A Dichotomy . . . “Scary!”

Let’s assume that two individuals say somewhat similar things. Let’s further assume that while individual A is visited by the police, individual B is for all intents and purposes either ignored or patted on the back. What would be a reasonable word to describe this difference? “Enigma?” “Conundrum?” “Dichotomy?” The word that I would use . . . “Scary!” 

If and when this were to start to happen, it would indeed be scary, as the implication is that someone or something has decided to make arbitrary decisions as to what is and what isn’t okay. These days in this political climate we now have Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc making decisions on what is and what isn’t acceptable. As best I can tell there is no hard and fast criteria by which some of their decisions are made . . . even when they specify that XYZ was censored because of ABC. In these situations most often ABC is gobbledegook, and basically those in charge do not like XYZ. An argument can be made that because Twitter, Facebook, and Google are private companies, they can do pretty much what they wish. Again . . . “Scary!”

But what happens when a private company is not involved? What would be an appropriate word to describe seemingly divergent responses if the ABC proclaimer is the government?

To me that word is . . . “SCARY!”

On one hand Maxine Waters can travel across state lines to seemingly incite violence. The congresswoman told protestors “we’ve got to get more confrontational. We’ve got to make sure they know that we mean business” (RedState).  Some believe her comments led to the gunshots fired at a National Guardsman in Minnesota (Fox News). What is the response of those in charge to theses obviously incendiary comments? . . . At this point – Nothing!

On the other hand, a podcaster out of California, who goes by the name “Human Rights Watch Watcher” on Twitter, posted the following on April 7, 2021:

“@AOC did a livestream with Michael Miller, the head of the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York. She was asked about ‘peace between Israelis and Palestinians.’

Her response was incredibly underwhelming, to say the very least.”

(I watched AOC give her “answer” to the question, and I think that calling it, “underwhelming to say the very least” was actually quite charitable.)

He put that tweet up on April 7th, and here was a tweet he posted on April 8th, less than 24 hours than the first one:

“I’m really shaken up right now. I was just visited by two plainclothes police officers from California Highway Patrol at my home. They said they came here on behalf of the Capitol Police and accused me of threatening @AOC on Twitter yesterday.”

Notice the dichotomy of the response by “the government” toward what Maxine Waters said and did compared to what some schmo said on Twitter out in California . . .  “SCARY!”

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