A Frightening Mask Story

Today another mask story . . . A truly frightening mask story. 

Maggie Williams — competing in an 800-meter run last week for Summit High School in Bend, Oregon — collapsed at the finish line.

Now she did not just collapse because of exhaustion, but rather she was unresponsive according to witnesses. Her coach Dave Turnbull said Williams, with her mask on, suffered “complete oxygen debt,” the Oregonian reported, adding that she was unresponsive after her fall.

“I’ve been doing this for 31 years, I’ve never seen anybody basically lose consciousness,” Turnbull told the paper. “I’ve never seen that in the way it happened with Maggie.”

Maybe she was out of shape and shouldn’t have been running in the first place. Err . . .  No.

“She just ran a 2:11 in Arizona without a mask on,” Turnbull told the station in regard to Williams. “Three seconds faster from my experience isn’t going to cause a kid to hit the track. When you’re in a mask, it certainly does.”

But this dangerous insanity is not restricted to Oregon.

Earlier this month, a New Hampshire track coach said he was fired after refusing to make his athletes wear face masks during competitions as recommended by the state athletic association.

Bradley Keyes called the mask requirement “senseless, irrational, cowardice bulls**t” in a letter to Pembroke Academy’s athletic director.

The Mayo Clinic indicated that the highest-risk activities for spreading COVID-19 involve unmasked people in close contact for long periods of time, the Bulletin noted.

Note to all of you “mask zealots,” track meets are outdoors, there is minuscule close contact, and races do not last for long periods of time! Hmmm!

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