lamphier, who is intent on being involved in space. Earlier in the day the President had promoted Mr. McGee to brigadier general. . . . “Nice strategy, Mr. President.” 

Mr. Trump also showcased Tony Rankins, a black Army veteran from Cincinnati. This former drug addict was now off drugs and working in an “opportunity zone,” a tax incentive to encourage investors to put money into very poor neighborhoods.

“This is the first time that these deserving communities have seen anything like this,” Mr. Trump said. “It is all working!”  

The libs are going ballistic, so this strategy must be working.

And finally from the New York Times: 

“As he spoke, Mr. Trump also awarded a so-called opportunity scholarship to Janiyah Davis, the daughter of a black single mother who, the president said, “would do anything to give her daughter a better future.” The mention of the scholarships — designed to allow low-income families to send their children to a private school of their choice — was meant to bolster the administration’s efforts to promote school choice, an issue popular with minority voters. Mr. Trump used the opportunity to plug the Education Freedom Scholarships and Opportunity Act.”

“Keep pressing, coach!”

One only knows if the full court press worked by looking at the final score at the end of the basketball game. Likewise, only after the 2020 election will we know if the Trump full court press was helpful in electing coach Trump to a second term.

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